군자출판사 추천도서
  • 청소년 발달과 정신의학 2판 대한소아청소년정신의학회 50,000 47,500won
  • 소아재활의학 3판 대한소아재활·발달의학회 80,000 76,000won
  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판 서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀) 38,000 36,100won
  • 근골격 해부학 4판 CHRIS JARMEY 25,000 23,750won
  • 파워 이비인후과 3판 안회영 30,000 28,500won
이비인후과104의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Surgery of the Salivary Glands

    Robert L. Witt MD

    247,000 223,000won

    Offering unparalleled coverage of this key area, Surgery of the Salivary Glands provides an in-depth, authoritative review of salivary gland disease and treatment. International experts from otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and many other disciplines discuss all aspects of surgery and medicine, including anatomy, physiology, histology, pathology, imaging, sialendoscopy, and tumor surgery. Both in print and on video, this innovative, superbly illustrated reference is an ideal resource for physicians in residency or fellowship training, in clinical practice or in academic medicine.

  • Cost-Effective Evaluation and Management of Cranial Neuropathy


    Seilesh C. Babu

    144,000 141,200won

    Cranial neuropathy can be a symptom of a devastating, life-threatening condition or a benign disease with spontaneous full recovery in a majority of patients. While testing options are available, they can be costly and sometimes may be unnecessary. Cost-Effective Evaluation and Management of Cranial Neuropathy by Seilesh C. Babu, Neal M. Jackson, and an impressive team of multidisciplinary contributors reflect decades of experience. Combining evidence-based medicine from the literature with years of firsthand expertise, this reader-friendly book offers cost-effective methodology and in-depth insights for evaluating and managing cranial neuropathy.

  • Advancements in Clinical Laryngology, An Issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America


    Jonathan M Bock, MD, Chandra Ivey, MD, FACS and Karen B Zur, MD

    140,000 126,000won

  • 청각장애 학생을 위한 성공적인 통합교육 지침서 2판


    11,000 10,450won

    이제 청각장애인의 의사소통 수단은 수화 언어(수어) 중심에서 음성 언어(구어) 중심으로 옮겨지고 있습니다. 이러한 변화는 신생아 선별검사를 통한 청각장애 조기 발견 및 재활, 고성능 보청기 및 인공와우의 조기 적합, 재활, 통합 교육 등으로 이루어진 결과입니다. 청각장애 학생의 성공적인 사회 통합을 위해서는 유치원부터 고등학교에서 일반 학생들과 함께 통합교육을 받는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 또한 이러한 통합교육이 효과적으로 이루어지기 위해서는 학교 구성원과 청각장애 학생들을 지도하시는 선생님들께서 청각장애 학생들의 행동 특성을 잘 이해하시고 적극적인 이해와 협조가 무엇보다 필요합니다. 이 지침서에는 통합교육 현장에 계시는 선생님들께 필요한 청각장애 학생들과의 의사소통 방법 및 학습지도 방법, 성공적인 통합 교육에 도움이 될 자료와 정보를 담았습니다.

  • KJ Lee`s Essential Otolaryngology, 12th edition

    Yvonne Chan

    200,000 190,000won

    Since the first edition was published in 1973, K. J. Lee’s Essential Otolaryngology has stayed true to its original intent: to serve as a guide for board preparation, as well as a practical and concise reference text reflecting contemporary concepts in clinical otolaryngology. Senior medical students, residents, fellows, board-eligible and board-certified otolaryngologists, primary care physicians, and specialists in other fields will find this acclaimed resource to be completely up to date, authoritative, concise, and well written.

  • CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery, 4/e

    Anil Lalwani

    144,000 136,800won

    A complete, concise review of the science and clinical practice of otolaryngology --- head and neck surgery --- with a new full-color presentation The must-have resource for board review and recertification

  • Implantable Auditory Devices, An Issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America (The Clinics: Sur

    Darius Kohan

    142,000 127,000won

    This issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics, Guest Edited by Drs. Darius Kohan and Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, is devoted to Implantable Auditory Devices. Articles in this outstanding issue include: Medical and Audiological Indications for Implantable Auditory Devices; Limitations of Conventional Hearing Aids; Non-implantables: Deep Canal Hearing Aids; Physiology of Osseointegration; Osseointegrated Auditory Devices: Baha and Ponto; Osseointegrated Auditory Devices: Sophono; Osseointegrated Auditory Devices: Bonebridge; Ossicle Coupling Active Implantable Auditory Devices: Magnetic Driven System; Ossicle Coupling Active IAD: Vibrant Soundbridge; Totally Implantable Auditory Devices; Electro-acoustic Stimulation; Special Populations in IADs: Pediatric; Special Populations in IADs: Geriatric; Special Populations in IADs: Developmentally Challenged; Special Populations in IADs: Musicians; Implantable Auditory Devices: Financial Considerations and Office-Based Implantation; and Future of Implantable Auditory Devices.

  • Jatin Shah`s Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology, 5/e

    Shah MD MS (Surg) PhD (Hon) FACS Hon. FRCS (Edin) Hon. FRACS Hon. FDSRCS (Lond), Jatin P.

    520,000 468,000won

    Providing practical, multidisciplinary coverage of the latest diagnostic and multidisciplinary therapeutic approaches for head and neck cancer, the 5th Edition of this award-winning text helps you achieve the best possible surgical outcomes and preserve and restore form and function. Internationally renowned surgeon Dr. Jatin P. Shah, joined by colleagues Snehal G. Patel, Bhuvanesh Singh, and Richard Wong, guides you step by step through every aspect of this challenging field, helping you take advantage of every multidisciplinary management approach available for your patients.

  • Botulinum Toxin in Facial Rejuvenation, 2/e

    Coleman BSc PhD FRCS FRCOphth, Kate

    130,000 117,000won

    Now thoroughly revised to reflect state-of-the-art advances in the field, Botulinum Toxin in Facial Rejuvenation, 2nd Edition, covers the entire range of the use of botulinum toxin for cosmetic purposes. Dr. Kate Coleman offers practical guidance for safe handling, selection and assessment of patients, potential complications and pitfalls, and aesthetic techniques, as well as comparative modalities and long-term management. This is an ideal resource for anyone who offers this sought-after procedure, including cosmetic surgeons, oculoplastic surgeons, dermatologists, physician’s assistants, and registered nurses.

  • Office-Based Surgery in Otolaryngology, An Issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America (The Cl

    Pynnonen MD, Melissa A

    142,000 127,000won

    This issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics, Guest Edited by Drs. Melissa A. Pynnonen and Cecelia E. Schmalbach, is devoted to Office-Based Surgery in Otolaryngology. Articles in this important issue include: Introduction to Office-Based Surgery in Otolaryngology; Office-based Cosmetic Procedures in Otolaryngology; Mohs Reconstruction and Scar Revision; Office-based Sinus Procedures; In-office Functional Nasal Surgery; Office-based Otology Procedures; In-office Eustachian Tuboplasty; In-office Laryngology Injectables; Office-based Management of Laryngeal Neoplasms; Ultrasound of the Thyroid and Neck; In-office Evaluation and Management of Dysphagia; Patient Safety and Regulatory Considerations; Instrument Sterilization in Otolaryngology; and Facility Accreditation and Coding for Otolaryngology Office Procedures.

  • Craniofacial Embryogenetics and Development, 3/e

    Geoffrey H. Sperber

    86,000 77,000won

    Craniofacial Embryogenetics and Development is dedicated to increasing understanding of normal and abnormal orofacial development by integrating embryological development with its underlying genetic information.

  • Eustachian Tube: Structure, Function and Role in Middle-ear Disease, 2/e

    Charles D. Bluestone

    98,000 88,000won

    When Charles Bluestone began his practice over 50 years ago, very little was known about middle-ear disease, in spite of its being the most common disease that clinicians in his field encounter. It has now been 40 years since he and Jack L. Paradise c

  • Comprehensive Management of Vestibular Schwannoma

    Matthew L Carlson

    233,000 228,400won

    Although a histologically benign and relatively uncommon tumor, otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons have maintained a lasting and deep-rooted fascination with vestibular schwannoma, also known as acoustic neuroma. Advancements in microsurgical technique, radiosurgery, and radiotherapy, coupled with an increased understanding of the natural history of the disease, have made modern management of this tumor considerably more complex. Concurrently, new controversies have added to the original debates among pioneering surgeons, with the pendulum swinging between conservatism and definitive cure.

