군자출판사 추천도서
  • 청소년 발달과 정신의학 2판 대한소아청소년정신의학회 50,000 47,500won
  • 소아재활의학 3판 대한소아재활·발달의학회 80,000 76,000won
  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판 서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀) 38,000 36,100won
  • 근골격 해부학 4판 CHRIS JARMEY 25,000 23,750won
  • 파워 이비인후과 3판 안회영 30,000 28,500won
진단검사의학125의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Imaging of Central Nervous System Tumors

    Dr. Soonme Cha

    192,000 172,000won

    Organized according to the 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System, Imaging of CNS Tumors is a concise imaging reference for CNS tumors as well as tumor mimics. This unique, heavily illustrated title covers essential imaging features of more than 120 different types of brain and spine tumors, making it a valuable resource for residents and practitioners in radiology, neurosurgery, neuro-oncology, neuropathology, and neurology, as well as for medical and graduate students and research scientists with interest in CNS tumors.

  • Cardiac Imaging: A Core Review, 2/e

    Jean Jeudy

    80,000 72,000won

    Prepare for success on the cardiac imaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Cardiac Imaging: A Core Review, 2nd Edition, by Drs. Jean Jeudy and Sachin Malik, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource contains 300 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations of right and wrong answers, fully revised content, high-yield tables for easy review, and additional eBook questions to ensure you’re ready for the Core Exam or recertification exam.

  • Nuclear Medicine: The Essentials (Essentials Series)

    Hossein Jadvar MD PhD MPH MBA

    134,000 120,000won

    Perfect for residents and fellows to use during rotations, or as a quick review for practicing radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians, Nuclear Medicine: The Essentials is a complete, concise overview of the most important knowledge in this challenging and evolving field. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and ends with board-style questions that help you focus your learning. A self-assessment examination in print and additional self-assessment material online test your mastery of the content and prepare you for exams.

  • 미생물검사 검체 지침

    J. Michael Miller, Shelley A. Miller

    25,000 23,750won

    진단검사의학과에서 검체 질의 중요성은 잘 알려져 있습니다. 특히 임상미생물 분야에서는 급성기의 양질의 검체를 다시 얻기 어려운 경우도 많아 적절한 검체를 바르게 채취하는 것은 아무리 강조해도 과하지 않은, 매우 중요한 대명제입니다. 본 역자들이 여러 강의와 과제를 공동으로 진행하며, 국내에 제대로 된 검체 채취 책이 없음을 아쉬워하던 차에, 미국에서 ‘A GUIDE TO Specimen Management in Clinical Microbiology’의 3판이 개정되어 나왔음을 알게 되었고, 우연히 비슷한 시기에 각자 읽어보았습니다. 비록 국내 상황에 맞지 않는 부분이 있었지만, 한국의 교과서를 쓰기에는 아직은 부족한 역자들이기에, 국내 검체 채취 참고서적이 필요하다는 생각으로 같이 모여 번역서를 내기로 하였습니다. 번역작업을 시작하고, 코로나19 판데믹이 시작되었습니다. 역자들의 작업이 더디어졌고, 검체 채취의 중요성은 더욱 강조되었습니다. 어려운 시기에도 이렇게 결실을 맺게 되어 우리 말로 된 검체 채취 참고 서적을 낼 수 있게 됨을 감사하게 생각합니다. 본 번역의 취지에 공감하고, 기획부터 늦어진 과정마다 독려해주며 기다려준 군자출판사의 김도성 차장님에게 미안함과 고마움을 전합니다. 역자들의 바쁜 일상 가운데서도 추가적인 일을 하는 동안 지지해주고 기다려준 가족과, 역자들이 여기까지 올 수 있도록 이끌어주신 은사님들에게 무한의 감사의 말씀을 드리며, 특히 국내 검체 채취 책자의 필요성을 역자들에게 강조해주신 한림의대 김재석 교수님과 연세의대 이혁민 교수님, 그리고 학회의 여러 선배님들에게 감사의 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다. 이 책을 시작으로 국내의 현실에 맞는 검체 채취 관련 책이 출판될 수 있기를 기대해봅니다. 우리가 아니면 누가 하겠습니까?!

