군자출판사 추천도서
  • 고관절학 2판 대한고관절학회 230,000 218,500won
  • 골절학 4판 서울대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 170,000 161,500won
  • 정형외과 진료편람(2판) 서울대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 40,000 38,000won
  • 근골격계 신경차단술과 주사... 대한정형통증의학회 100,000 95,000won
  • 소아정형외과학 4판 (22.02.28 이... 최인호, 정진엽, 조태준, 유원준, 박문석 150,000 142,500won
정형외과274의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Spine Surgery in an Aging Population


    Nathaniel P. Brooks

    225,000 220,500won

    The growing population of people aged 65 and older has significant implications for health care systems and spine care providers. Older patients today demand interventions that enable them to return to a functional lifestyle. Treatment of degenerative spine disease in aging adults requires in-depth understanding of changes in physiology, biomechanics, function, and modifiable risk factors. Equally important, providers need to listen to patients, diagnose thoughtfully, learn about the person's goals, and teach them in plain language about the risks, alternatives, and expectations of treatment options. This foundation is critical to developing informed patient-centered treatment plans to improve outcomes.

  • The Multiple Ligament Injured Knee: A Practical Guide to Management, 3/e

    Gregory C. Fanelli

    234,000 211,000won

    The Multiple Ligament Injured Knee: A Practical Guide to Management includes the most developed knowledge needed to successfully diagnose and treat knee ligament injuries. This thorough work presents anterior and posterior cruciate and collateral ligament anatomy and biomechanics along with non-invasive methods for diagnosing the extent of injury, such as radiographic and arthroscopic evaluation. Various injuries are discussed in addition to useful treatment techniques, including arthroscopic reconstruction, posterolateral and posteromedial corner injury and treatment, assessment and treatment of vascular injuries, assessment and treatment of nerve injuries, rehabilitation, and post-operative results. Each of these clearly written chapters is accompanied by a wealth of line drawings and photographs that demonstrate both the surgical and non-surgical approaches to examination and treatment.

  • General Principles of Orthopedics and Trauma, 2/e


    K. Mohan Iyer

    192,000 173,000won

    The second edition of this book concisely covers the most recent developments in orthopedics and trauma. It features detailed descriptions, x rays, clinical and therapeutic pathway diagrams for a number of commonly encountered disorders including fractures, metabolic disorders, bone tumors, and amputations enabling the reader to develop a deep understanding of the latest information on how to successfully diagnose and treat these patients.

  • Global Orthopedics: Caring for Musculoskeletal Conditions and Injuries in Austere Settings, 2/e


    Richard A. Gosselin

    129,000 116,000won

    Now in a revised and expanded second edition, this unique text discusses the opportunities and challenges to the practice of orthopedic surgery in resource-limited environments around the world. Sensibly divided into thematic sections, part I examines barriers to care, from the poorly recognized global burden of orthopedic conditions and the less than ideal equipment to the cultural considerations and ethical dilemmas inherent in such situations. General clinical topics are covered in part II, such as non-surgical approaches and anesthesia, while the remaining sections discuss adult and pediatric trauma, presented in an anatomical format for easy reference with a focus on the natural history and the best treatment methods within existing limitations, followed by musculoskeletal infections, non-infectious pediatric conditions, reconstruction, and amputations. Topics new to this edition include the management of non-unions by induced membrane techniques, autologous bone grafting, bone growth and burn charts, the management of neck and back pain, and principles of orthopedic rehabilitation.

  • Hand Function: A Practical Guide to Assessment, 2/e


    Mehmet Tuncay Duruöz

    178,000 160,000won

    This practical guide aids clinicians in distinguishing the different dimensions of hand function such as impairment, disability, and handicap. New and updated chapters discuss cerebral palsy, sports injuries, robotics, and assistive technologies. Extensively revised, the book provides a broad overview of the basic principles and examination of hand function. It describes how to evaluate hand function in specific afflicted populations, including the rheumatoid patient, the stroke patient, the trauma patient, the geriatric patient, and the pediatric patient as well as special populations such as diabetes mellitus patients and musicians. It also includes an appendix of hand function scales essential to the assessment of disability. The Second Edition of Hand Function is an ideal resource for all rheumatologists, physiatrists, hand surgeons, orthopedists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists caring for patients with impaired hand function.

  • Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Surgical Techniques and Disease Management, 2/e

    Frank M. Phillips

    192,000 173,000won

    The use of minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) has grown rapidly over the last decade and remains the fastest growing area in spine surgery. Now in a revised and expanded second edition including 19 new chapters, this comprehensive textbook provides an updated presentation of the field of MISS, highlighting surgical techniques and clinical outcomes as well as providing a unique focus on how these techniques are applied for specific spinal conditions.

