군자출판사 추천도서
  • 청소년 발달과 정신의학 2판 대한소아청소년정신의학회 50,000 47,500won
  • 소아재활의학 3판 대한소아재활·발달의학회 80,000 76,000won
  • AMC 영양집중치료 3판 서울아산병원 NST(영양집중지원팀) 38,000 36,100won
  • 근골격 해부학 4판 CHRIS JARMEY 25,000 23,750won
  • 파워 이비인후과 3판 안회영 30,000 28,500won
마취통증의학과154의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting`s Clinical Anesthesia: Print + eBook with Multimedia, 9/e

    Bruce F. Cullen MD

    343,000 326,000won

    Covering the full spectrum of clinical issues and options in anesthesiology, Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting’s Clinical Anesthesia, Ninth Edition, edited by Drs. Bruce F. Cullen, M. Christine Stock, Rafael Ortega, Sam R. Sharar, Natalie F. Holt, Christopher W. Connor, and Naveen Nathan, provides insightful coverage of pharmacology, physiology, co-existing diseases, and surgical procedures. This award-winning text delivers state-of-the-art content unparalleled in clarity and depth of coverage, as well robust multimedia features that equip you to effectively apply today’s standards of care and make optimal clinical decisions on behalf of your patients.

  • Augoustides and Kaplan`s Cardiac Anesthesia Review

    John G.T. Augoustides MD

    140,000 133,000won

    Turn to the trusted team of Drs. Joel A. Kaplan and John G.T. Augoustides for focused, comprehensive guidance on topics relevant to certification examinations for adult cardiac anesthesiology practitioners. Written by current leaders in the field, Augoustides and Kaplan''s Cardiac Anesthesia Review summarizes critical, must-know cardiac anesthesia knowledge in a concise, quick-review format―making this an indispensable review tool for cardiac anesthesiologists and fellows, as well as advanced residents seeking a cardiac fellowship.

  • Faust`s Anesthesiology Review, 6/e

    Terence L. Trentman MD

    147,000 140,000won

    Authored by current and former physicians at the Mayo Clinic, Faust''s Anesthesiology Review, 6th Edition, is an invaluable review source for success on exams and in practice. It covers a broad range of important and timely topics in a succinct, easy-to-read format, providing the essential information you need to master the latest advances, procedures, guidelines, and protocols in anesthesiology.

  • Sacroiliac Joint Techniques

    Alaa Abd-Elsayed MD MPH FASA

    154,000 147,000won

    Sacroiliac Joint Techniques, a volume in the Atlas of Interventional Pain Management series, is a concise, practical guide that provides clinicians with detailed, step-by-step guidance on how to perform spinal nerve stimulation procedures for patients with chronic pain associated with sacroiliitis. This comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide offers expert coverage of how to deliver safe, accurate, and cost-effective pain relief to patients using all clinically useful imaging modalities, including ultrasound-guided techniques and fluoroscopy. With high-quality images and clear, authoritative guidance throughout, it shows exactly how to evaluate the causes of pain, identify the most promising stimulation technique, locate the site with precision, and deliver effective relief.

  • Kaplan`s Cardiac Anesthesia, 8/e

    Joel A. Kaplan MD

    486,000 462,000won

    Current, comprehensive, and evidence-based, Kaplan''s Cardiac Anesthesia: Perioperative and Critical Care Management, 8th Edition, offers practical guidance from today’s international leaders in cardiac anesthesiology, helping you to optimize perioperative outcomes, avoid complications, and ensure maximum patient safety. Dr. Joel A. Kaplan, along with an expert team of associate editors, guides you through today’s clinical challenges, including expanded coverage of critical care, the newest approaches to perioperative assessment and management, state-of-the art diagnostic techniques, and cardiovascular and coronary physiology.