  • Textbook of Gastrointestinal Radiology, 5/e

    Richard M. Gore MD

    432,000 389,000won

    Ideal for both trainees and experienced practitioners, Textbook of Gastrointestinal Radiology, 5th Edition, provides detailed, concise, well-illustrated information on all aspects of GI imaging―now in a single volume for convenient point-of-care reference. Drs. Richard M. Gore and Marc S. Levine lead a team of world-renowned experts to provide unparalleled coverage of all major gastrointestinal disorders as well as the complete scope of abdominal imaging modalities. Every chapter has been thoroughly updated, and new authors provide fresh perspectives on complex imaging topics.

  • Musculoskeletal Imaging: The Core Requisites, 5/e

    David A. May MD

    120,000 108,000won

    Focusing on high-yield information, Musculoskeletal Imaging: The Core Requisites, 5th edition emphasizes the basics to help you establish a foundational understanding of musculoskeletal imaging during rotations, prepare for the core and certifying exams, refresh your knowledge of key concepts, and learn strategies to provide “value added” reports to referring clinicians. This completely rewritten and reorganized edition emphasizes the essential knowledge you need in an easy-to-read format.

  • 필수 심초음파 2판

    오민석, 현철원, 안지현

    55,000 52,250won

    2021년 9월부터 우리나라에서 심초음파 검사의 건강보험 급여가 전면 확대되었습니다. 코로나19 팬데믹 내내 번역에 매달린 세계적 베스트셀러 ‘Essential Echocardiography’ 의 한국어판을 선보일 수 있게 되어 기쁩니다. 이 책은 심초음파 검사에 처음 입문하는 검사자는 물론이고 이미 심초음파 검사를 진행하고 있는 검사자에게도 큰 도움이 될 것 입니다. 심초음파 검사법은 꾸준히 발전해 오고 있습니다. 앞으로 군자출판사 홈페이지(koonja. co.kr) 게시판에 ‘Essential Echocardiography’ 출간 이후 미국심초음파학회(American Society of Echocardiography) 등에서 개정 발표한 가이드라인 등 관련 정보를 꾸준히 업데이트하도록 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다. 2021년 11월 역자 오민석, 현철원, 안지현 드림

  • Temporal Bone Imaging Made Easy


    Geoiphy George Pulickal, Tiong Yong Tan, Ashish Chawla

    195,000 190,000won

  • Diagnostic Imaging: Head and Neck, 4e


    Bernadette L. Koch MD, Surjith Vattoth MD FRCR, Philip R. Chapman

    408,000 367,000won

  • A Practical Guide to Fetal Echocardiography


    Alfred Z. Abuhamad MD, Rabih Chaoui MD

    259,500 246,500won

  • Recent Advances in Imaging with PET, CT, and MR Techniques, An Issue of PET Clinics

    Edited by Habib Zaidi

    102,000 92,000won

    This issue of PET Clinics focuses on Recent Advances in Imaging with PET, CT, and MR Techniques and is edited by Drs. Habib Zaidi, Abass Alavi and Drew A. Torigian. Articles will include: Total-body PET imaging: Developments in instrumentation; Prospects for total-body PET imaging using plastic scintillators; Total-body imaging: Potential clinical applications; New challenges for PET image reconstruction for total-body imaging; Advances in preclinical PET instrumentation; Applications of hybrid PET/MRI in CNS disorders; Applications of hybrid PET-MRI in MSK disorders; Assessment of total body atherosclerosis burden by PET-CT; Recent advances on CT and MR imaging in radiology; Potential impact of Total Body PET imaging in measuring global disease burden in systemic inflammatory disorders; Applications of PET-MRI in CV disorders; and more!

  • Advances in Clinical Radiology

    Edited by Frank H. Miller, M.D. FACR FSAR FSABI

    240,000 216,000won

    Advances in Clinical Radiology was established to review the year's most important questions in clinical radiology. A distinguished editorial board, headed by Dr. Frank Miller, identifies key areas of major progress and controversy, and invites preeminent specialists to contribute original articles devoted to these topics. These insightful overviews in radiology bring concepts to a clinical level and explore their everday impact on patient care.

