군자출판사 추천도서
  • 청소년 발달과 정신의학 2판 대한소아청소년정신의학회 50,000 47,500won
  • 소아재활의학 3판 대한소아재활·발달의학회 80,000 76,000won
  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판 서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀) 38,000 36,100won
  • 근골격 해부학 4판 CHRIS JARMEY 25,000 23,750won
  • 파워 이비인후과 3판 안회영 30,000 28,500won
스포츠의학75의 상품이 있습니다.
  • ACSM`s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (American College of Sports Medicine), 11/e

    Gary Liguori

    63,000 56,000won

    The flagship title from the prestigious American College of Sports Medicine, this critical handbook delivers scientifically based, evidence-informed standards to prepare you for success. Providing succinct summaries of recommended procedures for exercise testing and exercise prescription in healthy and diseased patients, this trusted manual is an essential resource for all exercise professionals, as well as other health professionals who may counsel patients on exercise including physicians, nurses, physician assistants, physical and occupational therapists, dieticians, and health care administrators. The extensively updated eleventh edition has been reorganized for greater clarity and integrates the latest Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

  • Ethics of Sport and Athletics: Theory, Issues, and Application, 2/e

    Robert C. Schneider

    99,000 89,000won

    Timely, accessible, and focused on practical application, Ethics of Sport & Athletics: Theory, Issues, and Applications, Second Edition, details the theories and mechanics of moral reasoning, ethical and unethical behavior in sport, and the development of moral education through sport. This well-organized, case-based approach to sport-related dilemmas teaches readers how to successfully apply moral reasoning skills in good decision making to ensure confidence in sports management. Extensively updated with real-world examples drawn from the latest sports headlines, this Second Edition is designed to help readers grapple with the many complicated ethical challenges they’ll encounter in today’s sports professions, including performance enhancement, violence in sports, and racial and gender discrimination. An expanded emphasis on applying knowledge and concepts in sport management further equips readers to confront specific scenarios, ultimately improving the overall moral integrity of sport without diminishing its competitive element.

  • ACSM`s Fitness Assessment Manual, 6/e

    American College of Sports Medicine

    68,000 61,000won

    Published by the American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM''s Fitness Assessment Manual builds on the standards established in ACSM’S Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 11th Edition. With a focus on assessment, this new 6th edition is organized by component of fitness: body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility; and by type of testing: maximal and submaximal exercise testing, ECG, and metabolic calculations. Updated coverage throughout in a user-friendly format, makes this an essential resource for those studying to enter the fitness and rehabilitation fields, as well as those already working who need to align their practice to industry standards.

  • ACSM`s Foundations of Strength Training and Conditioning (American College of Sports Medicine), 2/e

    Nicholas Ratamess Jr. PhD CSCS*D FNSCA

    120,000 108,000won

    Developed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), ACSM’s Foundations of Strength Training and Conditioning offers a comprehensive introduction to the basics of strength training and conditioning. This updated 2nd edition focuses on practical applications, empowering students and practitioners to develop, implement, and assess the results of training programs that are designed to optimize strength, power, and athletic performance. Clear, straightforward writing helps students master new concepts with ease, and engaging learning features throughout the text provide the understanding and confidence to apply lessons to clinical practice.

  • ACSM`s Resources for the Exercise Physiologist (American College of Sports Medicine), 3/e

    Benjamin Gordon

    104,000 93,000won

    An essential preparation book for the ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist examination, ACSM’s Resources for the Exercise Physiologist, 3rd Edition, is an essential volume for certification candidates and practicing Exercise Physiologists looking to boost their exam confidence and achieve success in practice. This updated edition is fully aligned with the eleventh edition of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription and reflects the most current standards and practices in exercise physiology.

  • ACSM`s Certification Review (American College of Sports Medicine), 6/e

    Peter Magyari PhD

    66,000 59,000won

    Reflecting the authoritative expertise of the American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM’s Certification Review, 6th Edition, prepares users to successfully pass certification exams and become an ACSM Certified Personal trainer (ACSM-CPT), ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP), or ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist (ACSM- CEP). This easy-to-use review combines career-specific information with assessment tools and application-based exercises to boost test-taking confidence and help users ensure a seamless transition to practice.

