Skeletal Trauma: Basic Science, Management, and Reconstruction, 2-Volume Set, 6e 신간 해외주문가능
Bruce D. Browner, MD, MHCM, FACS, Jesse B. Jupiter, MD, Christian Krettek, MD, FRACS, FRCSEd and Paul A Anderson, MD
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2976 pages
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Offering expert, comprehensive guidance on the basic science, diagnosis, and treatment of acute musculoskeletal injuries and post-traumatic reconstructive problems, Skeletal Trauma, 6th Edition, brings you fully up to date with current approaches in this challenging specialty. This revised edition is designed to meet the needs of orthopaedic surgeons, residents, fellows, and traumatologists, as well as emergency physicians who treat patients with musculoskeletal trauma. International thought leaders incorporate the latest peer-reviewed literature, technological advances, and practical advice with the goal of optimizing patient outcomes for the full range of traumatic musculoskeletal injuries.

Key Features
  • Offers complete coverage of relevant anatomy and biomechanics, mechanisms of injury, diagnostic approaches, treatment options, and associated complications.
  • Includes eight new chapters dedicated to advances in technology and addressing key problems and procedures, such as Initial Evaluation of the Spine in Trauma Patients, Management of Perioperative Pain Associated with Trauma and Surgery, Chronic Pain Management (fully addressing the opioid epidemic), Understanding and Treating Chronic Osteomyelitis, and more.
  • Features a complimentary one-year subx_scription to OrthoEvidence, a global online platform that provides high-quality, peer-reviewed and timely orthopaedic evidence-based summaries of the latest and most relevant literature. Contains unique, critical information on mass casualty incidents and war injuries, with contributions from active duty military surgeons and physicians in collaboration with civilian authors to address injuries caused by road traffic, armed conflict, civil wars, and insurgencies throughout the world.
  • Features important call out boxes summarizing key points, pearls and pitfalls, and outcomes.
  • Provides access to nearly 130 instructional videos that demonstrate principles of care and outline detailed surgical procedures.
  • Contains a wealth of high-quality illustrations, full-color photographs, and diagnostic images.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

1 The History of Trauma Care
2 Global Burden of Musculoskeletal Injuries
3 The Challenges of Orthopaedic Trauma Care in the Developing World
4 Vascularity and Stability
5 Biology and Enhancement of Skeletal Repair
6 Biomechanics of Fractures
7 Closed Fracture Management
8 Principles and Complications of External Skeletal Fixation
9 Principles of Internal Fixation
10 Evaluation and Treatment of the Multi-Injured Trauma Patient
11 Initial Evaluation of the Spine in Trauma Patients
12 Damage Control Orthopaedic Surgery:A Strategy for the Orthopaedic Care of the Critically Injured Patient
13 Disaster Management
14 The Management of Acute and Perioperative Pain Associated With Trauma and Surgery
15 Chronic Pain Management
16 Evaluation and Treatment of Vascular Injuries
17 Compartment Syndromes
18 Open Fractures
19 Soft Tissue Reconstruction
20 Gunshot Wounds and Blast Injuries
21 Pathologic Fractures
22 Osteoporotic Fragility Fractures
23 Surgical Site Infection Prevention
24 Diagnosis and Treatment of Complications
25 Understanding and Treating Chronic Osteomyelitis
26 Nonunions: Evaluation and Treatmen
27 Motorized Intramedullary Lengthening Nail for Limb Reconstruction
28 Psychological, Social, and Functional Manifestations of Orthopaedic Trauma and Traumatic Brain Injury
29 Pathophysiology and Early Management of Spinal Cord Injury
30 Craniocervical Injuries: Atlas Fractures, Atlanto-Occipital Injuries, and Atlantoaxial Injuries
31 Craniocervical Injuries: C2 Fractures
32 Subaxial Cervical Spine Trauma
33 Thoracolumbar Trauma
34 Fractures in the Ankylosed Spine
35 Osteoporotic Spinal Fractures
36 Avoiding Complications in Spine Trauma Patients
37 Principles of Orthotic Management
38 Pelvic Ring Injuries
39 Surgical Treatment of Acetabular Fractures
40 Fractures and Dislocations of the Hand
41 Fractures and Dislocations of the Carpus
42 Fractures of the Distal Radius
43 Diaphyseal Fractures of the Forearm
44 Trauma to the Adult Elbow
45 Fractures of the Distal Humerus
46 Fractures of the Humeral Shaft
47 Proximal Humeral Fractures and Glenohumeral Dislocations
48 Fractures and Dislocations of the Clavicle
49 Scapula Fractures
50 Chest Wall Trauma: Rib and Sternum Fractures
51 Replantation
52 Hip Dislocations
53 Medical Management of the Patient With Hip Fracture
54 Intracapsular Hip Fractures
55 Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures
56 Posttraumatic Reconstruction of the Hip Joint
57 Subtrochanteric Fractures of the Femur
58 Femoral Shaft Fractures
59 Fractures of the Distal Femur
60 Patella Fractures and Extensor Mechanism Injuries
61 Dislocations and Soft Tissue Injuries of the Knee
62 Tibial Plateau Fractures
63 Malunions and Nonunions About the Knee
64 Tibial Shaft Fractures
65 Fractures of the Tibial Pilon
66 Malleolar Fractures and Soft Tissue Injuries of the Ankle
67 Foot Injuries
68 Posttraumatic Reconstruction of the Foot and Ankle
69 Periprosthetic Fractures of the Lower Extremity
70 Principles of Deformity Correction
71 Limb Salvage and Reconstruction
72 Amputations in Trauma
73 Articular Cartilage Reconstruction Using Osteochondral Allografts
74 The History of Fracture Treatment
75 Occupational Hazards in the Treatment of Orthopaedic Trauma
76 Medical Management of the Orthopaedic Trauma Patient
77 Surgical Site Infection Prevention
78 Physical Impairment Ratings for Fractures
79 Outcome Assessment in Orthopaedic Traumatology
80 Professionalism and the Economics of Orthopaedic Trauma Care


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