군자출판사 추천도서
  • 뇌종양학 [2019 대한민국학술원... 대한뇌종양학회 120,000 114,000won
  • 척추학 3판, 척추 및 척수의 장... 대한척추신경외과학회 230,000 218,500won
  • 척수와 말초신경 해부학 대한척추신경외과학회 40,000 38,000won
  • 신경과학 신경외과학 군자출판사 학술국 35,000 33,250won
  • 신경손상학 2판 대한신경손상학회 98,000 93,100won
신경외과95의 상품이 있습니다.
  • 정위기능신경외과학 3판


    120,000 114,000won

  • Rhoton Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches

    Albert L. Rhoton Jr MD

    532,000 506,000won

    Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches is the masterwork of the legendary neurosurgeon Albert L. Rhoton, Jr.—a distillation of 40 years of work to, in the author’s words, make the “delicate, fateful, and awesome” procedures of neurosurgery more “gentle, accurate, and safe.” This definitive text on the microsurgical anatomy of the brain remains an essential tool for the education and enrichment of neurosurgeons at any level of experience. The hardbound collection of this complete classic work contains more than 2,000 high-quality images.

  • 두개저학 3판


    170,000 161,500won

  • 척추학 HANDBOOK


    30,000 28,500won

    척추학 HANDBOOK - 핵심 내용을 간편하게 확인하세요! 『척추학 Handbook』은 『척추학 4판』에서 중요한 표와 그림을 간추려 만들었습니다. 또한 각각의 표와 그림에 chapter와 page를 명시하여 책의 해당 본문을 찾아보기 편리하게 구성하였습니다. 바쁜 시간을 보내는 전공의와 전임의에게 큰 도움이 되기를 기대합니다.

  • 척추학 4판


    270,000 256,500won

    2008년 ‘척추학 제 1판’을 통해 시작된 교육의 여정은 2013년 ‘척추학 제 2판’, 2018년 ‘척추학 제 3판’에 이어 2023년 ‘척추학 제 4판’까지 이어졌습니다. 척추학 교과서는 전공의의 교육뿐 아니라 전문의, 의대생 및 기타 의료인들의 교육 등에 널리 이용되고 있으며, 보험사, 법조계 그리고 의료 보험 검토 기관 등 의료 현장 이외에서도 척추학에 대한 정확한 정보를 제공하는 귀중한 자원으로 자리 잡게 되었습니다. 빠르게 진행되고 있는 저출산, 고령화 시대에 건강에 대한 국민의 관심이 증가하고 있고, 의료기술의 발전과 수술 장비의 발전, 그리고 수술 기법의 다양화로 큰 변화를 맞이하고 있습니다. 이러한 변화 안에서 불합리한 치료와 근거 없는 주장들은 더욱 만연하며, 이로 인해 국민의 안녕에 심각한 위협을 미치고 있습니다. 따라서 척추 건강에 대한 정확하고 근거 있는 정보에 대한 수요가 그 어느 때보다 더 커지고 있습니다. 이 상황에서 본 학회와 편집위원회는 책임감을 가지고 ‘척추학 제 4판’을 제작하였습니다. 연구와 임상 경험을 기반으로 한 이번 판은 척추 질환의 원인, 병리, 치료 및 예후에 대한 최신 정보와 기술을 제공하려 노력하였습니다.

