군자출판사 추천도서
  • 2022 간호사 국가시험 파워 파... 심정은, 김묘연, 최성희, 장효열, 류정림, 김향하, 박선영 50,000 47,500won
  • 정신건강간호학 개정판 Norman L. Keltner, Debbie Steele 60,000 57,000won
  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판 서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀) 38,000 36,100won
  • 간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에... Kogawa Rikimaru(코가와 리키마루) 20,000 19,000won
  • 간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에... Kogawa Rikimaru(코가와 리키마루) 20,000 19,000won
간호학643의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Nursing2020 Drug Handbook, 40e



    70,000 63,000won

  • HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination, 6e



    90,000 81,000won

  • Evidence-Based Practice of Critical Care, 3/e

    Clifford S. Deutschman MS MD FCCM

    130,000 117,000won

    Approach any critical care challenge using a practical, consistent strategy based on best practices with Evidence-Based Practice of Critical Care, 3rd Edition. Unique, question-based chapters cover the wide variety of clinical options in critical care, examine the relevant research, and provide recommendations based on a thorough analysis of available evidence. Drs. Clifford S. Deutschman and Patrick J. Nelligan, along with nearly 200 critical-care experts, provide a comprehensive framework for translating evidence into practice, helping both residents and practitioners obtain the best possible outcomes for critically ill patients.

  • Trauma Nursing: From Resuscitation Through Rehabilitation, 5/e


    169,000 152,100won

    rauma framework, Trauma Nursing: From Resuscitation Through Rehabilitation, 5th Edition features coverage of cutting-edge research findings and current issues, trends, and controversies in trauma nursing. The thoroughly updated fifth edition guides you through all phases of care - from preventive care and the time of injury to the resuscitative, operative, critical, intermediate, and rehabilitative stages. Plus, new chapters address unique trauma patient populations including pregnant women, children, the elderly, bariatric individuals, burned patients, those with a history of substance abuse and organ donors. With timely discussions on emerging topics such as mass casualty events and rural trauma, this is the most complete resource available for both students and experienced trauma nurses.

  • Study Guide for Maternity & Women`s Health Care, 12/e

    Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk RNC PhD FAAN

    51,000 45,900won

    Corresponding to the chapters in the 12th edition of Lowdermilk's market-leading Maternity & Women's Health Care, this study guide offers a complete review of content and a wide range of activities to help you understand key nursing concepts and apply your knowledge. It includes critical thinking exercises, multiple-choice and matching questions, and more; answers are included in the back of the book.

  • Sheehy`s Emergency Nursing: Principles and Practice, 7/e

    Emergency Nurses Association

    155,000 139,500won

    ritten by emergency nurses for emergency nurses, Sheehy's Emergency Nursing: Principles and Practice, 7th Edition covers the issues and procedures unique to the emergency department. This comprehensive, evidence-based resource is written by the Emergency Nurses Association and includes developments and changes in clinical practice that are incorporated throughout the text. Considered the go-to guide for issues and procedures unique to the emergency department, the user-friendly format features more than 150 high-quality illustrations and tables that highlight essential concepts and offer quick access to vital information. New to this edition is updated key coverage including clinical fundamentals, treatment for trauma and medical-surgical emergencies, the foundations of emergency nursing practice, special populations, and more!

  • Maternity and Women`s Health Care, 12/e

    Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk RNC PhD FAAN

    166,000 149,400won

  • Brown and Mulholland’s Drug Calculations: Process and Problems for Clinical Practice, 11/e

    Ann Tritak

    125,000 112,500won

    Trust this market leading ratio and proportion text ! Drug Calculations: Ratio and Proportion Problems for Clinical Practice, 11th Edition is known for its realistic practice problems and unique "proof" step in the answer key that lets you double-check your answers to avoid medication errors. Two new authors, Ann Tritak, EdD, RN and Margaret Daingerfield, bring a fresh perspective and years of expertise to the 11th edition of this text. The book continues to promote critical and logical thinking, and patient safety with respect to accurate drug dosages through the inclusion of QSEN competencies recommendations. Additionally, worksheets, assessment tests, Clinical Relevance boxes, and Clinical Alerts call attention to situations in actual practice that have resulted in drug errors – providing you with extensive hands-on practice for the NCLEX® and beyond.

  • Basic Geriatric Nursing, 7/e

    Patricia A. Williams RN MSN CCRN

    70,000 63,000won

    Prepare for a successful career in caring for geriatric populations! Williams’ Basic Geriatric Nursing, 7th edition is an easy-to-read text which presents the theories and concepts of aging along with appropriate nursing interventions. This comprehensive book helps you understand the unique physiologic and psychosocial changes that affect the elderly adult. Threaded throughout this new edition are practical QSEN boxes and Nurse Alert features, which highlight safety, cultural considerations, health promotion, coordinated care, and home care specific to elderly patients. In addition, an online Study Guide, NCLEX®-PN review questions, and real-world clinical situation boxes help you to study for exams and apply concepts to practice.

  • Anatomy and Physiology for Midwives, 4/e

    Jane Coad BSc PhD PGCEA

    61,000 54,900won

    This is a new edition of a highly popular textbook which presents the fascinating field of reproductive anatomy and physiology in a style which is ideal for those who are new to the subject. Now with a significantly upgraded artwork program – which is also available as a downloadable image bank – this helpful volume builds up from the founding principles of human structure and function through to conception, embryological and fetal development and growth, the maternal responses to the growing fetus, parturition and the transition to neonatal life. This book will be suitable for all students of midwifery, as well as qualified midwives ‘returning to practice’ or undertaking post-graduate study.