  • Color Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery: A Step-by-Step Guide, 2/e


    Siba P. Dubey

    290,000 261,000won

    This surgical atlas, now in its second edition, provides superbly illustrated step-by-step descriptions of a wide range of open head and neck procedures, including radical and conservative approaches, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries with the use of axial and free flaps, and surgery within the narrow confines of the skull base. Individual chapters are dedicated to surgery of the nose and paranasal sinuses, larynx and trachea, thyroid, salivary glands, mandible, face and lips, and head and neck, the repair of external nose defects, the use of axial and free flaps, and surgical treatment of temporal bone malignancies. The new edition, written by experts from across the world, covers a number of additional topics, such as pediatric head and neck surgery, laser surgery, and robotic surgery. It also features improved surgical photographs, enhanced descriptions of essential procedures, identification of pitfalls, many practical tips and best references available for each procedure to assist readers. The atlas will be a comprehensive practical reference for clinicians in all specialties involved in head and neck surgery, including otolaryngologists, head and neck surgeons, plastic surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, and surgical oncologists.

  • Surgery of the Knee, 2/e


    Philippe Neyret

    220,000 198,000won

    This heavily revised second edition provides a practical guide to the treatment of a range of common knee pathologies, using tried and tested solutions from the Lyon School of Knee Surgery. Extensively revised chapters focus on equipping the reader with a solid foundation in the areas of sports, degenerative and patellofemoral surgery. New chapters cover robotic arthroplasty and strategies in total knee arthroplasty, along with a collection of more unusual cases, enabling the reader to develop their confidence in dealing with a range of clinical scenarios.

  • Perioperative Care of the Orthopedic Patient, 2e


    C. Ronald MacKenzie

    296,000 266,000won

    Although a number of comprehensive texts pertaining to perioperative medicine are available, this remains the only one that focuses specifically on the patient undergoing orthopedic surgery, now in a revised and expanded second edition. Beginning with chapters covering preoperative evaluations and general principles and practices of perioperative medicine, the book then considers anesthesiologic management in orthopedic surgery and the role of postoperative pain management. This is followed by a section on medical management in specific clinical settings, discussing patients with connective tissue disease, cardiac disease, chronic pulmonary and renal diseases, diabetes and neurological diseases, among others. A fourth section covers specific perioperative problems in orthopedic surgery, such as care of the elderly patient, venous thromboembolism, infection, nutrition, compartment syndrome and bone health. Finally, the role of allied services, quality improvement and ethics are highlighted. Selected case studies are included to illustrate real-world perioperative issues and management strategies in orthopedic surgery, now moved to their respective chapters for ease of use and reference. The shaded key points and chapter objectives boxes at the beginning of each chapter, and the summary points at the end of each chapter, have been retained and updated within a full-color interior.

  • An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment, 4e


    Eileen DiGiovanna D.O., Christopher Amen D.O., Denise Burns D.O.

    170,000 153,000won

  • Making the Diagnosis in Orthopaedics: A Multimedia Guide, 1e


    Mark D. Miller MD, Ian J Dempsey MD

    120,000 108,000won

  • Instructional Course Lectures, Volume 68: Print + Ebook with Multimedia, 68e


    James I. Huddleston M.D., Jay R. Lieberman M.D.

    420,000 378,000won

  • The Johns Hopkins High-Yield Review for Orthopaedic Surgery, 1e


    Bashir Zikria MD

    120,000 108,000won

  • Rockwood and Wilkins Fractures in Children, 9e


    Peter M Waters MD, David L. Skaggs MD, John M. Flynn

    390,000 351,000won

  • Rockwood and Green`s Fractures in Adults, 9e (IE)


    Paul Tornetta III MD, William Ricci MD, Charles M. Court-Brown, Margaret M. McQueen, Michael McKee

    650,000 585,000won

  • Orthopaedic Technology Innovation: A Step-by-Step Guide from Concept to Commercialization, 1e


    Adam Eltorai PHD, Thomas A. Zdeblick MD, Arnold-Peter C. Weiss MD

    110,000 99,000won

  • Illustrated Tips and Tricks in Hip and Knee Reconstructive and Replacement Surgery, 1e


    Daniel J. Berry MD, Mark W. Pagnano MD

    230,000 207,000won

  • Orthopaedic Hand Trauma, 1e


    Adam Eltorai PHD, Edward Akelman MD

    120,000 108,000won

  • Patellar Instability: Management Principles and Operative Techniques, 1e


    Shital N Parikh MD

    250,000 225,000won

  • Emory`s Illustrated Tips and Tricks in Spine Surgery, 1e


    John Rhee

    250,000 225,000won