  • 관절과 연부조직 주사 및 흡인치료 4판

    James W. McNabb, Francis G. OConnor

    55,000 52,250won

    대한통증학회의 가족 같은 구성원들이 의기투합하여 2015년 3판 번역한지 벌써 8년의 시간이 훌쩍 지났습니다. 구성원 모두 큰 변화 없이 시간이 지나도 치열한 임상 현장에서 끊임없이 통증 환자와 희노애락을 같이 해오고 있지만 여러가지 생각은 많아질 것 같습니다. 이전부터 익히 알고 있듯이 통증질환에 대한 진단과 치료를 근간으로 하는 마취통증의학과의 통증치료는 그 대상 질환의 방대함과 고도의 전문성을 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 너무나도 쉽고 간단한 행위로 평가되고 가치가 인정받지 못하고 있습니다. 각종 진단방법 및 치료과정의 결정에 있어서 빛나는 가치를 가지는 신경차단법을 비롯한 주사치료법들은 정확한 진단과 치료를 위한 시작이자 핵심이라고 할 수 있습니다. 이 책은 이러한 핵심에 대해 다루고 있는 책입니다. 처음 주사치료를 접하는 초보자와 다양한 경험을 가지 전문가도 다시 볼 수 있는 유용한 정보와 사진들이 담겨 있습니다. 이 책이 통증 환자의 안정성 확보와 임상의의 진료 타당성을 뒷받침해 줄 수 있는 큰 토양이 되기를 기원합니다. 통증질환에 대한 정확한 지식과 근거중심의 치료행위 그리고 완벽한 술기 습득이야말로 통증치료 의사가 가져야 할 필수 요건이라 할 수 있겠습니다. 미국 미식축구 감독 롬바르디의 어록을 소개합니다. “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect!” 치열한 한국의 통증 의료 현장에서 이 책은 완벽함으로 이끄는 유용한 동반자가 될 수 있으리라 확신합니다. 본 책의 번역을 제안해 주신 도서출판 군자출판사에 감사드리며, 또 한번 힘든 여정을 기꺼이 같이 해준 가족 같은 역자교수님들께 마음 깊이 감사드립니다. 통증치료로의 배움의 길을 열어 주신 존경하는 모든 스승님들과 동료들 그리고 치료과정 중에 내게 또다른 인생의 가르침을 주는 환자분들에게도 경의를 표합니다. 8년전과 변함없이 가르쳐 주신 치료과정 중의 수없이 고민하던 소중한 경험들, 마음속 깊이 간직하겠습니다.

  • 2023 So Easy! 쉽게 따라하는 실무 치과보험청구


    김영삼, 강수영, 김희진, 소지현, 조은주

    35,000 33,250won

    지난 해 첫 출간 이후 많은 사랑을 받아온 [So Easy! 쉽게 따라하는 실무 치과보험청구]가 2023년도 개정판으로 새롭게 출간되었습니다. 이번 개정판에는 실무 활용도를 더욱 완벽하게 높이고자 2023 개정고시를 새로이 반영하고, 인정 및 산정기준, 실제 청구화면을 전면 업데이트 하였습니다. 이 책은 치과인이라면 누구나 알아야 할 필수요소인 치과보험청구의 기초개념과 원리부터 치과에서 흔히 마주하는 상병명, 다양한 진료행위에 따른 실제적인 보험청구 방법까지 오직 “실무자”의 입장에서 필요한 내용들을 쏙쏙 담고 있습니다. 각 진료별로 파트를 구분하여 환자의 주소(C.C)에 따른 진료행위와 그에 따른 산정기준, 진료기록부 예시, 실제 청구화면을 통해 실제 보험청구 프로세스의 흐름을 단계적으로 보여줌과 더불어, 청구 시 궁금했던 질문들을 모아 해답을 제시한 “질문있어요!” 파트를 통해 치과보험청구의 방대한 개념 이해는 물론, 이를 업무에서 실제적으로 활용할 수 있는 스킬을 전수해 줍니다. 이 책은 처음 치과보험청구를 접하거나, 기본적인 내용은 알지만 보험청구 실무를 조금 더 완벽하게 익히고 싶은 치과인들에게 친절한 지침이 될 것은 물론, 더 나아가 병원 운영 측면에서도 보험청구율 극대화를 통해 환자에게 더 나은 서비스를 제공하고 성공적인 치과를 운영할 수 있도록 큰 도움을 줄 것입니다.

  • The Only Neurology Book You`ll Ever Need

    Alison I. Thaler , Malcolm S. Thaler

    117,700 111,800won

    Clear and concise, The Only Neurology Book You''ll Ever Need provides a straightforward and comprehensive overview of neurology. It covers all of the important neurologic diagnosis and management issues, along with clinically relevant anatomy and physiology. Written by Drs. Alison I. Thaler and Malcolm S. Thaler, this new title is packed with full-color illustrations, real-world clinical scenarios, and up-to-date guidelines and recommendations —giving you all the practical advice you need to master the challenging world of neurology.

  • Update on Open Vascular Surgery, An Issue of Neurosurgery Clinics of North America

    Michael T. Lawton, MD

    188,000 169,000won

    In this issue of Neurosurgery Clinics, guest editor Dr. Michael T. Lawton brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Update on Open Vascular Surgery. The field of open vascular neurosurgery has undergone significant change as endovascular technologies have advanced and endovascular market share has grown. In this issue, top experts in the field explore various responses to these trends, providing valuable information to neurosurgeons aspiring to stay current with contemporary management of aneurysms, brain arteriovenous malformations, cavernous malformations, and bypass techniques.