  • Foundations of Athletic Training: Prevention, Assessment, and Management, 7/e

    Marcia K Anderson PhD AT Ret

    174,000 156,000won

    Comprehensive and evidence-based, Foundations of Athletic Training, 7th Edition, integrates basic medical concepts and related scientific information to help readers develop a strong foundation in athletic training best practices. The text’s practical, problem-solving approach to the prevention, recognition, assessment, management, and disposition of sports-related injuries and diseases helps students learn to think like practitioners. Fully aligned with the BOC competencies, the 7th Edition has been extensively updated, expanded, and reorganized to reflect the changing role of today’s athletic trainer and includes a powerful suite of engaging learning tools to help students succeed.

  • 유·청소년 축구선수 과사용부상 예방가이드북


    35,000 33,250won

    생활 스포츠의 확산, 전문 스포츠에 대한 관심 증대, 스포츠산업의 성장으로 스포츠 의학이 크게 주목받고 있습니다. 대한민국 스포츠의학이 계속해서 발전하여 스포츠 국가경쟁력이 높아지고, 모든 이가 즐겁게 스포츠를 즐길 수 있도록 대한스포츠의학회 는 노력하고 있습니다. 이를 위하여 스포츠 손상과 예방을 위한 동영상 콘텐츠 개발 및 스포츠 의학 교과서, 스포츠 손상 예방 지침서 등을 제작하기에 이르렀습니다. 이 결실 중의 하나가 바로 ‘유·청소년 축구선수의 과사용부상 예방가이드북’입니다. 많은 유·청소년 축구 선수가 과도한 운동이나 적절치 못한 운동으로 활동에 어려움을 겪습니다. 또한 즐거운 운동이 힘든 운동으로 돌변하기도 합니다. 이와 같은 과사용을 어떻게 하면 줄일 수 있는지, 문제가 발생하였을 때 어떤 대처법이 있는지에 대해 국내 저명한 스포츠의학 전문의들의 의견을 집대성한 책입니다. 건강하고 행복한 축구 생활을 위해 필독하시길 권해드립니다.

  • Athletic Injuries of the Hip, An Issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine

    Dustin L. Richter

    143,000 128,000won

    This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine will discuss Athletic Injuries of the Hip. Guest edited by Drs. Dustin Richter and F. Winston Gwathmey, this issue will cover a number of related topics that are important to practicing clinicians. This issue is one of four selected each year by our series Consulting Editor, Dr. Mark Miller. The volume will include articles on: Evaluation of the athlete with hip pain; Hip imaging and injections; Hip dysplasia; Hip instability and dislocation; Hip flexor and iliopsoas disorders; Hip abductor and peritrochanteric space conditions; Proximal hamstring injuries; Stress fractures; Avulsion injuries; The adolescent athlete; Sex based differences in injury rates and strength and conditioning; and Rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries of the hip and pelvis, among others.

  • The Female Athlete

    Rachel M Frank MD

    120,000 108,000won

    Of all the important factors that must be considered when assessing and treating an athlete, the impact of patient sex is perhaps the most critical, yet historically has often been neglected. The "same injury" in a male patient may present differently, sometimes in subtle ways, than in a female patient and may require a different treatment approach. The Female Athlete, edited by Dr. Rachel Frank, provides concise, expert coverage of the ways in which common sports medicine injuries present in female patients versus male patients, describing recent literature analyzing sex differences in injury patterns and available treatment options. Provides a comprehensive review of key areas of importance related to care for women in sports, including the differences in care and treatment for male and female patients. Covers many of the most common injuries female athletes face, including ACL injuries, shoulder instability, concussion, stress fractures, female overuse injuries, and more. Considers prevention strategies, nutritional recommendations, as well as exercise recommendations for women during pregnancy.

