Immunology and Serology in Laboratory Medicine, 5/e 해외주문가능
Mary Louise Turgeon
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584 Pages
5 Edition
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The 5th edition of this classic text sets the standard for comprehensive coverage of immunology. Building from a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, trusted author Mary Louise Turgeon takes you from basic immunologic mechanisms and serologic concepts to the theory behind the procedures you’ll perform in the lab. Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine, Fifth Edition is the go-to resource for everything from mastering automated techniques to understanding immunoassay instrumentation and disorders of infectious and immunologic origin. Packed with learning objectives, review questions, step-by-step procedures, and case studies, this text is your key to succeeding in today’s modern laboratory environment.


New to This Edition

    • NEW! Expanded chapter on Vaccines as the importance of vaccines continues to become more evident.
    • NEW! Updated chapter on Molecular Techniques incorporates the newest technology specific to immunology.
    • NEW! Key terms at the beginning of each chapter help you learn the important vocabulary in immunology.
    • NEW! Case studies with added multiple-choice questions in addition to critical thinking questions will help you apply your knowledge and develop critical-thinking skills.

Key Features

    • Full-color, six-page insert of photomicrographs provide a better picture of what you’ll see in the laboratory.
    • Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter offer a measurable outcome you can achieve by completing the material.
    • Chapter highlights at the end of each chapter provide a summary of the most important information covered in each chapter.
    • Review questions at the end of each chapter are tied to learning objectives further enhance your understanding.
    • Case studies challenge you to apply your knowledge and help strengthen your critical thinking skills.
    • Glossary at the end of the book provides quick access to key terms and definitions.

Part I: Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

  1. An Overview of Immunology

  2. Antigens and Antibodies

  3. Cells and Cellular Activities of the Immune System: Granulocytes and Mononuclear Cells

  4. Cells and Cellular Activities of the Immune System: Lymphocytes and Plasma Cells

  5. Soluble Mediators of the Immune System

    Part II: The Theory of Immunologic and Serologic Procedures

  6. Safety in the Immunology-Serology Laboratory

  7. Quality Assurance and Quality Control

  8. Basic Serologic Laboratory Techniques

  9. Point-of-Care Testing

  10. Agglutination Methods

  11. Electrophoresis Techniques

  12. Labeling Techniques in Immunoassay

  13. Automated Procedures

  14. Molecular Techniques

    Part III: Immunologic Manifestations of Infectious Disease

  15. The Immune Response in Infectious Disease

  16. A Primer on Vaccines

  17. Streptococcal Infections

  18. Syphilis

  19. Vector-Borne Diseases

  20. Toxoplasmosis

  21. Cytomegalovirus

  22. Infectious Mononucleosis

  23. Viral Hepatitis

  24. Rubella Infection

  25. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

    Part IV: Immunologically and Serologically Related Disorders

  26. Hypersensitivity Reactions

  27. Immunoproliferative Disorders

  28. Autoimmune Disorders

  29. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

  30. Rheumatoid Arthritis

  31. Solid Organ Transplantation

  32. Bone Marrow Transplantation

  33. Tumor Immunology


Appendix A. Answers to Case Study Questions

Appendix B. Answers to Review Questions

Appendix C. Representative Diagnostic Assays in Medical Laboratory Immunology



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