  • 간호진단


    30,000 28,500won

    다양한 환경에서 간호사와 간호 학생들이 간호 행위를 수행하는데 있어서 과학적인 접근 방법으로 간호과정을 적용하는 것은 필수적이다. 이 과정에서 간호진단은 자료를 분석하고 문제를 확인하여 전문직 간호사들의 의사소통을 향상시킴으로서 간호의 질을 향상시킬 수 있다. 간호진단은 간호사와 대상자 모두에게 도움이 되는 것으로 간호 실무의 독자적인 영역을 명확하게 하고, 간호진단을 기반으로 한 대상자의 개별 간호를 제공할 수 있다. 본서에서 사용한 간호진단은 대한간호협회에서 NANDA의 간호진단명을 우리말로 표준화한 목록을 기준으로, 2018-2020 NANDA 간호진단을 참고하여 구성하였다. 1장에서는 간호진단에 대한 전체적인 내용을 제시하였고, 2장에서는 NANDA에서 제시한 간호진단명을 정의와 특성, 관련요인, 연관조건, 위험요인, 위험대상자 등을 중심으로 수록하였으며, 3장에서는 의학적 진단명이나 임상 상황에 따라 가능한 간호진단을 중심으로 기술하였다.

  • Manual of Critical Care Nursing: Nursing Interventions and Collaborative Management, 7e


    Baird RN MN, Marianne Saunorus

    114,000 108,000won

  • Study Guide for Wong`s Nursing Care of Infants and Children, 11e

    Hockenberry PhD RN-CS PNP FAAN, Marilyn J., Wilson MS RN C(INC), David, McCampbell MSN APRN BC, Linda

    56,000 50,400won

  • Lippincott Q&A Review for NCLEX-RN, 13/e

    Billings EdD RN FAAN, Diane

    85,000 76,500won

    LIPPINCOTT’S Q&A REVIEW FOR NCLEX-RN, 13E is designed to help pre-licensure nursing students prepare to take the licensing examination. Students and faculty also use the book is as a study guide and practice tests for preparing for faculty-made examinations. Because the questions found in the book are also available in PassPoint , the products used together act as an ongoing assessment tool to monitor progress throughout the nursing curriculum.

  • 신비한 몸속백과

    니시모토 오사무(Osamu Nishimoto)

    15,000 14,250won

    「신비한 몸 속 백과」는 어렵게 느껴질 법한 인체상식을 일러스트와 만화를 소재로 하여 쉽고 재미있게 풀어냈다. 높은 접근성 덕분에 인체에 관심이 많을 어린이와 청소년, 나아가 의학지식이 부족한 성인에게까지 관련 의학지식 전달에 효과적이다. 또한 단순히 인체상식을 전달함에 그치지 않고, 의학진보에 공헌한 과학자들의 이야기, 인체와 비교한 다양한 생물들의 구조 등, 관련정보를 폭넓게 다루며 의학사와 생물학에 대한 전반적인 이해도를 함께 증진시킨다. 「신비한 몸 속 백과」는 인체에 관심은 많으나 해당 정보에 쉽게 접근하기 어려운 사람들에게 훌륭한 입문도서가 되리라 사료된다.

  • Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia - E-Book: A Question and Answer Approach

    Michael Kost

    117,000 105,000won

    Introducing the definitive resource designed for practitioners working in the rapidly expanding area of moderate procedural sedation and analgesia clinical practice. Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia: A Question and Answer Approach focuses on the preprocedural, procedural, and postprocedural care of the moderately sedated patient in a variety of settings. This comprehensive text is designed to provide all the content and tools nurses and other clinicians need to demonstrate competency in moderate sedation and analgesia. Additionally, this user-friendly text is written by well-known sedation/analgesia expert, Michael Kost and recommended by standards of practice from the ANA, AORN, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  • Mosby`s Drug Guide for Nursing Students with 2020 Update, 13/e

    Skidmore-Roth RN MSN NP, Linda

    57,000 51,000won

  • Mosby`s 2020 Nursing Drug Reference (SKIDMORE NURSING DRUG REFERENCE), 33/e

    Skidmore-Roth RN MSN NP, Linda

    58,000 52,000won

    Put the most trusted name in nursing in your hands. Mosby’s 2020 Nursing Drug Reference is a full-color portable nursing drug handbook that makes it easy to find the most vital information on the drugs that nurses administer most frequently. More than 5,000 drugs are profiled in the text and on the free app ― including 20-30 new entries for drugs and drug therapies recently approved by the FDA. Plus, no other drug guide places a higher emphasis on patient safety, with Black Box Warnings for dangerous adverse reactions, Safety Alerts for situations requiring special attention, and a focus on both common and life-threatening side effects of 50 common drug classes. This 33rd edition proves once again why Mosby’s is the bestselling drug reference for nurses on the market!

  • A Nurse`s Survival Guide to Children`s Nursing - Updated Edition

    Edwards EdD SFHEA NTF MSc PGCEA DipN(Lon) RN, Sharon L.

    49,000 44,000won

    Are you working as a children’s nurse or doing a placement on a children’s ward? Are you studying to become a great professional involved in nursing children and young people? This user friendly, easy to carry textbook is a practical and evidence-based guide which provides those in the early stages of their careers with clinical information and insights.