  • Decompressive Techniques

    Alaa Abd-Elsayed MD MPH FASA

    182,000 173,000won

    Decompressive Techniques, part of the Atlas of Interventional Pain Management series, is a concise, practical guide that provides clinicians with detailed, step-by-step guidance on how to perform decompressive procedures for treating patients with chronic lower back pain. This comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide offers expert coverage of how to deliver safe, accurate, and cost-effective pain relief to patients using all clinically useful imaging modalities, including ultrasound-guided techniques and fluoroscopy. With high-quality images and clear, authoritative guidance throughout, it shows exactly how to evaluate the causes of pain, identify the most promising stimulation technique, locate the site with precision, and deliver effective relief.

  • Radiofrequency Ablation Techniques

    Alaa Abd-Elsayed MD MPH FASA

    205,000 195,000won

    Radiofrequency Augmentation Techniques, part of the Atlas of Interventional Pain Management series, is a concise, practical guide that provides clinicians with detailed, step-by-step guidance on how to perform the latest interventional techniques for treating patients with chronic pain. This comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide offers expert coverage of how to deliver safe, accurate, and cost-effective pain relief to patients using all clinically useful imaging modalities, including ultrasound-guided techniques and fluoroscopy. With high-quality images and clear, authoritative guidance throughout, it shows exactly how to evaluate the causes of pain, identify the most promising stimulation technique, locate the site with precision, and deliver effective relief.

  • The ECMO Book

    Jeffrey DellaVolpe MD

    154,000 147,000won

    ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) is a crucial form of support for patients with respiratory failure, severe ARDS, COVID-19, and cardiogenic shock whose use has been increasing exponentially around the world. The ECMO Book offers a comprehensive yet approachable framework for understanding the principles of extracorporeal support as well as the subtleties related to the care of patients needing ECMO. Dr. Jeffrey DellaVolpe provides authoritative, consistent guidance on all aspects of ECMO, making complex information understandable and accessible and helping you increase your knowledge of and proficiency with this multifaceted therapy.

  • Spinal Fusion Techniques (The Atlas of Interventional Pain Management)

    Alaa Abd-Elsayed MD MPH FASA

    161,000 153,000won

    Spinal Fusion Techniques, a volume in the Atlas of Interventional Pain Management series, is a concise, practical guide that provides clinicians with detailed, step-by-step guidance on how to perform the latest interventional techniques for treating patients with chronic pain as a result of spinal stenosis. This comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide offers expert coverage of how to deliver safe, accurate, and cost-effective pain relief to patients using all clinically useful imaging modalities, including ultrasound-guided techniques and fluoroscopy. With high-quality images and clear, authoritative guidance throughout, it shows exactly how to evaluate the causes of pain, identify the most promising stimulation technique, locate the site with precision, and deliver effective relief.

  • Neuromodulation Techniques for the Spine

    Alaa Abd-Elsayed MD MPH FASA

    210,000 200,000won

    Neuromodulation Techniques for the Spine, a volume in the Atlas of Interventional Pain Management series, is a concise, practical guide that provides clinicians with detailed, step-by-step guidance on how to perform spinal nerve stimulation procedures for patients with chronic pain. This comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide offers expert coverage of how to deliver safe, accurate, and cost-effective pain relief to patients using all clinically useful imaging modalities, including ultrasound-guided techniques and fluoroscopy. With high-quality images and clear, authoritative guidance throughout, it shows exactly how to evaluate the causes of pain, identify the most promising stimulation technique, locate the site with precision, and deliver effective relief.

  • Vertebral Augmentation Techniques (Atlas of Interventional Pain Management)

    Alaa Abd-Elsayed MD MPH FASA

    161,000 153,000won

    Vertebral Augmentation Techniques, part of the Atlas of Interventional Pain Management series, is a concise, practical guide that provides clinicians with detailed, step-by-step guidance on how to perform the latest interventional techniques for treating patients with chronic pain as a result of vertebral fractures or osteoporosis. This comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide offers expert coverage of how to deliver safe, accurate, and cost-effective pain relief to patients using all clinically useful imaging modalities, including ultrasound-guided techniques and fluoroscopy. With high-quality images and clear, authoritative guidance throughout, it shows exactly how to evaluate the causes of pain, identify the most promising stimulation technique, locate the site with precision, and deliver effective relief.

