군자출판사 추천도서
  • 2022 간호사 국가시험 파워 파... 심정은, 김묘연, 최성희, 장효열, 류정림, 김향하, 박선영 50,000 47,500won
  • 정신건강간호학 개정판 Norman L. Keltner, Debbie Steele 60,000 57,000won
  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판 서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀) 38,000 36,100won
  • 간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에... Kogawa Rikimaru(코가와 리키마루) 20,000 19,000won
  • 간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에... Kogawa Rikimaru(코가와 리키마루) 20,000 19,000won
간호학643의 상품이 있습니다.
  • 처음 만나는 정신과

    카스가 타케히코(春日武彦)

    20,000 19,000won

    “이런 건 아무도 알려주지 않았어!” 본서는 저자가 정신과 의사가 된 후 경험했던 수많은 사례(케이스)들을 바탕으로 정신과에 처음 입문하였거나 사례를 마주함에 어려움을 겪는 정신건강 관련 종사자들에게 전하는 담담하고 깊은 조언집이다. 정형화되거나 화려한 대처 방법을 알려주기보다 환자들을 진심으로 대하며 동시에 종사자 자신의 정신건강도 챙길 수 있는 ‘적절한’ 해결책을 제시하고, 정신건강 관련 종사자들이 지녀야 할 기초지식과 기본 태도를 되새기며 업무에 임할 수 있도록 반복하여 제시한다. 이러한 <처음 만나는 정신과>를 통하여 정신건강 관련 종사자와 환자에 대한 이해를 높이고, 더욱 효과적인 커뮤니케이션과 치료를 시행함에 도움이 될 것으로 예상된다.

  • 간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에서 가장 유쾌한 인공호흡관리

    Kogawa Rikimaru(코가와 리키마루)

    20,000 19,000won

    인공호흡관리에 대하여 체계적으로 배우지 못 하는 현 상황을 위하여 인공호흡관리의 기초부터 탄탄히 잡아줄 [간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에서 가장 유쾌한 인공호흡관리]가 출간되었다. 본서는 인공호흡관리에 대하여 알기 쉽고 재미있게, 그러면서도 인공호흡관리의 중요한 요소를 포괄한 내용으로 구성되어 있다. 제목의 ‘유쾌한’과 걸맞게, 의료계에 종사하는 세 명의 캐릭터(전문의, 수련의, 간호사)가 대화하는 대화체로 구성하여 인공호흡관리에 대해 ‘유쾌하게’ 알아갈 수 있게끔 하였으며, 이로 인해 캐릭터와 같은 직종을 가지고 있는 사람들의 공감을 이끌어내고 인공호흡관리에 대한 개념과 적용의 이해도를 높였다. 더불어 짧은 만화와 일러스트들로 자칫 무거워질 수 있는 인공호흡관리에 부담 없이 다가갈 수 있도록 하였다. [간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에서 가장 유쾌한 인공호흡관리]는 의료계에 갓 입문한 종사자들, 오랜 경력을 가졌지만 ‘인공호흡관리’에 대하여 추상적으로만 알고 있는 사람들에게 친구처럼 친절하지만 밀도 높은 설명들로 인공호흡관리에 대하여 확실하게 알아갈 수 있게끔 도와줄 것으로 기대된다.

  • 간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에서 가장 간단한 혈액가스

    Kogawa Rikimaru(코가와 리키마루)

    20,000 19,000won

    임상에서 혈액가스를 잘 사용할 수 있는 방법과 요령을 간단한 방법으로 알아보는 [간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에서 가장 간단한 혈액가스]가 출간되었다. 본서는 어려운 분야로 느낄 수 있는 혈액가스를 세 명의 간호사, 수련의, 전문의 캐릭터의 대화로 쉽게 알아갈 수 있도록 구성하였고, 다양한 일러스트와 도식으로 혈액가스에 대한 이해도를 한층 더 높여주었다. 또한, 임상에서 꼭 필요한 개념 또는 실제 상황에서의 대처 등을 알려주는 column이 삽입되어 혈액가스의 기초와 어려운 개념뿐만 아니라 실제 임상 적용과 관련해서도 다양하게 배울 수 있게끔 구성하였다. [간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에서 가장 간단한 혈액가스]는 혈액가스가 부담스럽다고 느끼거나, 혈액가스를 임상에서 적용하는 데 어려움을 느끼던 간호사 및 수련의에게 많은 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.

