Extensively updated and featuring a new editorial team, the 6th Edition of Assisted Ventilation of the Neonate, by Drs. Jay P. Goldsmith, Edward Karotkin, Gautham Suresh, and Martin Keszler, continues to be a must-have reference for the entire NICU. Still the only fully comprehensive guide in this fast-changing area, it provides expert guidance on contemporary management of neonatal respiratory diseases, with an emphasis on evidence-based pharmacologic and technologic advances to improve outcomes and quality of life in newborns. A new full-color design and chapter layout combine for quick and easy reference.
New to this Edition
•Reflects the rapid evolution of approaches to respiratory care, including the shift to non-invasive support, as well as changes in oxygenation targets, high-flow nasal therapy, volume ventilation, and sophisticated microprocessor-controlled ventilators.
•Completely new information on many previously covered topics, including ethical and legal issues related to neonatal mechanical ventilation.
•Features 11 entirely new chapters, including Radiography, Lung Ultrasound and Other Imaging Modalities; Non-invasive Monitoring of Gas Exchange; Airway Evaluation: Bronchoscopy, Laryngoscopy, Tracheal Aspirates; Special Ventilation Techniques; Cardiovascular Therapy and PPHN; and Quality Improvement in Respiratory Care .
•Includes new opening summaries that highlight key information in each chapter.
Key Features
•Covers everything you need to know about respiratory management in neonates: general principles and concepts; assessment, diagnosis and monitoring methods; therapeutic respiratory interventions; adjunctive interventions; and special situations and outcomes.
•Covers basic concepts of pulmonary pathophysiology and gives practical guidance on providing neonatal respiratory support with a variety of techniques, so you can learn both basic and advanced methods in one volume.
•Offers more than 30 appendices that help you quickly find normal values, assessment charts, ICU flow charts, procedure steps and other useful, printable forms.
•Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
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