Krugman`s Infectious Diseases of Children
Anne Gershon
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
" This classic text delivers comprehensive yet concise coverage of childhood exanthems and other infections offering practical options for their management and treatment. Thoroughly cross-referenced chapters and a wealth of helpful tables diagrams charts photographs and color plates speed readers to a diagnosis. Chapters cover history management and treatment of the major infections affecting children worldwide including emerging and re-emerging diseases in developing countries (such as malaria and dengue). Reflects the most recent developments in the field with… * New chapters on fungal infections eye infections cholera dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever malaria and helminthic infections. * An updated smallpox/vaccinia chapter with information on bioterrorism and the initiation of smallpox vaccination programs. * An expanded discussion of pseudomonas infections in the cystic fibrosis chapter. Discussions of the newer hepatitis viruses. "
"1. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 William Borkowsky 2. Botulism 31 Sarah S. Long 3. Cholera 35 Edward T. Ryan and Mohammed Abdus Salam 4. Cytomegalovirus 47 Gail J. Demmler 5. Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever 73 Niranjan Kanesa-Thasan David W. Vaughn and Robert E. Shope 6. Diphtheria 85 Melinda Wharton 7. Endocarditis 97 Lisa Saiman 8. Enteroviruses 117 John F. Modlin 9. Epstein-Barr Virus Infections 143 Ben Z. Katz and George Miller 10. Eye Infections 161 Gonzalo Vicente and Barrett Katz 11. Fungal Infections in Childhood 187 Margaret K. Hostetter 12. Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract 201 Larry K. Pickering and Thomas G. Cleary 13. Helminth Infections 227 Peter J. Hotez 14. Haemophilus Influenzae Type B 239 Dennis A. Clements 15. Herpes Simplex Virus Infections 259 Paula W. Annunziato 16. Human Herpesvirus 6 7 and 8 277 Caroline Breese Hall 17. Infection in the Immunoincompetent Child 293 Stephen Chanock 18. Kawasaki Syndrome 323 Anne H. Rowley 19. Malaria 337 Johanna P. Daily 20. Measles (Rubeola) 353 Samuel L. Katz 21. Meningitis 373 Xavier Saez-Llorens and George H. McCracken Jr. 22. Mumps 391 Anne A. Gershon 23. Osteomyelitis and Suppurative Arthritis 403 Laura Gutman 24. Otitis Media 417 Jerome O. Klein 25. Parvovirus Infections 429 Stuart P. Adler and William C. Koch 26. Pertussis (Whooping Cough) 443 Edward A. Mortimer Jr.† and James D. Cherry †Deceased 27. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Cystic Fibrosis 461 Emily DiMango and Alice Prince 28. Rabies (Hydrophobia Rage Lyssa) 477 Stanley A. Plotkin 29. Respiratory Infections 493 Margaret Burroughs Maria-Arantxa Horga Matthew Murrell and Anne Moscona 30. Rubella (German Measles) 531 Anne A. Gershon 31. Sepsis in the Newborn 545 Morven S. Edwards and Carol J. Baker 32. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 563 Margaret R. Hammerschlag Sarah A. Rawstron and Kenneth Bromberg 33. Smallpox and Vaccinia 613 Samuel L. Katz 34. Staphylococcal Infections 627 Alice S. Prince 35. Streptococcal Infections 641 James K. Todd 36. Tetanus (Lockjaw) and Neonatal Tetanus 655 Catherine Wilfert and Peter J. Hotez 37. Tick-born Infections 663 Eugene D. Shapiro 38. Toxoplasmosis 697 Fiona Roberts Kenneth Boyer and Rima McLeod 39. Tuberculosis 731 Jeffrey R. Starke 40. Urinary Tract Infections 769 Keith M. Krasinski 41. Varicella-Zoster Virus Infections 785 Anne A. Gershon and Philip Larussa 42. Viral Hepatitis: A B C D E and Newer Hepatitis Agents 817 William Borkowsky and Saul Krugman 43. Viral Infections of the Central Nervous System 855 Richard J. Whitley 44. Wounds Abscesses and other Infections Caused by Anaerobic Bacteria 879 Shirley Jankelevich 45. Diagnosis of Acute Exanthematous Diseases 925 Saul Krugman"


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