  • Controversies in Skull Base Surgery

    Andrew Little

    272,000 266,600won

    Advances in endoscopic, microsurgical, radiosurgical, and pharmacotherapeutic strategies have revolutionized the treatment of skull base pathologies. Controversies in Skull Base Surgery, edited by Andrew Little and Michael Mooney and authored by esteemed multidisciplinary contributors, focuses on management strategies and treatment options for a wide range of tumors affecting the skull base, while addressing the most urgent and challenging questions facing skull base surgeons today.

  • Head and Neck Cancer: Management and Reconstruction, 2/e

    Eric M. Genden

    233,000 228,400won

    Head and Neck Cancer: Management and Reconstruction, 2nd Edition by Eric M. Genden masterfully blends two lauded Thieme books, Reconstruction of the Head and Neck, focusing on defect repair, and Head and Neck Cancer, a multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach to treatment. A significant increase in the incidence of oropharyngeal cancer in the U.S. and other countries, especially among men, is attributed to high-risk subtypes of the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV associated tonsillar cancer and base of tongue cancer account for 90% of all oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Internationally renowned authors share the latest knowledge on HPV and other causes of head and neck cancers, from diagnosis to cutting-edge treatments.

  • Current Concepts of Sleep Apnea Surgery

    Thomas Verse

    233,000 228,400won

    The importance of unobstructed respiration in sleep, and the long-term risks of sleep apnea, cannot be overemphasized. The therapeutic efficacy of the widely prescribed "gold standard," CPAP, is compromised by low patient acceptance and compliance.

  • Laryngeal Cancer: Clinical Case-Based Approaches

    Rogerio Dedivitis

    165,000 161,700won

    Ongoing advances in innovative technologies have improved the diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal cancer, resulting in more optimal oncologic and functional patient outcomes. Laryngeal Cancer: Clinical Case-Based Approaches, by distinguished head and neck surgeon Rogério R. Dedivitis and internationally recognized coeditors, is a comprehensive reference that presents multiple options for similar lesions. Contributions from a diverse group of globally renowned subspecialists reflect the multidisciplinary treatment of laryngeal cancer.

  • Assessing and Treating Dysphagia: A Lifespan Perspective

    Debra Suiter

    120,000 117,600won

    Dysphagia presentation and treatment differs at various stages of life. Assessing and Treating Dysphagia: A Lifespan Perspective reflects significant knowledge and pearls from esteemed adult and pediatric swallowing disorders experts. Debra Suiter and Memorie Gosa have compiled a book of unique depth and breadth with contributions from communication science experts including speech-language pathologists and physicians. The textbook provides comprehensive coverage of swallowing disorders from birth to old age, including clinical, professional, and cultural ethical considerations.

  • Neck Dissection

    Stack Jr., Brendan

    152,000 149,000won

    Dissection of critical structures of the neck is integral to head and neck surgery, for both benign and malignant neck masses and diagnoses of the head, skull base, and cervicothoracic junction. Neck Dissection by Brendan Stack and Mauricio Moreno is a comprehensive treatise on state-of-the-art neck dissection. With contributions from an impressive cadre of international leaders in head and neck surgery, this in-depth, yet concise evidence-based guide covers fundamental and advanced principles of cervical lymphadenopathy surgery.

  • Key Topics in Otolaryngology, 3/e

    Nick Roland

    137,000 134,300won

    Often labelled an "exam bible" in its previous editions, Key Topics in Otorhinolaryngology provides a concise yet comprehensive overview that clinical students and trainees alike can use. It will serve as an ideal introduction to ENT and also prove to be a valuable revision aid for ENT examinations.