Viral Hepatitis (3e)
Howard Thomas
Blackwell Publishing
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
"There has been an explosion of both the incidence and medical knowledge of viral hepatitis over the last two decades. The incidence of infection and disease is continuing to increase dramatically. The CDC estimates that 93 000 people in the US were infected with Hepatitis A during 2001 and that 31.3% of the US population have been infected at some point. Similarly there are now estimated to be 1.25million people in the US who are chronically infected with Hepatitis B resulting in 5 000 deaths per year. For Hepatitis C the figures are 2.7 million people infected in the US resulting in 8 000-10 000 deaths per year. Not only is the incidence of infection and disease increasing but new Hepatitis viruses have been discovered as well as the launch of new pharmaceutical products. Viral Hepatitis by Zuckerman & Thomas was the first comprehensive book on hepatitis and it is recognised as the standard reference text in this field. It was previously published by Churchill Livingstone (for two editions) but has now joined the Blackwell gastroenterology and hepatology list of books. The Editors are joined by a North American co-Editor for this edition - Professor Stanley Lemon of the University of Texas Galveston TX USA. The new third edition is entirely revised and updated to cover the recent advances in diagnosis and treatment. "
"Section 1 1. Liver stem cells in persistent viral infection liver regeneration and Cancer 2. The role of the liver in the immune response Section II - 3. Clinical Features of Hepatitis 4. Diagnosis 5. Evolution of hepatitis viruses Section III - Hepatitis A Virus 6. Structure and Molecular Virology 7. Epidemiology 8. Natural History and Experimental Models 9. Prevention Section IV - Hepadnaviridae 10. Structure and Molecular Virology 11. Epidemiology of Hepatitis B 12. Avihepadnaviridae 13. Woodchuck Hepadnaviruses 14. Molecular Variants of Hepatitis B Virus - surface antigen 15. Molecular Variants of Hepatitis B Virus - core antigen 16. Natural History of Chronic Hepatitis B and Hepatocellular Carcinoma 17. Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Molecular Aspects in hepatitis B 18. Pathogenesis of Chronic Hepatitis B - animal studies 19. Pathogenesis of Chronic Hepatitis B - human studies 20. Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B 21. Management of drug resistant variants 22. Liver Transplantation in the Management of Chronic Viral Hepatitis 23. Protection against hepatitis B SECTION V: Hepatitis C Virus 24. Structure and Molecular Virology 25. Epidemiology 26. Immune response to HCV in acute & chronic infection. 27. Chimpanzee model of HCV. 28. Autoimmune disorders associated with hepatitis C. 29. CNS complication of HCV infection 30. In vitro replication models of HCV 31. Small animal models of Hepatitis C 32. Progression of Hepatitis C 33. Natural History of Chronic Hepatitis C and Hepatocellular Carcinoma 34. Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C 35. New drugs for management of hepatitis C. 36. Prevention of hepatitis C. Section VI - Hepatitis D Virus 37. Structure and Molecular Virology 38. Epidemiology Natural History 39. Treatment of Hepatitis D Section VII - Hepatitis E Virus 40. Structure and Molecular biology. 41. Hepatitis E as a Zoonotic Disease 42. Epidemiology Natural History and Experimental Models Diagnosis - 43. Prevention. Section VIII - Clinical Aspects of Viral Liver Disease 44. Etiology of Fulminant Hepatitis. 45. Treatment of Fulminant Hepatitis. 46. Transfusion-Associated Hepatitis. 47. Hepatitis and Hemophila 48. Occupational Aspects of Hepatitis. 49. Neonatal and Pediatric Infection 50. Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 51. Application of Molecular Biology to the Diagnosis of Viral Hepatitis 52. Hepatitis in HIV-infected Persons 53. Treatment of extra-hepatic diseases caused by HBV & HCV. 54. The Histologist s Role in Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Hepatitis B & C. 55. Disinfection and Sterilization 56. Mechanisms of interferon resistance. 57. Novel cytokines for all hepatitis. 58. New in vitro testing systems. 59. New vaccine technology (oral vaccines/adjuvants). 60. Safety of hepatitis vaccines. 61. History of hepatitis. "


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