  • 호신술의 과학


    17,000 16,150won

    급박하고 다양하게 변화하는 현대 사회에서 예기치 못한 상황에 직면하는 경우가 종종 발생한다. 누구의 도움을 받기 어려운 위급한 상황에서, 어떻게 나와 주변 사람들을 위험에서 벗어나게 할 수 있을까? 이러한 물음에서 출간을 기획하게 된 <호신술의 과학>은 기구의 도움 없이 몸을 단련할 수 있는 매력적인 호신술을 소개하고 있다. 저자는 군에서 무술교관을 역임했고, 오랜 기간 도장을 운영하면서 무술을 꾸준히 수련해왔다. 대학에서 호신술, 태권도, 운동처방 등 강의와 연구를 병행한 노하우를 바탕으로 호신술과 운동과학을 접목한 체계적인 호신술 책을 저술하게 되었다. 본서는 보다 더 올바른 호신술의 수련법과 체력을 향상시키는 방법, 몸을 효과적으로 사용하는 방법 등을 체득할 수 있도록 안내하고 있다. 또한 호신술의 과학적 해석과 더불어 누구나 쉽게 따라 할 수 있는 실용 호신술과 건강 증진에도 도움이 되는 맨몸 훈련법을 소개한다. 본서는 호신술에 필요한 참고 지식, 운동과학의 이해, 생존체력과 호신능력 향상을 위한 방법, 실용 호신술 배우기, 부상과 응급처치, 총 다섯 파트로 구성되어 있다. 해당 내용을 다양한 사진과 QR코드 영상을 통해 알기 쉽게 설명했다. 본서를 통해 자신을 보호할 수 있는 능력을 갖추고, 바른 방법으로 몸을 단련하여 건강하고 활기찬 생활을 하는 데 큰 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.

  • Complications in Orthopaedics: Sports Medicine

    Stephen R. Thompson MD MEd FRCSC

    298,000 269,000won

    One of the hallmarks of a master surgeon is the ability to navigate a wide variety of inevitable difficult situations in surgery, whether errors in judgment, technical mistakes, or unavoidable outcomes. Complications in Orthopaedic Surgery is a new series designed to provide real-world guidance on recognizing and avoiding errors, as well as how to "course-correct” during surgery. In this inaugural volume dedicated to sports medicine surgery, series editor Dr. Stephen R. Thompson and Dr. Matthew Schmitz describe and demonstrate practical solutions that are integral to improving patient outcomes.


    William Kraemer

    158,000 142,200won

  • 케틀벨혁명


    20,000 19,000won

    바야흐로 대한민국은 홈트의 붐이 일고 있습니다. 웰빙과 피트니스 관련 서적들이 봇물 쏟아지 듯 출간되고 있습니다. 바쁜 일상생활로 시간을 할애해 운동하기 힘든 이들을 위해 가정에서 쉽게 운동할 수 있는 로드맵을 제시한 홈트 도서들은 트랜드와 맞습니다. QR코드를 제공해 유투브로 따라 운동할 수 있도록 제시한 홈트는 피트니스에 가지 않고도 가정에서 운동할 수 있는 시대를 만들었습니다. 지금도 거리를 거닐다보면 전봇대나 지하철역 앞에 다이어트모집이라는 전단지를 쉽게 볼 수 있습니다. 포스터의 문구를 읽어보면 정말로 다이어트에 성공할 수 있다는 느낌을 받게 됩니다. 저자는 다이어트반에 등록한 고객분들의 입관상담기록을 읽어보면 대부분 다이어트에 실패할 수 밖에 없었던 이유를 알게 되었습니다. 칼로리양은 적었어도 불규칙한 식사패턴과 제2의 업무인 회식자리, 무리한 운동계획은 다이어트를 성공시킬 수 없게끔 만들어 결국 요요현상으로까지 이어졌다는 사실입니다. 다이어트를 간절히 원하는 분들과 대화하다보면, 잘못된 상식에 맹신하고 있다는 사실입니다. 다이어트의 핵심은 운동요법과 식이요법, 행동수정요법의 균형입니다. 하지만 단기간에 체중을 줄여야 한다는 강박관념에 오로지 식이요법으로만 시도해 결국 다이어트에 실패한 경험을 가지신 분들을 어렵지 않게 찾게 됩니다.

