군자출판사 추천도서
  • 고관절학 2판 대한고관절학회 230,000 218,500won
  • 골절학 4판 서울대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 170,000 161,500won
  • 정형외과 진료편람(2판) 서울대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 40,000 38,000won
  • 근골격계 신경차단술과 주사... 대한정형통증의학회 100,000 95,000won
  • 소아정형외과학 4판 (22.02.28 이... 최인호, 정진엽, 조태준, 유원준, 박문석 150,000 142,500won
정형외과274의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Oral Cancer

    Carole Fakhry

    260,000 254,800won

    A state-of-the-art guide on oral cancer management from distinguished experts! Oral Cancer: Evaluation, Therapy, and Rehabilitation edited by prominent Johns Hopkins clinicians and educators Carole Fakhry, Karen Pitman, Ana Kiess, and David Eisele provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review on the diagnosis and management of oral cancer. This unique resource fills a void in the literature by exploring surgical and reconstructive issues specific to each subsite of the oral cavity. Important pre- and post-treatment evaluations by dental, speech language pathology, and the oncologic care team are reviewed. The comprehensive book is divided into 10 sections, each focused on different facets of the patients' trajectory. The text starts with epidemiology of oral cavity cancer and discussion of patient populations at increased risk of oral cavity cancer. The book details pre-cancers, multidisciplinary diagnostic evaluations, treatment, post-treatment, recurrent and metastatic oral cancer, and palliative care, concluding with future directions such as chemoprevention. A full spectrum of oral neoplasms are covered in depth, including different types of squamous cell cancer, primary malignancies of the mandible, and sublingual and minor salivary gland malignancies.

  • Synopsis of Orthopaedic Trauma Management

    Brian H. Mullis

    135,000 132,300won

    User-friendly resource presents state-of-the-art management of orthopaedic trauma Orthopaedic trauma spans the full spectrum of injury, from simple fractures to life-threatening accidents with multiple broken bones. As such, these incidents are a common reason patients visit emergency departments and receive treatment from orthopaedic surgeons. Synopsis of Orthopaedic Trauma Management by nationally recognized experts Brian Mullis, Greg Gaski, and esteemed contributors fills a gap in the literature by providing a concise yet comprehensive reference for evaluating these conditions and initiating immediate treatment. The text provides a well-rounded perspective on the surgical and nonsurgical management of trauma in adult and pediatric patients. The opening section lays a solid foundation, with chapters covering physiology, open and closed fracture management, imaging, biomechanics, complications, and other core topics. Subsequent chapters address a full compendium of orthopaedic procedures to treat traumatic conditions of the upper and lower extremities, pelvis, and spine.

  • Video Atlas of Spine Surgery

    Howard An

    179,000 175,500won

    A high-yield and comprehensive text-and-video resource for managing commonly encountered spinal conditions Spine surgery has experienced several paradigm shifts during the past few decades, with highly complex techniques introduced at an astoundingly rapid pace. In order for new generations of spine surgeons to stay current and thrive in this innovative era of spine surgery, access to diverse multimedia learning tools is imperative. Video Atlas of Spine Surgery by renowned spine surgeon and educator Howard An and Rush University Medical Center colleagues Philip Louie, Bryce Basques, and Gregory Lopez, is a cutting-edge resource for non-operative and operative management of a diverse spectrum of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine conditions.

  • Synopsis of Hip Surgery


    Shane Nho

    135,000 132,300won

    A reader-friendly overview of the fundamentals in hip pathology and treatment presented by esteemed experts! Synopsis of Hip Surgery by renowned hip specialists Shane Nho, Joshua Harris, Brett Levine, and an impressive group of contributors provides a well-rounded perspective on the surgical and nonsurgical management of common to rare hip conditions. The generously illustrated clinical reference is both concise and comprehensive, not only encompassing the full age continuum but also a wide array of hip disorders such as congenital and degenerative issues and problems associated with sports injuries.

  • Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

    Luis M. Tumialan

    268,000 262,700won

    Unique resource provides spine surgeons with the right tools and mindset to perform minimally invasive surgery Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: A Primer by Luis Manuel Tumialán is the ideal introduction to minimally invasive spine approaches, especially for neurosurgery and orthopedic residents, fellows, and spine surgeons who want to incorporate minimally invasive approaches into their practice. The Primer offers a treasure trove of 3D illustrations and animations that virtually brings the aspiring minimally invasive spine surgeon into the operating room alongside their professor. The text starts with a discussion of open spine surgery versus minimally invasive procedures and the optimal mindset required to convert from one to the other.

  • Vertebral Augmentation

    Douglas Beall

    200,000 196,000won

    The definitive guide to performing vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, and implant augmentation from national and international experts Vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) result from trauma or pathologic weakening of the bone and are associated with conditions such as osteoporosis or malignancy. Worldwide, VCFs impact one in three women and one in eight men aged 50 and older, with more than 8.9 million fractures incurred annually. Copublished by Thieme and the Society of Interventional Radiology, Vertebral Augmentation: The Comprehensive Guide to Vertebroplasty, Kyphoplasty, and Implant Augmentation provides a practical, clinical discussion of these minimally invasive spine interventions.

