군자출판사 추천도서
  • 임상진료지침 5판 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 40,000 38,000won
  • [세트] 유진홍교수 이야기감염... 유진홍 100,000 90,000won
  • 삼성내과매뉴얼 8판 성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 내과 40,000 38,000won
  • 파워내과 10판 1-4권 set 및 부록 신규성 185,000 175,750won
  • 서울아산병원 내과매뉴얼 5판 서울아산병원 내과학교실 40,000 38,000won
내과945의 상품이 있습니다.
  • 문제중심 임상소화기학


    40,000 38,000won

    제가 내과 전문의를 취득한 것이 2002년이므로 올해 20주년이 되는 해입니다. 평범한 봉직의로 진료에 매진해 왔다고 생각합니다. 20주년을 기념하여 진료하고 있는 흔한 소화기질환들을 정리하면서 제 진료행태를 돌아보고, 소화기학에 입문하는 의대생이나 본격적으로 진료를 시작하는 전공의와 전임의 후배들에게 도움이 될까 하여 책으로 내게 되었습니다. 의과대학에서 배워야 할 소화기학은 내용이 실로 방대합니다. 해리슨 교과서는 한 문장, 한 문장이 주옥같아 임상경험이 어느 정도 쌓인 후 다시 읽어보면 감동으로 다가오기도 합니다. 그러나 짧은 학부과정에 천천히 읽을 만한 물리적 시간이 부족한 것이 현실입니다. 그래서 해리슨 교과서 내용을 한글로 요약하고 제가 경험한 임상증례들을 소개하는 방식으로 정리하였습니다. 우리나라에 드문 질환들은 과감히 제외하거나 간략히 하고, 해리슨에 짧게 소개되었으나 흔히 접하는 질환들은 참고문헌과 함께 추가하였습니다. 소화기 분야에 많은 진단과 치료 도구들이 있는데 CT와 내시경이 많이 사용되고 있습니다.

  • 간암 조영초음파 검사

    이주호, 이현웅, 정영걸, 김문영

    36,000 34,200won

    2019년 분당차병원에서 간이식센터 책임을 맡으면서, 일본 소화기학회 임상펠로우 과정으로 오사카 킨다이 대학병원에 단기 연수를 다녀오게 되었습니다. 평소 안면이 있었던 킨다이대학 의과대학교 마사토시 쿠도(Masatoshi Kudo) 주임 교수님께 처음 연수를 부탁드릴 때, 짧은 기간에 뭔가 실용적인 것을 배우고 가면 좋겠다고 하시면서 ‘조영증강 복부초음파’ 술기 연수를 권해주셨습니다. 쿠도 교수님은 일본에서 처음 소나조이드(Sonazoid) 조영제 복부초음파 기술을 개발하고 보급시킨분으로, 2014년 일본 간암 학회 가이드라인을 제정하면서 간암 진단 영상 검사에 ‘조영증강 복부초음파’를 최초로 포함시키셨습니다. 마침 2022년 새로 개정된 대한간암학회 ‘간세포암종 진료가이드라인’에도 ‘쿠퍼세포 특이조영제(Sonazoid) 조영증강 초음파’가 진단검사에 포함되게 되었습니다.

  • 필수 임상 호흡기학[23 대한민국학술원 우수학술도서]


    50,000 47,500won

    “필수 임상 호흡기학”은 보다 더 확실한 환자 병증의 이해를 위해 호흡기 질환을 해설하는 교과서입니다. 다양한 사례의 임상 사진을 예로 들기에 호흡기내과 질환을 배우고자 하는 이라면 누구라도 해당 증상을 수월히 이해할 수 있습니다. 막연히 외우기만 했던 용어들을 본 교과서를 통해 정확히 짚을 수 있도록 본문을 가독성 있게 배치한 것은 물론, 보기 편하게 그려져 삽입된 일러스트와 본문의 설명을 보충하는 표들 또한 적절한 위치에 삽입하였습니다. 호흡기·폐 질환을 전공으로 하는 모든 선생님들께서, 이 책을 읽어 실제 진료 현장에서 도움이 되었다 느낄 수 있길 바랍니다.

