군자출판사 추천도서
  • 임상진료지침 5판 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 40,000 38,000won
  • [세트] 유진홍교수 이야기감염... 유진홍 100,000 90,000won
  • 삼성내과매뉴얼 8판 성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 내과 40,000 38,000won
  • 파워내과 10판 1-4권 set 및 부록 신규성 185,000 175,750won
  • 서울아산병원 내과매뉴얼 5판 서울아산병원 내과학교실 40,000 38,000won
감염학58의 상품이 있습니다.
  • 착한 바이러스-잊혀졌던 아군, 파지 이야기


    35,000 31,500won

    박테리오파지, 간단히 줄여서 파지로 알려진 이 미생물은 박테리아를 감염시켜서 죽이는 바이러스입니다. 이들 바이러스는 어디에나 있으며 살아있는 상태로 환자들에게 주입하여 그들의 몸에 질병을 일으킨 박테리아를 퇴치하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 소위 `파지 치료`로 알려진 이 아이디어는 한때 1920년대부터 1930년대 동아시아까지 포함한 세계 여러 곳에서 사용된 바 있습니다. 이 책 The Good Virus(착한 바이러스)는 이 놀랍고도 잠재적으로 도움이 될 수 있는 바이러스를 기리고자 쓰였습니다. 사람들은 지난 100여 년 동안 파지의 놀라운 힘을 이용하려고 시행착오를 거듭해 왔지만, 지금은 파지에 대해 글을 쓰고 읽을 수 있는 진정으로 흥미 있는 시기입니다. 이 저서의 후반부에서 볼 수 있듯이, 최첨단 과학 발전과 기술은 이러한 바이러스를 세균 감염에만 국한하지 않고 다른 모든 건강 문제를 치료하는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 첨단 나노 의약품으로 바꾸고 있습니다. 한국은 전 세계에서 테크놀로지 면에서 가장 앞서가는 국가 중 하나이며, 코로나19 팬데믹과 같은 위협에 신속하게 대응하는 것으로 유명한 의료 시스템을 갖춘 나라입니다. 따라서 한국인들은 가까운 병원과 의원에서 사람의 생명을 구하는 이러한 스마트하고 새로운 형태의 의약품을 곧 만나게 될 것입니다. 저만큼이나 박테리오파지 이야기가 독자들께 재미있기를 바라며, 이 책을 읽음으로써 바이러스란 꼭 나쁜 놈이 아니고 어떤 선한 의도로 쓰일 수 있는지에 대한 독자분의 개념을 바꿀 수 있기를 바랍니다 - 코로나19처럼 모든 바이러스가 다 공포의 대상이자 싸워야 할 대상은 확실히 아니라고 말입니다. 전 세계는 내성 박테리아를 퇴치하기 위한 새로운 아이디어를 간절히 바라고 있으며, 이 놀랍지만 억울하게 오해받는 바이러스는 최고의 희망 중 하나입니다.

  • 응급구조사 현장 포켓북

    이태양, 김민지, 송윤걸, 임은재

    30,000 28,500won

    예고 없이 찾아오는 응급 상황. 이때 가장 중요한 건 적절한 대응이다. 적절한 대응은 환자의 생명을 구하는 결정적인 요소가 된다. 이 지침서는 그러한 순간에 구급대원들이 최선의 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 지원하는 실용적인 도구이다. [응급구조자 현장 포켓북]은 현장에서 직면할 수 있는 다양한 의료 상황에 대해 신속하고 정확한 판단을 가능하게 하는 데 중점을 두고 있다. 구체적으로, 환자 평가에서부터 기도 관리, 전문 심장구조술, 흉부외상, 복부 손상, 응급 약물, 화상 및 환경 응급 처리에 이르기까지, 필요한 모든 정보를 포괄하고 있다. 각 장은 일차 평가부터 복잡한 응급 처치까지 단계별로 구성되어 있으며, 응급 상황에서 필요한 정보를 빠르게 찾을 수 있도록 설계되었다. 현장, 병원 어느 곳에서든 이 책을 통해 응급의료 현장에서의 신속한 판단력과 의료 서비스의 질을 한 단계 높일 수 있기를 기대한다.

  • Fields Virology: Fundamentals, 7/e

    Peter M. Howley MD

    210,000 200,000won

    Now in four convenient volumes, Field’s Virology remains the most authoritative reference in this fast-changing field, providing definitive coverage of virology, including virus biology as well as replication and medical aspects of specific virus families. This volume of Field’s Virology: Fundamentals, Seventh Edition, edited by Drs. Peter Howley and David M. Knipe, along with volume associate editors Drs. Lynn Enquist, Jeffrey I. Cohen, Eric O. Freed, Blossom A. Damania, and Sean P. J. Whelan, focuses on the basic principles of virology and reflects recent advances in this dynamic field. Bundled with the eBook, which will be updated regularly as new information about each virus is available, this text serves as the authoritative, up-to-date reference book for virologists, infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and physicians, as well as undergraduate and graduate students interested in virology.