  • The Adult Knee, 2/e

    Harry E. Rubash MD

    406,000 366,000won

    As knee replacement surgeries continue to grow in number worldwide, the need for an authoritative and comprehensive reference in this key area is a must for today’s orthopaedic surgeon. The Adult Knee: Knee Arthroplasty, Second Edition, brings together the knowledge and expertise of internationally recognized experts in the field in one convenient volume.

  • Orthopaedic Imaging: A Practical Approach, 7/e


    Adam Greenspan M.D

    490,000 441,000won

    Trusted by both radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons for authoritative, comprehensive guidance on the interpretation of musculoskeletal images, Orthopedic Imaging: A Practical Approach is an ideal resource at every stage of training and practice. The fully revised seventh edition retains the large images, easy-to-read writing style, and careful blend of illustrations and text that clearly depict all relevant imaging modalities and all pathological entities.

  • Global Hand Surgery: Learning and Contributing in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

    Kevin C. Chung MD MS

    142,000 128,000won

    This issue of Hand Clinics, guest edited by series consulting editor Dr. Kevin Chung, will cover Global Hand Surgery, with a focus on learning and contributing in the developing world. Topics discussed in the volume include: Economic Evaluations of Hand Surgery in the Developing World, Developing a Sustaining Program of Surgery Care in the Developing World, Overcoming Barriers to Hand Surgical Care in Low-Resource Settings, Postoperative Management for Hand Surgery in the Developing World, Interdisciplinary Teams and Global Hand Surgery, Guidelines for Ideal Short-Term Hand Surgery Outreach Trips, Cultural Sensitivity and Surgical Outreach, Treating Upper Extremity Burns in the Developing World, Treating Congenital Hand Anomalies in Low-Resource Settings, Treating Hand Traumas in Low-Resource Setting, Ethics in Global Hand Surgery, Hand Surgery in Underserved Populations in the United States, and Initiatives and Future Directions, among others.

  • Soft Tissue Reconstruction for Digital Defects, An Issue of Hand Clinics

    Sandeep J Sebastin MMed (Surgery) FAMS (Hand Surgery)

    142,000 128,000won

    This issue of Hand Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Sandeep Sebastin and David Tan, will cover key topics of importance for Soft Tissue Reconstruction for Digital Defects. This issue is one of four selected each year by our series consulting editor, Dr. Kevin Chung. Topics discussed in this issue will include: Vascular Anatomy of the Hand in relation to flaps, Adipofascial Flaps, Transposition and Rotation Flaps, Antegrade Flow Digital Artery Flaps, Retrograde Flow Digital Artery Flaps, Flaps based on Palmar Vessels, Dorsal Metacarpal Artery based Flaps, Digital Artery Perforator based Flaps, Free Flaps and Venous Flaps for Digital Reconstruction, Soft Tissue Coverage of the Digits and Hand, and a Metanalysis of the Complications of Hand Flaps, among others.

  • Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity, 2-Volume Set, 7/e

    Terri M. Skirven OTR/L CHT

    390,000 351,000won

    Long recognized as an essential reference for therapists and surgeons treating the hand and the upper extremity, Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity helps you return your patients to optimal function of the hand, wrist, elbow, arm, and shoulder. Leading hand surgeons and hand therapists detail the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of virtually any disorder you’re likely to see, with a focus on evidence-based and efficient patient care. Extensively referenced and abundantly illustrated, the 7th Edition of this reference is a "must read" for surgeons interested in the upper extremity, hand therapists from physical therapy or occupational therapy backgrounds, anyone preparing for the CHT examination, and all hand therapy clinics.

  • Arthritis and Related Conditions, An Issue of Orthopedic Clinics

    Frederick M Azar MD

    155,000 140,000won

    This volume of Orthopedic Clinics will focus on Arthritis and Related Conditions. Edited by members of a distinguished editorial board from the Campbell Clinic, each issue features articles from the key subspecialty areas of knee and hip, hand and wrist, shoulder and elbow, foot and ankle, pediatrics, and trauma. Topics discussed in the issue will include, but are not limited to: Septic Arthritis in Children, JRA in pediatrics, Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis after Ankle Fracture, Outcomes of Current Ankle Joint Replacements, The Current Status of Cell Based Therapies, OA Alternative ROM Treatment, and Management of the B2 Glenoid in Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis, among others.

  • Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Technique Manual, 3/e

    Richard D. Scott MD

    234,000 211,000won

    An invaluable guide for orthopaedic surgeons at all levels of experience, Total Knee Arthroplasty, 3rd Edition, takes a practical, authoritative approach to this widely performed procedure. Dr. Richard Scott, co-designer of the Total Knee System, walks you step by step through a wide range of surgical scenarios, offering consistent, readable coverage of the techniques you need to know. A user-friendly index, hundreds of detailed, full-color illustrations and photographs, and bulleted summaries make information easy to find and put to use in practice.