  • 개원의를 위한 통증사냥법 4판 리마스터판


    150,000 142,500won

    예로부터 비법이란 것은 공개하지 않고 극비리에 간직하고 있다가 본인이 은퇴할 즈음에 후계자를 내세워 전수해왔는데, 만약 불의의사고로 그 비법이 전수되지 못하면 영원히 묻혀 사라져버렸던 것이다.

  • 빠르게 찾아보는 중환자치료

    Nancy H. Diepenbrock

    35,000 33,250won

    이 책은 처음부터 끝까지 읽어야 할 교과서가 아니고, 가볍게 휴대하면서 언제든지 궁금한 점이 있을 때, 그 부분만 바로 찾아볼 수 있는 책입니다. 실제 중환자실에서 자주 접하는 EVD, 박동조율기, 스완-간즈 도관 같은 기구의 사용 방법과 주의점, 문제 발생 시 해결법을 자세하게 다루고 있기에, 일반적인 교과서에서는 알려주지 않는 기기 관리법도 배울 수 있습니다. 또한, 실제 임상에 바로 적용할 수 있도록 약물을 성분명뿐만 아니라 상표명도 같이 기재하고 있습니다. 미국에서 발매된 책이기에, 국내와는 다른 상표도 많아서 이러한 상표들은 약학 정보원과 식품의약품안전처에 등록된 약물을 참고해서 국내에서 사용 중인 약물로 상표명을 수정했습니다. 국내에서 사용할 수 없는 약물은 알아보기 쉽게 별도로 표기를 하였습니다. 이외에 장기이식 관련 내용처럼 국내 실정에 맞지 않아 책을 읽으시는 분에게 도움이 되지 않는 내용은 국내 실정에 맞게 내용을 수정했습니다. 내용에서는 실제 필드에서 사용하는 다양한 의학용어 약자를 사용하고 있습니다. 공간 문제로 본문에 기재하지 못한 약자의 풀네임은 책 마지막에 있는 약자 목록에서 풀네임과 한글 명칭을 확인할 수 있습니다. 이 책이 중환자 치료에 입문하는 선생님뿐만 아니라, 중환자 치료에 경력이 많으신 선생님에게도 소중한 시간을 최대한 활용할 수 있는 도구가 되었으면 하며, 중환자실에서 마주하는 수많은 환자 중 단 한 명의 치료에라도 도움이 된다면 더 이상의 바람이 없겠습니다.

