Murray and Nadels Textbook of Respiratory Medicine (4e)
Nadel Murray
Churchill Livingstone
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2Vol set
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
"Completely revised the 4th Edition of this authoritative reference delivers a wealth of new information that enables readers to identify treat and manage a full range of respiratory disorders more easily than ever. Edited and written by leaders in the field the book covers the scientific principles of respiratory medicine; its foundations in basic anatomy physiology pharmacology pathology and immunology; and its clinical applications. It features a wealth of new chapters * coverage of new modalities in biotechnologic genomic and informational sciences * a new 2-color design that makes it easier and quicker to access key information * and complete references for further study. Covers the hottest topics in the field including COPD guidelines and lung reduction surgery * better pharmacological control of asthma * first-line drug therapies for cancer * interstitial lung disease * thoracoscopic surgery * ARDS ventilation guidelines c and more. Includes 6 new chapters: Alveolar and Distal Airway Epithelial Fluid Transport * Mucus Production Secretion and Clearance * Pleuroscopy Thoracoscopy and Other Invasive Procedures * Clinical Exercise Testing * Smoking Hazards and Cessation * and Patient Education and Compliance. Offers a fresh editorial approach with the addition of 1 new editor. Features the work of 73 new authors including international contributors. Incorporates 100 new full-color illustrations for a total of more than 1 250 images "
"PART I SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES OF RESPIRATORY MEDICINE Section A Anatomy and Development of the Respiratory Tract 1. Anatomy of the Lungs 2. Lung Growth and Development 3. Genetic Approach to Lung Disease Section B Respiratory Physiology 4. Ventilation Blood Flow and Gas Exchange 5. Respiratory System Mechanics and Energetics 6. Pulmonary Circulation and Regulation of Fluid Balance 7. Acid-Base Balance Section C Respiratory Pharmacology 8. Respiratory Pharmacology: General Pharmacologic Principles 9. Airway Pharmacology 10. Pulmonary Vascular Pharmacology Section D Defense Mechanisms 11. Pulmonary Surfactant 12*. Alveolar and Distal Airway Epithelial Fluid Transport 13*. Mucus Production Secretion and Clearance 14. Monocytes Macrophages and Dendritic Cells of the Lung 15. Immune recognition and Responses Section E Respiratory Pathology and Inflammation 16. General features of Respiratory Pathology 17. Inflammation Injury and Repair PART II DIAGNOSIS AND EVALUATION OF RESPIRATORY DISEASE Section F Diagnosis 18. History and Physical Examination 19. Microbiologic Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infection 20. Radiographic Techniques 21. Nuclear Medicine Techniques 22. Bronchoscopy 23*. Pleuroscopy Thoracoscopy and Other Invasive Procedures Section G Evaluation 24. Pulmonary Function Testing 25*. Clinical Exercise Testing 26. Preoperative Evaluation 27. Evaluation of Respiratory Impairment/Disability PART III CLINICAL RESPIRATORY MEDICINE Section H Symptoms of Respiratory Disease and their Management 28. Dyspnea 29. Cough 30. Chest pain Section I Infectious Diseases of the Lungs 31. Viral Infections 32. Pyogenic Bacterial Pneumonia lung Abscess and Empyema 33. Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 34. Fungal Infections 35. Parasitic Diseases Section J Obstructive Diseases 36. Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema 37. Asthma 38. Cystic Fibrosis 39. Bronchiectasis 40. Disorders of the Upper Airways 41. Disorders of the Intrathoracic Airways Section K Neoplasms of the Lung 42. Biology of Lung Cancer 43. Epidemiology of Lung Cancer 44. Bronchogenic Carcinoma 45. Lymphoma Lymphoproliferative Diseases and Other Primary Malignant Tumors 46. Metastatic malignant tumors 47. Benign Tumors Section L Disorders of the Pulmonary Circulation 48. Pulmonary Thromboembolism 49. Pulmonary Vasculitis and Primary Pulmonary Hypertension 50. Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations and Other Pulmonary-Vascular Abnormalities 51. Pulmonary edema and Acute Lung Injury 52. Cor pulmonale Section M Infiltrative and Interstitial Lung Diseases 53. Approach to Diagnosis and Management of the Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias 54. The Lungs and Connective Tissue Diseases 55. Sarcoidosis 56. Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage and Other Rare Infiltrative Disorders 57. Eosinophilic Lung Diseases 58. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis 59. Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Section N Environmental and Occupational Disorders 60. Occupational Asthma 61. Pneumoconioses 62. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis 63. Air pollution 64. Acute Pulmonary Responses to Toxic Exposures 65. High Altitude 66. Diving Medicine 67. Drug-Induced Pulmonary Disease Section O Disorders of the Pleura 68. Pleural Effusion 69. Pneumothorax Chylothorax Hemothorax and Fibrothorax 70. Tumors of the Pleura Section P Disorders of the Mediastinum 71. Tumors and Cysts of the Mediastinum 72. Pneumomediastinum and Mediastinitis Section Q Disorders in the Control of Breathing 73. Hypoventilation and Hyperventilation Syndromes 74. Sleep Disorders Section R Respiratory Manifestations of Extrapulmonary Disorders 75. Pulmonary Complications of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 76. Pulmonary Complications of Organ Transplantation and Primary Immunodeficiencies 77. Pulmonary Complications of Heart Disease 78. Pulmonary Complications of Abdominal Disease 79. Pulmonary Complications of Hematologic Disease 80. Pulmonary Complications of Endocrine Disease 81. Pulmonary Complications of Obstetric and Gynecologic Disease 82. The lungs and Neuromuscular Disease 83. The lungs and Chest Wall Disease Section S Management of Respiratory Failure 84. Principles of Mechanical Ventilation 85. Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Including ARDS 86. Acute Ventilatory Failure 87. Care at the End of Life for Patients with Respiratory Failure 88. Pulmonary Rehabilitation 89. Lung Transplantation Section T Prevention and Control 90*. Smoking Hazards and Cessation 91*. Patient Education and Compliance APPENDIX "


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