Caffey`s Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging
Jerald P Kuhn
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
"Here s the new 10th Edition of the ""bible"" of pediatric radiology! Since 1945 this classic has offered comprehensive coverage of all areas of interest to the radiologist who deals with children. The title has been changed from Pediatric X-Ray Diagnosis to emphasize the new material included in this extensively revised version. This work is edited by Dr.Jerald Kuhn the co-editor with Dr. Fred Silverman of the previous edition and two new authorities Dr. Thomas Slovis former president of the Society for Pediatric Radiology and Dr. Jack Haller. Over 30 contributors have added their expertise to nine sections of the new work. * Includes discussions of state-of-the-art diagnostic methods while maintaining a clinical focus. * All Modalities are covered including Nuclear Medicine and Interventional Radiology. * eatures a user-friendly organization: Information is broken down by body system and then cross- referenced to expanded discussions of different systems. For each discussion readers will find complete coverage of normal anatomy roentgenographic appearance congenital disorders traumatic lesions infections neoplasms and more! * Entirely new section on imaging of the neonate details those conditions uniquely occurring in this age group. New to this Edition * New ""teaching boxes"" have been added throughout the book to emphasize the most important points. * New introductory chapter discusses the hazards of exposure to diagnostic radiation in childhood. 50% of images are new most are of Ultrasound CT or MRI studies. * New appendix to reflect easy format for measurements protocols and pathonomic findings in frequently seen pediatric diseases. "
"TABLE OF CONTENTS: VOLUME 1 Section I – Radiation Effects of Radiation on Children Section II – Neonatal Imaging Neonatal Imaging Part I. Overview Part II. Neonatal Airway 1. Anatomy Embryology Physiology 2. Congenital Anomalies and Acquired Lesions Part III. Neonatal Lung and Thorax 1. Anatomy Embryology Physiology 2. Surgically Correctable Fetal Disease 3. Congenital and Acquired Lesions (Most Causing Respiratory Distress) 4. Tumor and Tumor-like Conditions (Masses) Part IV. Neonatal Gastrointestinal Tract 1. Embryology Anatomy and Physiology 2. Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment 3. Abdominal Wall Defects 4. Congenital Anomalies of the Gastrointestinal Tract 5. Congenital and Acquired Anomalies of Liver and Biliary System 6. Tumor and Tumor-like Conditions of the Gastrointestinal Tract Liver and Biliary System 7. Necrotizing Enterocoloties 8. Mis cellaneous Conditions of the Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Systems Part V. Neonatal Genitourinary Tract 1. Fetal Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Abnormalities 2. Indications and Techniques for Neonatal Genitourinary Tract Imaging 3. Embryology Anatomy and Normal Physiology of the Genitourinary Tract 4. Dilatation of the Neonatal Urinary Tract 5. Tumor and Tumor-like Conditions of the Urinary Tract 6. Vascular Diseases of the Kidneys 7. Urinary Tract Infection 8. Miscellaneous Renal Disorders 9. Other Urinary Tract Anomalies 10. The Adrenal Gland 11. The Genital Tract Part VI. Neonatal Heart and Great Vessels 1. Fetal Echocardiography 2. Etiology and Modes of Presentation of Neonatal Cardiac Disease Part VII. Neonatal Central Nervous System 1. Prenatal Diagnosis and Potential Therapy of Central Nervous System 2. Cranial Ultrasound: Normal Indications and Integration of Other Imaging Modalities 3. Ultrasound of the Neonatal Spinal Canal Section III -- Skull Spine and Central Nervous System Part I. Overview Part II. The Skull Part III. The Face and Cranial Structures Part IV. The Brain Part V. The Vertebrae Part VI. The Spinal Cord Section IV -- Respiratory System Part I. Overview of Imaging Procedures in the Pediatric Neck and Thorax Part II. Neck and Upper Airway Part III. Larynx and Cervical Trachea Part IV. Chest Wall Part V. Diaphragm Part VI. Pleura Part VII. Lungs and Airways 1. Normal Lung and Clinical Anatomy 2. Anomalies of the Lung 3. Diseases of the Airways and Abnormalities of the Pulmonary Aeration 4. Pulmonary Infection 5. Immune Disorders 6. Disorders of Pulmonary Circulation 7. Effects of Physical Agents on the Lungs 8. Pulmonary Neoplasms Tumor-like Conditions and Miscellaneous Diseases Part VIII Mediastinum VOLUME 2 Section V -- The Heart and Great Vessels Part I. Introduction 1. Overview of Heart Disease 2. Cardiac Evaluation 2A Nuclear Cardiology 2B Electrocardiography and Electrophysiology Part II. Congenital Heart Disease 1. Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease With Increased Pulmonary Flow 2. Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease With Normal Pulmonary Flow Part III. Vascular Rings and Great Vessel Anomalies 1. Aortic Arch Anomalies 2. Pulmonary Artery Abnormalities Part IV. Cardiac Malposition Cardiosplenic (Heterotaxy)Syndromes and Chromosomal Anomalies 1. Cardiac Malpositions 2. Syndromes and Chromosomal Anomalies Part V. Acquired Heart Disease 1. Myocardial Diseases (Cardiomyopathy) 2. Valvular Diseases 3. Coronary Artery Disease and Anomalies 4. Pericardial Disease Part VI. Cardiac Tumors and Arrhythmias 1. Cardiac Tumors 2. Cardiac Arrhythmias Part VII. Cardiac Operations and Interventional Procedures 1. Cardiac Operations 2. Interventional Catheterization Procedures Section VI -- Abdomen and Gastrointestinal Tract Part I. Overview (diagnostic procedures) Part II. Abdominal Wall and Peritoneal Cavity 1. Anatomy and Embryology of the Abdominal Wall 2. Abdominal Wall Abnormalities 3. The Peritoneal Cavity Part III. Hepatobiliary System 1. Introduction to the Hepatobiliary System 2. Congenital Abnormalities 3. Infections of the Liver 4. Diffuse Parenchymal Disease 5. Abnormalities of Hepatic Vasculature 6. Acquired Biliary Tract Disease 7. Tumors and Tumor-like Conditions 8. Liver Transplantation Part IV. Spleen and Pancreas 1. The Spleen 2. The Pancreas Part V. Esophagus 1. Normal Esophagus 2. Disorders of Deglutition the Velopharyngeal Portal and Peristalsis 3. Congenital Esophageal Malformations 4. Acquired Esophageal Lesions 5. Disorders of the Esophagogastric Junction 6. Miscellaneous Esophageal Abnormalities Part VI. Stomach and Proximal Duodenum 1. Normal Stomach and Duodenum 2. Congenital Gastric amd Duodenal Disorders Part VII. Small Intestine Part VIII. The Colon Part IX. Abdominal Trauma Section VII -- Urinary Tract and Retroperitoneum Part I. Methods to Study the Urinary Tract 1. Diagnostic Procedures: Excluding Nuclear Medicine 2. Nuclear Imaging of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract 3. Scintigraphic Adrenal Imaging 4. Interventional Procedures in the Urinary System Part II. Normal Findings and Anatomic Variants Part III. Kidney 1. Congenital Renal Anomalies 2. Renal Neoplasms 3. Urolithiasis Nephrocalcinosis and Trauma to the Urinary Tract 4. Special Infections 5. Renovascular Disorders Part IV. Ureter 1. Obstructive Lesions of the Body of the Ureter 2. Vesicoureteral Reflux Part V. Bladder Part VI. Urethra Part VII. Adrenal Gland Part VIII. Retroperitoneal Masses Section VIII – Reproductive Organs Part I. Abnormalities of the Male Genital Tract Part II. Abnormalities of the Female Genital Tract Part III. Abnormalities of Sex Differentiation Part IV. Abnormalities of Puberty and Amenorrhea Section IX -- Musculoskeletal System Part I. Overview Part II. Disorders of the Soft Tissues 1. The Soft Tissues 2. Soft Tissue Neoplasms Part III. The Bones: Normal and Variants 1. Normal Anatomy Growth and Development 2. Anatomic Variants 3. Normal Bone Marrow Part IV. Congenital Malformations Part V. Skeletal Dysplasias Part VI. Selected Syndromes and Chromosomal Disorders Part VII. Bone Formation and Metabolic Bone Disease 1. Changes in Bone Structure and Density 2. Metabolic Bone Diseases Part VIII. Trauma to the Growing Skeleton Part IX. Child Abuse Part X. Osteochondroses and Miscellaneous Alignment Disorders Part XI Infections in the Bone Part XII Benign and Malignant BoneTumors Part XIII Bone Changes Associated with Systemic Diseases 1. Bone Changes in Diseases of the Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 2. Bone Changes in Endocrinopathies 3. Bone Changes in Other Systemic Disorders Part XIV The Joints Part XV Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip BOOKS OF RELATED INTEREST: Donnelly: Fundamentals of Pediatric Radiology 2001 ISBN: 0-7216-9061-0 Williamson: Primary Pediatric Radiology 2001 ISBN: 0-7216-4180-6 Twining: Textbook of Fetal Abnormalities 2000 ISBN: 0-443-05329- 4 Keats: Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease 7/E 2001 ISBN: 0-323-01322-8 SG: 8/6/03 – Revived TOC "


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