  • 유진홍 교수의 감염강의 42강


    80,000 76,000won

    2020년 벽두부터 우리나라를 비롯하여 전 세계를 강타한 코로나 19 온 누리 돌림병은 건강도 건강이지만 아예 우리 삶이 돌아가는 양상 자체를 바꿔 놓았 습니다. 아직 변변한 백신이나 치료제가 없던 당시였으니, 거리두기와 각자도생이 최선이었지요. 의과대학 교수 생활의 패턴도 바뀌었습니다. 예를 들어 학생 강의. 난생 처음 비대면 수업이라는 걸 하게 되어 파워포인트 강의록을 만들며 매 슬라이드마다 녹음을 입히느라 허공(정확하게는 마이크)에 대고 떠들어야 했 습니다. 말이 쉽지, 학생은 아무도 없고 그저 모니터만 바라보며 최소 2시간을 떠든다는 게 그리 녹록하지 않은 노릇이고, 어딘지 모르게 허전함을 느꼈습니다. 사실 의대 교수하는 건 강의하는 맛도 있어서 하는 겁니다.

  • 전공의를 위한 간장학매뉴얼


    20,000 19,000won

  • Handbook of Dialysis Therapy, 6e

    Allen R. Nissenson MD (Editor), Richard N. Fine MD (Editor), Rajnish Mehrotra MD MS (Editor), Joshua Zaritsky MD PhD

    180,000 165,000won

  • Endocrine Self-Assessment Program Questions, Answers, Discussions (ESAP 2021)

    Lisa R Tannock

    539,000 528,000won

    Endocrine Self-Assessment Program (ESAP), Reference Edition 2021 is a self-study resource for physicians and health professionals wanting a self-assessment and broad review of endocrinology. It consists of approximately 120 multiple-choice questions in the areas of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism. Correct answers for each question are extensively discussed, with references provided, and the volume also contains a comprehensive syllabus. CME, MOC, online module not included. Updated annually.

  • Endocrine Self-Assessment Program Questions, Answers, Discussions (ESAP 2021)

    Lisa R Tannock

    490,000 480,000won

    Endocrine Self-Assessment Program (ESAP), Reference Edition 2021 is a self-study resource for physicians and health professionals wanting a self-assessment and broad review of endocrinology. It consists of 120 multiple-choice questions in endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism, with discussion of correct answers, a comprehensive syllabus, and references. CME, MOC, online module not included. Updated annually.

  • Pediatric ESAP 2021-2022 Pediatric Endocrine Self-Assessment Program Questions, Answers, Discussions

    Liuska M Pesce

    420,000 411,000won

    Pediatric Endocrine Self-Assessment Program (Pediatric ESAP) Reference Edition 2021-2022 is a self-study resource designed for endocrinologists seeking initial certification or recertification in pediatric endocrinology, program directors interested in a training instrument, and clinicians and health professionals seeking a self-assessment and broad review of pediatric endocrinology. Pediatric ESAP consists of approximately 100 multiple-choice questions in all areas of pediatric endocrinology, diabetes, growth, and metabolism, with discussion of correct answers, plus references. CME, MOC, online module not included. Updated in alternate years.

  • Pediatric ESAP 2021-2022 Pediatric Endocrine Self-Assessment Program Questions, Answers, Discussions

    Liuska M Pesce

    371,000 363,000won

    Pediatric Endocrine Self-Assessment Program (Pediatric ESAP) Reference Edition 2021-2022 is a self-study resource designed for endocrinologists seeking initial certification or recertification in pediatric endocrinology, program directors interested in a training instrument, and clinicians and health professionals seeking a self-assessment and broad review of pediatric endocrinology. Pediatric ESAP consists of approximately 100 multiple-choice questions in all areas of pediatric endocrinology, diabetes, growth, and metabolism, with discussion of correct answers, plus references. CME, MOC, online module not included. Updated in alternate years.

  • Pediatric2021 Endocrine Case Management: Meet the Professor

    Bulent O Yildiz

    153,000 149,000won

    2021 Endocrine Case Management: Meet the Professor (MTP) Reference Edition is a healthcare professional''s source for the latest updates in the diagnosis and management of a wide range of endocrine disorders. This valuable resource allows healthcare professionals to evaluate their endocrine knowledge and gain insight into the strategies used by clinical experts. CME, MOC, online module not included. Updated annually. Features include: - Significance of the Clinical Problem - Key Learning Objectives - Strategies for Diagnosis and Management - Clinical Pearls and Pertinent References - Cases and Questions

  • 2021 Endocrine Case Management: Meet the Professor

    Bulent O Yildiz

    139,000 135,000won

    2021 Endocrine Case Management: Meet the Professor (MTP) Reference Edition is a healthcare professional''''s source for the latest updates in the diagnosis and management of a wide range of endocrine disorders. This valuable resource allows healthcare professionals to evaluate their endocrine knowledge and gain insight into the strategies used by clinical experts. CME, MOC, online module not included. Updated annually. Features include: - Significance of the Clinical Problem - Key Learning Objectives - Strategies for Diagnosis and Management - Clinical Pearls and Pertinent References - Cases and Questions