  • Current concepts of treatment of Metatarsalgia, An issue of Foot and Ankle Clinics of North America

    Gaston A. Slullitel

    142,000 128,000won

    This issue of Foot and Ankle Clinics, guest edited by Dr. Gaston Slullitel, will discuss Current Concepts of Treatment of Metatarsalgia. Under the guidance of long-time series Consulting Editor Dr. Mark Myerson, Dr. Slullitel and his contributing authors will explore topics of interest for practitioners in the field. Articles include, but are not limited to: the role of First ray insufficiency in the development of metatarsalgia; Current evidence in surgical treatment for metatarsalgia; Evolution of The Weil Osteotomy; State of the Art in Lesser MTPJ Instability; MIS options for Metatarsalgia Treatment; Gastroc recession in the setting of Metarsalgia; Freiberg's infraction: surgical options; Resection arthroplasty; and Brachymetatatarsia, among others.

  • Reconstruction,An Issue of Orthopedic Clinics

    Frederick M Azar MD

    142,000 128,000won

    This volume of Orthopedic Clinics will focus on Reconstruction in orthopedic surgery. Edited by members of a distinguished board from the Campbell Clinic, including Dr. Frederick Azar as editor-in-chief, each issue features several articles from the key subspecialty areas of knee and hip, hand and wrist, shoulder and elbow, foot and ankle, pediatrics, and trauma. Topics discussed in the issue will include: Current Techniques in Scapholunate Ligament Reconstruction, Reconstructive Options for Proximal Humeral Bone Loss in Shoulder Arthroplasty, Osteochondral Reconstruction of the Capitellum, Flexible Flatfoot Reconstruction, Peroneal Tendon Reconstruction, among others.

  • Controversies in the Approach to Complex Hallux Valgus Deformity Correction, An issue of Foot and An

    Sudheer Reddy

    142,000 128,000won

    This issue of Foot and Ankle Clinics, guest edited by Dr. Sudheer Reddy, will discuss Current controversies in the approach to complex hallux valgus deformity correction. This issue is one of four selected each year by long time series Consulting Editor, Dr. Mark Myerson. Topics in this issue will include: Hypermobility in Hallux Valgus; Cost-effectiveness of Surgical Techniques in Hallux Valgus; Current trends in anesthesia management in hallux valgus; Management of Hallux Valgus in Metatarsus Adductus; Role of coronal plane malalignment in hallux valgus correction; Evolution of MIS in hallux valgus; Current trends in fixation techniques; The evolution of thinking of fixation in the Lapidus procedure; Intraoperative and Postoperative evaluation of Hallux Valgus Correction; Postoperative Management of Hallux Valgus; Management of Complications; And Management of complications Arthritis of MTP joint Malunion/Nonunion.

  • Atlas of Full-Endoscopic Spine Surgery


    Christoph Hofstetter

    144,000 141,200won

    Atlas of Full-Endoscopic Spine Surgery by internationally renowned spine surgeons Christoph Hofstetter, Sebastian Ruetten, Yue Zhou, and Michael Wang provides concise, step-by-step guidance on the latest full endoscopic spine procedures. The book is targeted at practicing spine surgeons, fellows, and residents currently not trained in endoscopic spine surgery who have the desire to learn and incorporate these techniques into clinical practice. It is also an excellent curriculum resource for cadaveric training courses taught at the national and international level.

  • Cervical Trauma: Surgical Management


    Robert F. Heary

    203,000 199,000won

    Understanding the clinical implications of cervical trauma requires thorough knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the cervical spine. Cervical Trauma: Surgical Management by renowned spine surgeon Robert Heary and a cadre of prominent neurosurgical and orthopaedic spine experts is the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art resource available to date on this topic. The text begins with discussion of cervical anatomy and the pathophysiology of spinal cord injury (SCI), SCI classification systems, initial assessments in patients with cervical SCIs, and cranioskeletal traction, followed by injury-specific chapters.

  • Navigation and Robotics in Spine Surgery


    Alexander R. Vaccaro

    203,000 199,000won

    The past decade has seen major advances in image-guided spine surgery techniques, with robotically assisted approaches emerging in the last five years. While early adopters of this technology paved the way for more widespread use of navigated and robotic systems, barriers still exist. Navigation and Robotics in Spine Surgery by master spine surgeon Alexander Vaccaro and esteemed co-editors Jaykar Panchmatia, I. David Kaye, and Srinivas Prasad addresses existing issues such as the perception of increased upfront costs, intrusion on current workflow, and a lack of understanding about the potential ways these technologies can enhance the surgical experience and improve patient outcomes.

  • Outlines in Orthopaedic Surgery


    Valentin Antoci

    84,000 82,400won

    Surgery requires a combination of knowledge and skill acquired through years of direct observation, mentorship, and practice. The learning curve can be steep, frustrating, and intimidating for many medical students and junior residents. Too often, books and texts that attempt to translate the art of surgery are far too comprehensive for this audience and counterproductive to learning important basic skills to succeed. Outlines in Orthopaedic Surgery by Valentin Antoci and Adam Eltorai is the orthopaedic volume in a series of textbooks that offer a simplified roadmap to surgery. The text serves as starting point for learning orthopaedic surgery techniques, with room for adding notes, details, and pearls collected during the journey.