  • Neuroimaging Anatomy, Part 2: Head, Neck, and Spine, An Issue of Neuroimaging Clinics of North Ameri

    Tarik F. Massoud, MD, PhD

    134,000 128,000won

    In this issue of Neuroimaging Clinics, guest editor Dr. Tarik F. Massoud brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Neuroimaging Anatomy, Part 2: Head, Neck, and Spine. Anatomical knowledge is critical to reducing both overdiagnosis and misdiagnosis in neuroimaging. This issue is part two of a two-part series on neuroimaging anatomy that focuses on the head, neck, and spine. Each article addresses a specific area such as the orbits, sinonasal cavity, temporal bone, pharynx, larynx, and spinal cord.

  • Spinal Cord Injury

    Blessen C. Eapen, MD

    180,000 171,000won

    The only review book currently available in this complex field, Spinal Cord Injury: Board Review focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injuries and dysfunction. Focused, high-yield content prepares you for success on exams and in practice, with up-to-date coverage of related injury assessment and management, acute and preventive medical care, common complications, physical, psychological, and vocational disabilities and complications-all equipping you to work as part of an interdisciplinary team with patients of all ages on a lifelong basis. Edited and written by seasoned authors and physicians in PM&R, this unique review tool is ideal for residents, fellows, and practitioners studying or working in the field and preparing to take the spinal cord injury medicine exam.

  • The Neurosurgical Consult Book

    Risheng Xu, MD/PhD, Jordina Rincon-Torroella, MD and Ann Liu, MD

    199,000 190,000won

    Written by neurosurgery residents for neurosurgery residents and other providers, The Neurosurgical Consult Book focuses on the initial care and treatment of the neurosurgical consult patient, providing the key guidance you need when quick clinical management decisions are critical. You will learn to recognize the acuity of patient presentation and determine how to immediately triage the needs of the patient at an appropriate level of care. This portable, practical guide helps you quickly steer neurosurgical patients to medical stability and safety until a definitive treatment plan is implemented.

  • Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents

    Alain Belanger PhD

    117,700 111,800won

    Pocket-sized and perfect for learning or practice in any setting, Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents: An Evidence-Based Handbook, 4th Edition, instills the expertise with electrophysical agents needed for success in physical therapy. This proven, practical text is built on evidence from the most recent published peer-reviewed scientific and clinical literature, providing a credible and reliable foundation for safe, effective practice. The updated 4th edition features a new, streamlined design that emphasizes essential knowledge and skills in a compact, portable format preferred by today’s busy students and practitioners, accompanied by online resources that simplify conversion and dosimetric calculations to save time while ensuring accurate results.

  • Workbook for Diagnostic Medical Sonography: The Vascular Systems

    Ann Marie Kupinski

    111,000 99,000won

    Designed to accompany the 3rd Edition of Anne Marie Kupinski’s text, Workbook for Diagnostic Medical Sonography: A Guide to the Vascular System, 3rd Edition, by Rachel Kendoll, offers a full complement of self-study aids for active learning that enable you to assess and build your knowledge as you advance through the text. Most importantly, it helps you get the most out of your study time, with a variety of custom-designed exercises to help you master each objective. Features a new, full-color format throughout Contains glossary terms reviews, illustrated anatomy and physiology reviews with image labeling, and chapter reviews with multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions Features up-to-date sonograms and relevant content throughout, including new coverage of ergonomics Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.

  • Spinal Deformity Surgery

    Nikolay Peev

    189,000 179,500won

    In recent decades, technological innovations have revolutionized spine surgery. The integration of the devices tailored to MIS spine techniques has allowed the spine surgeons to tackle more complexspinal pathologies and generate new ways to improve clinical outcomes.Spinal Deformity Surgery: Tips from the Masters, by renowned orthopaedic spine and neurospina surgeons, provides practical, evidence-based insights into important surgical decisions that we face every day. The primary goal of this book is to help the spine surgeons navigate a daunting number of available devices and techniques and leverage the optimal ones to achieve improved patient outcomes. Organized in 22 chapters, the text starts with a history of deformity in spinal surgery. The initial chapters detail cutting-edge posterior, lateral, and anterior approaches with discussion of the required devices. The final part covers surgical techniques in spinal deformity correction. The text combines a thorough review of empirical literature with expert experience and manufacturer specifications to elucidate the advantages and capabilities of currently available techniques and instrumentation options.

  • Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy and Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

    Mehmet Zileli

    189,000 179,500won

    Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy and OPLL: WFNS Spine Committee Book provides an up-to-date information about contemporary care of cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) and ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL). It discusses all aspects of the problem from historical knowledge to biomechanics, balance measurements, diagnostic imaging, electrophysiology, surgical techniques, minimally invasive approaches, and outcome analysis. It also covers the current recommendations of the WFNS Spine Committee, which were prepared at recent consensus meetings. The chapters are written by experts well-known in the field and covers many of the current practices and standards useful for spine surgeons and spine-related disciplines. This book will be a valuable guide for all neurosurgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, neurologists, physical therapists, residents, and fellows.

  • Neurosurgery Updates, Vol. 2

    Manas Panigrahi

    98,000 93,100won

    Neurovascular surgery, a complex challenge for most surgeons, is a rapidly progressing and continuously evolving field. This comprehensive textbook, Neurosurgery Updates: Controversies in Vascular Surgery, Volume 2, summarizes the opinions, illustrated case reports, and clinical pearls for practice from the web-based education program jointly organized by the Neurological Society of India and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, USA. Therefore, it ensures expert opinions from across the globe on the surgical management of vascular tumors, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), and aneurysms of the nervous system. The textbook covers a wide range of topics ranging from neuroradiology, evaluation, presurgical planning, patient follow-up, and counseling. The illustrated case studies and expert opinions are valuable insights from students, residents, and practicing neurosurgeons.

  • Principles and Practice of Neuropsychopharmacology

    Vikas Dhikav, Kuljeet Anand

    84,000 79,800won

    Principles and Practice of Neuropsychopharmacology: A Clinical Reference for Residents, Physicians,and Biomedical Scientists is a concise yet comprehensive book that discusses the drugs used in the treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases from the perspective of practicing clinicians. There is a considerable overlap between these two specialties as neurologists often use the medicines used by psychiatrists and vice versa. This book addresses the merger of topics of mutual interest for them in a single volume of contemporary pharmacology. It provides detailed coverage of pharmacotherapy of neurological and psychiatric disorders in general practice. The content has been made more accessible with the judicious use of tables and figures, case examples, and details of neurochemical alterations. The book is useful for both beginners and advanced readers as it details clinical practices followed in dealing with psychiatric patients in developing nations like India to enhance practice-oriented learning and provides evidence-based guidelines from world’s leading medical bodies. Salient Features Lucid description of pharmacokinetic principles and pharmacodynamics of neuropharmacological agents Thoroughly covers currently used medications in treating a spectrum of diseases of the brain and nervous system Separate chapters dedicated for drugs used for treating depression, mania, anxiety, and insomnia

  • Essentials of Anesthesiology

    Puneet Khanna

    56,000 53,200won

    Essentials of Anesthesiology is a thoroughly updated and comprehensive book which will meet the requirements of medical students preparing for theory as well as practical examinations and specially those preparing for various postgraduate entrance tests. This textbook is written by a stellar group of nationally and internationally renowned anesthesiologists who have provided invaluable clinical pearls gleaned from their years of refining practice. The real strength of this book is in its clinical focus. The book is simplified, easy to read, and oriented to the undergraduate curriculum. The flowcharts, tables, and boxes in the chapters make the concepts highly palatable.

  • Endoscopic Lateral Skull Base Surgery: Principles, Anatomy, Approaches

    Daniele Marchioni

    238,000 226,100won

    The quintessential state-of-the-art atlas on endoscopic approaches to the lateral skull base The endoscope has become a highly effective tool in the arsenal of ear and skull base surgeons. Endoscopic Lateral Skull Base Surgery: Principles, Anatomy, Approaches by endoscopic surgery masters Daniele Marchioni and Livio Presutti, reflects their development of innovative transcanalar approaches to the lateral cranial base using the external auditory canal as a surgical corridor. This unique atlas is designed to teach and clarify current and emerging endoscopic-assisted surgery approaches to the lateral skull base. The common goal of these cutting-edge procedures is to access and treat tumors located in the lateral cranial base via the most minimally-invasive endoscopic approach possible, thereby bypassing delicate cranial nerves, dural, cerebral, and vascular structures. Throughout 14 chapters, an impressive group of skull base surgeons share firsthand insights and expertise in areas vital to endoscopic skull base surgery.