  • Webb, Müller and Naidich`s High-Resolution CT of the Lung, 6/e

    Sujal Desai

    324,000 291,600won

    Over the past 30 years high-resolution CT (HRCT) has matured to become an integral part of the multidisciplinary evaluation in diffuse lung disease. In this regard, Webb, Muller and Naidich’s High-Resolution CT of the Lung, 6th Edition, is a ‘gold standard’ reference that aims to keep radiologists and pulmonologists alike at the cutting edge of the ever-evolving field of thoracic imaging. The new US-European author team continues the tradition of excellence which readers have come to expect while the underlying layout and ethos — established by the ‘founding’ author team — remain. The new edition aims to brings readers up to date not only with recent advances but also with the important conceptual changes in thinking in various fields of thoracic imaging. Also featured in this updated edition is authoritative guidance on HRCT findings and differential diagnosis, as well as the characteristics of the common lung diseases assessed using HRCT, all enhanced by a multitude of new images and updated content throughout.

  • Musculoskeletal Imaging: A Core Review, 2/e

    Paul Spicer

    85,000 76,500won

    Prepare for success on the musculoskeletal imaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Musculoskeletal Imaging: A Core Review, Second Edition, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource contains 300 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations of right and wrong answers, fully revised content, high-yield tables for easy review, and additional eBook questions to ensure you’re ready for the Core Exam or recertification exam. Features questions in all exam areas, including imaging basics, normal anatomy, congenital and developmental spine/extremity anomalies and dysplasias, infection, tumors and tumor-like conditions, trauma, metabolic and hematologic disorders, arthropathy, and more. Accompanies each question with 1 or 2 high-quality radiographs, CT, MR, or ultrasound images. Provides concise answers with explanations of each choice followed by relevant, up-to-date references. Follows the structure and content of what you’ll encounter on the test, conveniently organized by topic. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.

  • Genitourinary Imaging: A Core Review, 2/e

    Genitourinary Imaging: A Core Review

    85,000 76,500won

    Prepare for success on the genitourinary imaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Genitourinary Imaging: A Core Review, Second Edition, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource contains 300 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations of right and wrong answers, fully revised content, excellent image quality, high-yield tables for easy review, and additional eBook questions to ensure you’re ready for the Core Exam and maintenance of certification. Features questions in many exam areas, including genitourinary disease, image acquisition physics, iatrogenic adverse events, image-based diagnosis, percutaneous biopsy and drainage catheter techniques, disease management, and medical ethics. Pairs multiple-choice questions with high-quality radiographs, CT, MR, and ultrasound images. Provides concise but detailed answers supplemented by relevant, up-to-date references. Follows the structure and content of what you’ll encounter on the test, conveniently organized by topic. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.

  • Thoracic Imaging: A Core Review, 2/e

    Stephen Hobbs MD

    80,000 72,000won

    Prepare for success on the thoracic imaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Thoracic Imaging: A Core Review, 2nd Edition, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource contains 300 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations of right and wrong answers, fully revised content, and additional eBook questions to ensure you’re ready for the Core Exam or recertification exam. Features questions in all exam areas, including imaging basics, normal anatomy, ICU radiographs, pulmonary pathology, pleural disease, vascular diseases relevant to thoracic imaging, and trauma. Questions accompanied with 1 or 2 high-quality radiographs, CT, MR, or ultrasound images. Provides concise answers with explanations of each choice followed by relevant, up-to-date references. Follows the structure and content of what you’ll encounter on the test, conveniently organized by topic. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.

  • Laposata`s Laboratory Medicine Diagnosis of Disease in Clinical Laboratory, 3e


    Michael Laposata

    110,000 99,000won

  • Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 4e

    Miral D. Jhaveri MD

    408,000 367,000won

  • Intravascular Ultrasound: From Acquisition to Advanced Quantitative Analysis

    Simone Balocco

    163,000 147,000won

    Intravascular Ultrasound: From Acquisition to Advanced Quantitative Analysis covers topics of the whole imaging pipeline, ranging from the definition of the clinical problem and image acquisition systems to image processing and analysis, including the assisted clinical-decision making procedures and treatment planning (stent deployment and follow up). Atherosclerosis, a disease of the vessel wall that produces vessel narrowing and obstruction, is the major cause of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack or stroke. This book covers all aspects of this imaging tool that allows for the visualization of internal vessel structures and the quantification and characterization of coronary plaque.

  • Imaging Anatomy Brain and Spine

    Anne G. Osborn MD FACR

    325,000 293,000won

    This richly illustrated and superbly organized text/atlas is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Written by global leaders in the field, Imaging Anatomy: Brain and Spine provides a thorough understanding of the detailed normal anatomy that underlies contemporary imaging. This must-have reference employs a templated, highly formatted design; concise, bulleted text; and state-of- the-art images throughout that identify the clinical entities in each anatomic area.