  • Wasserman & Whipp`s Principles of Exercise Testing and Interpretation, 6/e


    Kathy E. Sietsema MD

    252,000 227,000won

    Thoroughly revised and updated for today’s clinicians, Wasserman & Whipp’s Principles of Exercise Testing and Interpretation, Sixth Edition, provides a comprehensive, practical overview of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) ideally suited for pulmonologists, cardiologists, anesthesiologists, and others with an interest in clinical exercise testing. Written by authors who are uniquely positioned to convey relevant aspects of research and apply them to clinical contexts, this volume offers in-depth coverage of essential information for conducting CPET, or for utilizing data from this discipline in clinical practice or research.

  • Knee Multiligament Injuries―Common Problems, An Issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine

    Sanjeev Kakar

    155,000 140,000won

    This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine will take a deep dive into Knee MLI. Guest edited by Drs. Bruce A. Levy and Benjamin Freychet, this issue will discuss a number of related topics that are important to practicing clinicians. This issue is one of four selected each year by our series Consulting Editor, Dr. Mark Miller. The volume will include articles on: Knee ligament instability patterns; Vascular injury in the multiple ligament injured knee; MCL/PMC; FCL/PLC; Osteotomies; MLIK: initial assessment and treatment; All-inside PCL graftlink; Multiligament Knee Reconstruction; KDIV Multiligament Knee Injuries: Treatment and Outcomes; Repair and Augmentation with Internal Brace in the Multiligament injured knee; PCL reconstruction with internal brace Augmentation; and Outcomes, Injury Patterns and Gait Analysis of Multiligament knee Injury, among others.

  • Meniscus Injuries, An Issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine

    Brett D. Owens MD

    155,000 140,000won

    This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine will provide a comprehensive review of Meniscus Injuries. Guest edited by Drs. Brett Owens and Ramin Tabaddor, this issue will discuss a number of related topics that are important to practicing clinicians. This issue is one of four selected each year by our series Consulting Editor, Dr. Mark Miller. The volume will include articles on: Meniscus Form and Function, Epidemiology of Meniscus Injury, Meniscus Repair Techniques, Meniscus Root Repair, Meniscus Ramp Lesions, Partial Meniscus Replacement, Meniscus Allograft Transplantation, Meniscus Regenerative Basic Science, Rehabilitation Following Meniscus Repair, Return to Play Following Meniscus Repair, Role of Alignment and Osteotomy in Meniscus Pathology, among others.

  • Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injuries, 1e


    Jackie Reznik BAppSci MAPA MCSP GradDip(Teaching) GradDip(Neurology) PhD

    80,000 72,000won

  • 나는 골프가 즐겁다


    18,000 17,100won

    골프가 좋았다. 처음부터 왠지 모르게 좋았다. 골프장의 푸른 벌판이 들판이 언덕이 산이 좋았다. 마음이 푸근해졌다. 골프장에 가면, 마음 깊은 곳에 자리잡아 있던 나의 어린 시절 고향이 진하게 떠올랐다. 그리고 골프가 재미있었다. 어렸을 때 놀던 자치기처럼 재미있었다. 그리고, 어려웠다. 골프장에 가면 유난히 즐거워하는 나를 알아차렸다. 나는 몹시 즐거웠다. 이책은 내게 말하듯이 썼다. 책의 내용은 내가 내 친구와, 내 동창과, 내 병원 동료와, 후배와 선배와 가족 친척과 골프 치러 다니면서 궁금해 했던 것, 알아차린 것, 알려주고 싶은 것을 정리한 것이다. 평소처럼 물어보고, 평소처럼 대답하고, 평소처럼 책을 읽고, 유튜브를 감상하고, 텔레비전을 시청하면서, 구글링하면서 얻고 정리하고 터득한 나의 생각과 지식과 감상을, 골프에 대한 즐거움을 품으면서 읊어 본 것이다.

  • ACSM`s Clinical Exercise Physiology,1 e

    American College of Sports Medicine

    150,000 135,000won