  • Manson`s Tropical Diseases, 24/e

    Jeremy Farrar FRCP FMedAcSci DPhil OBE

    339,000 323,000won

    For 125 years, physicians have relied on Manson''s Tropical Diseases for a comprehensive clinical overview of this complex and fast-changing field. In the fully revised 24th Edition, Dr. Jeremy Farrar, along with an internationally recognized editorial team, global contributors, and expert authors, deliver the latest coverage on parasitic and infectious diseases from around the world. From the difficult to diagnose to the difficult to treat, this highly readable, award-winning reference prepares you to effectively handle whatever your patients may have contracted.

  • A Case-Based Review of Infectious Disease

    Edin Pujagic DO

    177,000 169,000won

    Filling the need for a clinically relevant, concise, and affordable infectious disease exam preparation tool, A Case-Based Review of Infectious Disease offers a practical, proven approach to increasing your understanding and knowledge of this critical area of medicine. This comprehensive text is both challenging and enjoyable―an ideal resource for a variety of medical board and MOC exams, including internal medicine, family medicine, and infectious disease.

  • Textbook of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19

    Subramani Mani MBBS (MD) PhD

    191,000 182,000won

    Written by physicians and scientists with expertise in this evolving area, Textbook of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 provides a coherent, readable, and clinically relevant review of the biology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, immunology, clinical features, current treatment, and prevention strategies for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Using both a systemic and topic-based approach, it summarizes and clarifies the extensive literature published on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, includes a comprehensive bibliography, and provides answers to clinical questions at the point of care from multiple specialty perspectives.

  • 의료관련감염관리


    150,000 142,500won

  • Fields Virology: RNA Viruses

    Peter M. Howley MD

    232,500 220,900won

    Now in four convenient volumes, Field’s Virology remains the most authoritative reference in this fast-changing field, providing definitive coverage of virology, including virus biology as well as replication and medical aspects of specific virus families. This volume of Field’s Virology: RNA Viruses, Seventh Edition covers the latest information on RNA viruses, how they cause disease, how they can cause epidemics and pandemics, new therapeutics and vaccine approaches, as provided in new or extensively revised chapters that reflect these advances in this dynamic field. Bundled with the eBook, which will be updated regularly as new information about each virus is available, this text serves as the authoritative, up-to-date reference book for virologists, infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and physicians, as well as medical students pursuing a career in infectious diseases.

  • Bennett & Brachman`s Hospital Infections

    William R. Jarvis MD

    367,000 349,100won

    Written by the world’s foremost leaders in the field of nosocomial infections, Bennett & Brachman’s Hospital Infections, 7th Edition, is a must-have text for preventing Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs) in all inpatient and outpatient healthcare settings. This comprehensive volume provides up-to-date, authoritative coverage on all aspects of this vital topic, with editor Dr. William R. Jarvis leading a team of notable contributors from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as additional authors who provide an international perspective on HAIs. The newly revised and expanded seventh edition continues to be an invaluable resource for anyone working in infection prevention and control, quality assurance or risk management in healthcare settings.

  • 유진홍 교수의 감염강의 42강


    80,000 76,000won

    2020년 벽두부터 우리나라를 비롯하여 전 세계를 강타한 코로나 19 온 누리 돌림병은 건강도 건강이지만 아예 우리 삶이 돌아가는 양상 자체를 바꿔 놓았 습니다. 아직 변변한 백신이나 치료제가 없던 당시였으니, 거리두기와 각자도생이 최선이었지요. 의과대학 교수 생활의 패턴도 바뀌었습니다. 예를 들어 학생 강의. 난생 처음 비대면 수업이라는 걸 하게 되어 파워포인트 강의록을 만들며 매 슬라이드마다 녹음을 입히느라 허공(정확하게는 마이크)에 대고 떠들어야 했 습니다. 말이 쉽지, 학생은 아무도 없고 그저 모니터만 바라보며 최소 2시간을 떠든다는 게 그리 녹록하지 않은 노릇이고, 어딘지 모르게 허전함을 느꼈습니다. 사실 의대 교수하는 건 강의하는 맛도 있어서 하는 겁니다.

  • Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 6/e

    Sarah S. Long, MD

    378,000 360,000won

    Comprehensive in scope, yet concise and easy to manage, Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 6th Edition, by Drs. Sarah S. Long, Charles G. Prober, Marc Fischer, and new editor David Kimberlin, is your go-to resource for authoritative information on infectious diseases in children and adolescents. A veritable "who''s who" of global authorities provides the practical knowledge you need to understand, diagnose, and manage almost any pediatric infectious disease you may encounter.