  • 관절과 연부조직 주사 및 흡인치료 4판

    James W. McNabb, Francis G. OConnor

    55,000 52,250won

    대한통증학회의 가족 같은 구성원들이 의기투합하여 2015년 3판 번역한지 벌써 8년의 시간이 훌쩍 지났습니다. 구성원 모두 큰 변화 없이 시간이 지나도 치열한 임상 현장에서 끊임없이 통증 환자와 희노애락을 같이 해오고 있지만 여러가지 생각은 많아질 것 같습니다. 이전부터 익히 알고 있듯이 통증질환에 대한 진단과 치료를 근간으로 하는 마취통증의학과의 통증치료는 그 대상 질환의 방대함과 고도의 전문성을 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 너무나도 쉽고 간단한 행위로 평가되고 가치가 인정받지 못하고 있습니다. 각종 진단방법 및 치료과정의 결정에 있어서 빛나는 가치를 가지는 신경차단법을 비롯한 주사치료법들은 정확한 진단과 치료를 위한 시작이자 핵심이라고 할 수 있습니다. 이 책은 이러한 핵심에 대해 다루고 있는 책입니다. 처음 주사치료를 접하는 초보자와 다양한 경험을 가지 전문가도 다시 볼 수 있는 유용한 정보와 사진들이 담겨 있습니다. 이 책이 통증 환자의 안정성 확보와 임상의의 진료 타당성을 뒷받침해 줄 수 있는 큰 토양이 되기를 기원합니다. 통증질환에 대한 정확한 지식과 근거중심의 치료행위 그리고 완벽한 술기 습득이야말로 통증치료 의사가 가져야 할 필수 요건이라 할 수 있겠습니다. 미국 미식축구 감독 롬바르디의 어록을 소개합니다. “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect!” 치열한 한국의 통증 의료 현장에서 이 책은 완벽함으로 이끄는 유용한 동반자가 될 수 있으리라 확신합니다. 본 책의 번역을 제안해 주신 도서출판 군자출판사에 감사드리며, 또 한번 힘든 여정을 기꺼이 같이 해준 가족 같은 역자교수님들께 마음 깊이 감사드립니다. 통증치료로의 배움의 길을 열어 주신 존경하는 모든 스승님들과 동료들 그리고 치료과정 중에 내게 또다른 인생의 가르침을 주는 환자분들에게도 경의를 표합니다. 8년전과 변함없이 가르쳐 주신 치료과정 중의 수없이 고민하던 소중한 경험들, 마음속 깊이 간직하겠습니다.

  • Hagberg and Benumof`s Airway Management, 5/e

    Carin A. Hagberg, MD, FASA

    312,000 297,000won

    Considered the go-to reference in airway management not only in anesthesia practice but also in emergency medicine and intensive care settings, Hagberg and Benumof''s Airway Management ensures that practitioners worldwide are familiar and proficient with the most recent developments in equipment and scientific knowledge in this fast-changing area. Covering all aspects of this fundamental practice, the new 5th Edition facilitates the safe performance of airway management for all airway practitioners, regardless of specialty, using a concise, how-to approach, carefully chosen illustrations, and case examples and analysis throughout.

  • Textbook of Critical Care, 8/e

    Jean-Louis Vincent, MD

    391,000 351,000won

    Bridging the gap between medical and surgical specialties in critical care, Textbook of Critical Care, 8th Edition, offers a practical, multidisciplinary approach to the effective management of adult and pediatric patients in the ICU. An outstanding editorial team, led by world-renowned intensivist Dr. Jean-Louis Vincent, assisted by Dr. Frederick A. Moore and new editors Drs. Rinaldo Bellomo and John J. Marini, provides the evidence-based guidance you need to overcome a full range of practice challenges. A full-color art program, relevant basic science and key summary points in every chapter, and expert contributing authors from all over the world make this an indispensable resource for every member of the critical care team.

  • Morgan and Mikhail`s Clinical Anesthesiology 7e, IE

    John F. Butterworth, David C. Mackey, John D. Wasnick

    145,000 135,000won

  • Vascular Anesthesia, An Issue of Anesthesiology Clinics

    Megan P. Kostibas, MD

    161,000 144,000won

    In this issue of Anesthesiology Clinics, guest editors Drs. Megan P. Kostibas and Heather K. Hayanga bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Vascular Anesthesia. Top experts in the field cover key topics such arterial hemodynamics and ischemia-reperfusion; preoperative evaluation and cardiac risk assessment; complications of vascular disease; coagulopathy and anticoagulant management: drugs, antiplatelets agents, and thrombolytic agents; and more.

  • CPT Coding Essentials for Anesthesiology and Pain Management 2022

    American Medical Association

    259,000 253,000won

    Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime shipping. Optimized for medical necessity and reimbursement understanding, this all-in-one resource focuses on the most important CPT® and ICD-10-CM codes and their associated relative value units (RVUs) for anesthesiology and pain management, plus medicine and ancillary services codes chosen by experts who have taken into consideration utilization, denial risk and complexity.