  • 2022 간호사 국가시험 파워 파이널 모의고사(국가고시 대비)

    심정은, 김묘연, 최성희, 장효열, 류정림, 김향하, 박선영

    50,000 47,500won

    2022년도 간호사 국가시험 대비를 위하여, 10주만에 간호학의 핵심 포인트를 한 번에 정리할 수 있는 <2022 간호사 국가시험 파워 파이널 10주 완성>이 출간되었다. 본서는 기출문제를 중심으로 지문을 구성하고, 다빈도 출제 문제를 바탕으로 다양한 핵심문제를 발췌하였다. 또한 각 전공의 전문가인 저자들이 형식·사례 중심 문제를 다양하게 출제함으로써 실전연습을 통한 최고의 성적을 예상할 수 있도록 하였다. <2022 간호사 국가시험 파워 파이널 10주 완성_문제>는 본인의 실력을 진단할 수 있는 진단편, 다년간의 기출 동형 문제를 파악하고 풀이할 수 있는 공략편, 기출과 동일한 난이도로 출제되어 실전 감각을 익힐 수 있는 실전편, 총 세 가지 파트로 구성되어 있다. 이와 함께 <2022 간호사 국가시험 파워 파이널 10주 완성_정답 및 해설>에는 실제 임상에 관련된 팁을 제공하는 ‘코멘트’, 심화 및 보강 설명이 담긴 ‘POWER 특강’, 다양한 도식과 일러스트, 그리고 임상사진이 삽입되어 있어 문제 풀이 후 실력을 더욱 단단히 보강할 수 있도록 구성하였다. 본서 <2022 간호사 국가시험 파워 파이널 10주 완성>은 시험 대비부터 실력 보강까지 체계적으로 잡아주어, 시험을 대비하는 많은 사람들을 합격까지 이끌어 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

  • Illustrated Study Guide for the NCLEX-PN® Exam, 9/e

    JoAnn Zerwekh MSN EdD RN

    60,000 54,000won

    Who says studying has to be boring? The Illustrated Study Guide for the NCLEX-PN® Exam, 9th Edition uses colorful drawings and mnemonic cartoons to bring difficult concepts to life and help you recall the content you need to know to excel on the NCLEX-PN examination. Written in a concise and visually appealing outline format, this book makes learning and studying easier and more fun. The companion Evolve website includes more than 2,000 NCLEX exam-style review questions, including alternate item and Next Generation NCLEX® formats, and allows you to personalize your study by creating practice exams, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and reviewing answers and rationales.

  • Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN® Examination, 8/e

    Linda Anne Silvestri PhD RN FAAN

    71,000 63,000won

    Get the best review for the NCLEX-PN® exam from the leading NCLEX® experts! Written by Linda Anne Silvestri and Angela E. Silvestri, Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN® Examination, 8th Edition provides everything you need to prepare for success on the NCLEX-PN. The book includes a review of all nursing content areas, more than 4,500 NCLEX exam-style questions, detailed rationales, test-taking tips and strategies, and new Next-Generation NCLEX (NGN)-style questions. An Evolve website simulates the exam-taking experience with a choice of practice questions along with realistic practice tests. Based on Silvestri’s proven Pyramid to Success, this complete review is a perennial favorite of students preparing for the NCLEX.

  • Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment, 5/e

    Linda A. LaCharity PhD RN

    56,000 50,000won

    Prepare for the Next-Generation NCLEX-RN® Exam (NGN) and gain the clinical judgment skills you need to manage patient care safely and effectively! Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 5th Edition is the first and the most popular NCLEX-RN Exam review book focused exclusively on building management-of-care clinical judgment skills. What’s more, this bestselling review is now enhanced for the NGN with new NGN-style questions! Beginning with concepts relating to prioritization, delegation, and assignment decisions, the workbook guides you through patient care scenarios and exercises progressing from simple to complex. All of the book’s questions are provided in an interactive online format on the Evolve website in tests that simulate the latest NCLEX-RN Exam. Written by a team of noted educators led by Linda A. LaCharity, this review prepares you for success on the NGN and in clinical practice like no other!