  • CPT Coding Essentials Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery 2022

    American Medical Association

    259,000 253,000won

    Optimized for medical necessity and reimbursement understanding, this all-in-one resource focuses on the most important CPT® and ICD-10-CM codes and their associated relative value units (RVUs) for cardiology and vascular surgery, plus medicine and ancillary services codes chosen by experts who have taken into consideration utilization, denial risk and complexity. CPT® Coding Essentials optimizes both CPT® and ICD-10 code selection with helpful CPT®-to-ICD crosswalks and detailed explanations of anatomy, physiology, and documentation. Other than the AMA CPT® Professional Edition codebook, this is the only book in the market with verbatim CPT® Editorial Panel–approved guidelines and parenthetical information specific to cardiology and vascular surgery.

  • CPT Express Reference Coding Card 2022: Cardiology

    American Medical Association

    35,000 34,000won

    Each double-sided, laminated CPT(R) 2022 Express Reference coding card is designed to facilitate quick, yet accurate CPT coding by including hundreds of the most reported CPT codes per medical specialty. These easy-to-use reference cards allow healthcare professionals and practice staff to easily locate a desired code, which can then be referenced in the CPT codebook. A separate Modifiers card lists all CPT and HCPCS Level II modifiers for use with CPT codes.

  • CPT Express Reference Coding Card 2022: General/Internal Medicine

    American Medical Association

    35,000 34,000won

    Each double-sided, laminated CPT(R) 2022 Express Reference coding card is designed to facilitate quick, yet accurate CPT coding by including hundreds of the most reported CPT codes per medical specialty. These easy-to-use reference cards allow healthcare professionals and practice staff to easily locate a desired code, which can then be referenced in the CPT codebook. A separate Modifiers card lists all CPT and HCPCS Level II modifiers for use with CPT codes.

  • CPT Express Reference Coding Card 2022: Radiology

    American Medical Association

    35,000 34,000won

    Each double-sided, laminated CPT(R) 2022 Express Reference coding card is designed to facilitate quick, yet accurate CPT coding by including hundreds of the most reported CPT codes per medical specialty. These easy-to-use reference cards allow healthcare professionals and practice staff to easily locate a desired code, which can then be referenced in the CPT codebook. A separate Modifiers card lists all CPT and HCPCS Level II modifiers for use with CPT codes.

  • Quick Reference to Critical Care, 6e

    Nancy H. Diepenbrock RN CCRN

    98,000 93,000won

  • S.T.A.B.L.E. - Cardiac Module: Recognition and Stabilization of Neonates with Severe CHD, 2/e

    Kristine A. Karlsen

    91,000 89,000won

    S.T.A.B.L.E. - Cardiac Module: Recognition and Stabilization of Neonates with Severe CHD will be valuable to any healthcare provider responsible for the recognition and stabilization of newborns with severe forms of CHD. Nurses, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, and physicians working in all settings— neonatal, neonatal transport, well-baby, and pediatric and cardiac intensive care settings will gain critical knowledge for the highest standard of care.

  • Rossi`s Principles of Transfusion Medicine, 6/e

    Toby L. Simon

    392,000 373,000won

    Transfusion Medicine impacts patients with hematologic, oncologic, and surgical conditions as well as all areas of critical care medicine and multiple areas of chronic care. This book aims to be the single best source for information related to any aspect or application of Transfusion Medicine. Contributors for the sixth edition have once again been drawn from various scientific, medical, and surgical disciplines. Thus, this book ranges from encouraging and managing donors, to collecting and preserving the blood, to matching it to the appropriate recipient, all the way to its clinical uses. It also extends these concepts to implantable tissue and regenerative medicine. Other sample topics covered within the work include:

  • Diabetes Drug Notes

    Miles Fisher

    126,000 120,000won

    Diabetes is becoming more common in both older and younger generations and in keeping with this escalation in cases, there are an ever increasing number of drugs and drug classes that are suitable to treat hyperglycaemia. In a unique blend of diabetes practice, clinical pharmacology, and cardiovascular medicine, Diabetes Drug Notes describes the principles of clinical pharmacology with regards to diabetes prescribing. Each drug class for the treatment of diabetes is covered in detail, along with the effect on the cardiovascular and renal systems caused by each drug. Building upon the success of their “Drug Notes” series for Practical Diabetes and their “Drugs for Diabetes” series in the British Journal of Cardiology, the team of experts focuses on the glycaemic management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with other effects of antidiabetic drugs covered as well.