  • Covid 19 Infection, An Issue of Infectious Disease Clinics of North America

    Rachel Bender Ignacio, MD

    153,000 146,000won

    In this issue of Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, guest editors Drs. Rachel Bender Ignacio and Rajesh T. Gandhi bring their considerable expertise to the topic of COVID-19 Infection. The evolving virology, wide range of symptoms, long-term health issues, mortality rate, effect on hospitals, and high transmission rate have made COVID-19 one of the worst health crises in recent times. In this issue, top experts in the field address key issues such as diagnostic testing, COVID-19 in pediatrics, post-acute sequelae, infection control, and much more, aiming to arm clinicians with the information they need to combat this deadly infection.

  • Thoracic Infections, An Issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America

    Loren Ketai, MD

    181,000 172,000won

    In this issue of Radiologic Clinics, guest editor Dr. Loren Ketai brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Imaging of Thoracic Infections. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as infections in lung and other solid organ transplants, endemic fungal infections, viral pneumonias, non-tuberculous mycobacteria, and more.

  • Fields Virology: DNA Viruses, 7/e

    Peter M. Howley MD

    220,000 205,000won

    Now in four convenient volumes, Field’s Virology remains the most authoritative reference in this fast-changing field, providing definitive coverage of virology, including virus biology as well as replication and medical aspects of specific virus families. This volume of Field’s Virology: DNA Viruses, Seventh Edition covers the latest information on DNA viruses, how they cause disease, including cancer, how they persist in the body in a latent form, reactivate and spread, new therapeutics and vaccine approaches, as provided in new or extensively revised chapters that reflect these advances in this dynamic field. Bundled with the eBook, which will be updated regularly as new information about each virus is available, this text serves as the authoritative, up-to-date reference book for virologists, infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and physicians, as well as medical students pursuing a career in infectious diseases.

  • Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases: The Neglected Tropical Diseases and Their Impact on Global Hea

    Peter J. Hotez

    56,000 45,000won

    Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime shipping. The neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are among the most common infections of the world’s poorest people and have profound ramifications on affected populations, including physical, mental, social, and economic. This third edition of Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases coincides with the third decade of the NTDs movement, which has given access to essential NTD preventative treatments and medications to more than 1 billion people. Professor Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, one of the founders of the NTD movement, discusses how the NTD space evolved and control was implemented against these ancient scourges, through alliances between nongovernmental development organizations and private-public partnerships. Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases also

  • Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance, 5/e

    Stephen Gillespie

    54,000 52,000won

    In the newly revised and expanded fifth edition of Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance, distinguished authors Stephen H. Gillespie and Kathleen Bamford deliver a concise and popular introduction to medical microbiology that encapsulates foundational facts and principles in this rapidly growing and evolving subject area. Fully revised and updated to include brand new research, the authors have added several new chapters on subjects including sepsis, infections disease eradication, the ‘normal’ flora in health and disease, non-tuberculous mycobacteria, antifungal therapy, bioterrorism, and high consequence infections. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:

  • 내 곁의 적 - 의료관련감염 (2021 대한민국학술원 우수학술도서 선정!)


    30,000 28,500won

    이야기 감염학 시리즈 4를 내며 이제 이야기 감염학 시리즈 제 4탄을 세상에 선 보인다. 한반도에 무려 111년만의 이상 고온이 덮쳤던 2018년 8월 말에 어쨌든 간신히 살아 남아서 ‘이야기로 풀어보는 감염학’ 제 1권을 냈을 때 우리 학과원들이 내게 이렇게 물었었다. 앞으로 몇 권이나 더 낼 생각이냐고. 그 때 나는 호기롭게 “세 권 더 내서 4부작을 완성할 것이여”라고 호언 장담을 하였다. “아니, 열 권은 내셔야죠. ^.^;” “아부는... -_-;” 이렇게 티키타카를 하였지만, 솔직히 그 당시엔 내가 책을 더 쓸 것이라고는 생각하지도 않았었다.

  • Participation: Optimising Outcomes in Childhood-Onset Neurodisability

    Christine Imms, Dido Green

    130,000 129,500won

    Enabling Participation provides a key reference work for health and education practitioners who wish to optimise outcomes for children, young people and families where there is an individual with a childhood onset neurodisability. By focusing on participation -- what is it, how to measure it and how to influence it – the book aims to support professionals to utilise the most recent developments in the field.

  • Lecture Notes Nephrology: A Comprehensive Guide to Renal Medicine

    Surjit Tarafdar

    49,000 48,500won

    Lecture Notes: Nephrology is a concise introduction to the fundamental principles of nephrology. An ideal study guide for medical trainees, this accessible resource combines the depth of a textbook with the accessibility of a handbook. Succinct chapters describe the clinical implications of renal physiology, examine major renal disorders and diseases, and explain a wide range of management and treatment options.

  • Prepare and Protect: Safer Behaviors in Laboratories and Clinical Containment Settings

    Sean G. Kaufman

    169,000 168,500won

    Biological safety is a critical requirement when working with or around infectious disease agents. To prevent exposures and keep staff and patients safe, laboratories and health care facilities rely on personal protective equipment, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and engineering controls. In an instant, however, a single inappropriate human behavior can negate any of these safeguards.