  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판

    서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀)

    38,000 36,100won

    서울아산병원 영양집중지원팀(이하 NST)은 2012년 ‘AMC 중환자영양치료’ 초판이 발행된 이후 두 번째 개정으로, 제3개정판에서는 영양지원에 관심이 있거나 영양관련 업무를 하시는 선생님들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 내용들을 중심으로 최신 지견들을 추가하였습니다. 가장 크게 변화된 부분은 질환별 영양치료 부분을 강화하여, 저체온요법 중인 환자와 말기환자를 위한 영양지원 내용이 추가되었다는 것입니다. 서울아산병원에서 사용 중인 영양지원 관련 프로토콜들을 모아 정리하였으니 이번 개정판을 통해 여러 선생님들께 도움이 되리라 생각합니다.

  • Critical Care Nursing, 9e

    Linda D. Urden, DNSc, RN, CNS, NE-BC, FAAN, Kathleen M. Stacy, PhD, RN, CNS, CCRN, PCCN, CCNS and Mary E. Lough, PhD, RN, CCRN, CNRN, CCNS, FCCM

    159,000 143,000won

  • Examination of the Newborn and Neonatal Health, 2/e

    Lorna Davies

    57,000 52,000won

    An essential guide to this most important of examinations The first book to assist in the recognition of the psychosocial and emotional elements of physical disability that may impact on the family Provides a multi-professional perspective, with contributors from specialists in their fields Each chapter addresses the subject from a holistic perspective that includes ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects as well as the physical

  • Tabbner`s Nursing Care: Theory and Practice, 8/e

    Gabrielle Koutoukidis

    181,000 163,000won

    Written by Gabby Koutoukidis and Kate Stainton, Tabbner's Nursing Care: Theory and Practice 8th edition provides students with the knowledge and skills they will require to ensure safe, quality care across a range of healthcare settings. Updated to reflect the current context and scope of practice for Enrolled Nurses in Australia and New Zealand, the text focuses on the delivery of person-centred care, critical thinking, quality clinical decision making and application of skills. Now in an easy to handle 2 Volume set the textbook is supported by a skills workbook and online resources to provide students with the information and tools to become competent, confident Enrolled Nurses.

  • Wong`s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 11/e

    Marilyn J. Hockenberry

    154,000 139,000won

    Developmental approach clearly identifies developmental tasks and influences at each stage of a child's growth. Emphasis on wellness features health promotion chapters for each developmental stage of childhood. Critical thinking case studies with answers are found throughout the text. NCLEX®-style review questions are integrated throughout the text with answers at the end of chapters. Quality patient outcomes are highlighted within nursing management discussions for major diseases and disorders. Drug alerts draw attention to potential safety issues, reflecting QSEN safety initiative. Family focus includes a separate family chapter as well as family content and Family-Centered Care boxes integrated throughout the text. Community Focus boxes provide resources and guidance on caring for children outside the clinical setting. Evidence-Based Practice boxes focus attention on the application of research and critical thought processes to support and guide the outcomes of nursing care.

  • Success in Practical/Vocational Nursing: From Student to Leader, 9/e

    Patricia Knecht PhD MSN RN ANEF

    76,000 69,000won

    Collaborative Care boxes introduce you to management tools and leadership activities. Critical Thinking boxes provide critical thinking and problem-solving opportunities throughout the chapter to enhance your understanding. Try This! boxes cover activities related to topics discussed in the text that can be utilized in simulation or role-play scenarios in class. Professional Pointers boxes give advice on nursing best practices in the professional arena during and after nursing school. Chapter on community resources covers tools and resources that you can find within your community to help you with learning, personal, and family needs that could interfere with success in school. Storytelling narratives at the beginning of each chapter use true stories to enhance your learning and demonstrate the relevancy of key topics. Test-taking and interview preparation tips focus on preparing you to take the NCLEX-PN Examination and provide information on applications, interviews, and the job search - including electronic resumes. Get Ready for the NCLEX-PN® Examination section at the end of the text contains key points, critical thinking scenarios, additional learning resources, and review questions for the NCLEX-PN Examination - including alternate format items in every chapter. Full-color design and visuals makes this text visually appealing and easy to read. Numbered objectives open each chapter and provide a framework for content.

  • Foundations of Mental Health Care, 7/e

    Michelle Morrison-Valfre RN BSN MHS FNP

    81,000 73,000won

    DSM-5 criteria are used in the descriptions of all mental health disorders. Sample client care plans show how members of the health care team work collaboratively to meet client needs. Case studies provide realistic client situations that illustrate chapter concepts and strengthen critical thinking. Critical Thinking boxes contain thought-provoking client issues and questions, helping students develop skills in clinical reasoning. Drug Alert boxes identify the risks and possible adverse reactions of psychotherapeutic medications. Cultural Consideration boxes highlight cultural issues and address the mental health needs of culturally diverse clients. Get Ready for the NCLEX® feature includes NCLEX-PN review questions, preparing students for success on classroom and licensure exams. Study Guide on the Evolve companion website reinforces student understanding of important concepts from the text. Included free with textbook purchase. Build a broad fundamental knowledge of mental health concepts and disorders! Foundations of Mental Health Care, 7th Edition uses an easy-to-read, multi-disciplinary approach to describe the treatment of clients with mental health disorders. Ideal for nurses and other caregivers, this guide provides in-depth coverage of issues and principles, therapeutic skills, mental health problems throughout the lifecycle, and specific psychological and psychosocial conditions. This edition is updated with the latest information on violence, suicide, substance abuse, and more. Written by expert educator Michelle Morrison-Valfre, this resource enables you to provide effective therapy to clients with a wide range of maladaptive behaviors.

  • Contexts of Nursing: An Introduction, 6/e


    66,000 60,000won

    Contexts of Nursing, 6th edition by John Daly and Debra Jackson introduces undergraduate nursing students in Australia and New Zealand to the theory, knowledge language and scholarship of professional nursing practice. Written by leading academics at the forefront of nursing education and research, the 6th edition features a range of stories and voices that will challenge the reader and encourage reflection and discussion. Each chapter introduces key topics within the contexts of nursing including critical thinking, reflective practice, informatics, legal and ethical requirements, leadership and the evolving roles of nursing.


    DNP Perpetua, Elizabeth M.

    376,000 338,400won

  • Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 4/e

    Susan Ricci

    197,000 177,300won

    Focus your course on essential concepts and establish the basis for the sound nursing care of women and children with Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, Fourth Edition. The latest edition of this trusted text has been designed with your curriculum in mind, helping you maximize your class time and establish the knowledge base and critical thinking skills students need to ensure safe, effective maternity and pediatric care and guide women and children toward higher levels of wellness throughout the life cycle. A nursing process approach provides relevant information in a concise, straightforward manner, streamlining coverage of a broad scope of maternity topics and clearly distinguishing the differences between the care of adults and children. Emphasizing commonly encountered clinical challenges in maternity and pediatric care, this practical text builds students’ ability to anticipate, identify and address problems and provide timely, evidence-based interventions to reduce long-term sequelae. The updated Fourth Edition readies students for the realities of practice with unfolding case studies and patient stories that hone students’ clinical judgment and challenge them to apply concepts to real-world scenarios they’ll encounter throughout their nursing careers.

  • Awhonn`s Perinatal Nursing, 5/e

    Kathleen Rice Simpson PhD Rnc Faan (Author), Patricia A Creehan Msn Rnc

    116,000 104,400won

  • Timby`s Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts, 12/e

    Loretta A Donnelly-Moreno

    122,000 109,800won

  • Lippincott Certification Review: Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

    Dr. Elizabeth Wirth-Tomaszewski DNP CCRN CRNP ACNP-BC

    103,000 92,700won

    This invaluable review text offers board-style Q&A for every area covered by AGACNP exams, so that you can handle both exam-taking and real-life patient care with knowledge and self-assurance. Written by expert adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioners, it is tailor-made for AGACNP certification preparation—the ideal practice run for mastering the components of the AGACNP board exams.