Kendig and Wilmott’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children, 10/e
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1216 Pages
10 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Extensively revised from cover to cover, Kendig and Wilmott`s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children, 10th Edition, continues to be your #1 choice for reliable, up-to-date information on all aspects of pediatric respiratory disorders. This highly respected reference is accessible to specialists and primary care providers alike, with coverage of both common and less common respiratory problems found in the newborn and child. Detailed and thorough, this edition covers basic science and its relevance to today’s clinical issues as well as treatment, management, and outcomes information, making it an ideal resource for day-to-day practice as well as certification or recertification review and other professional examinations such as pHERMES.

  • Offers an international perspective on the whole spectrum of the specialty, including a robust video library with demonstrations of key procedures and bronchoscopic views. 

  • Uses a consistent format with succinct, bulleted text, and contains abundant tables and figures, chapter summaries, and more than 500 full-color images to convey key information in an easy-to-digest manner. 

  • Contains eleven new chapters and discusses timely topics such as big data and -omics in respiratory disease, COVID-19, obesity and its consequences, and vaping and nicotine addiction among children and young people. 

  • Provides up-to-date instruction on key procedures, such as bronchoscopy and pulmonary function testing. 

  • Highlights the knowledge and expertise of nearly 90 new authors who are global experts in the fields of pediatrics, pulmonology, neurology, microbiology, cardiology, physiology, diagnostic imaging, critical care, otolaryngology, allergy, and surgery. 

  • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. 

1 Molecular and Cellular Determinants of Lung Morphogenesis
2 Basic Genetics and Epigenetics of Childhood Lung Disease
3 Big Data and Omics in Respiratory Diseases
4 The Surfactant System
5 The Structural and Physiologic Basis of Respiratory Disease
6 Biology and Assessment of Airway Inflammation
7 Lung Defenses: Intrinsic, Innate, and Adaptive
8 History, Physical Examination, and Strategies for Remote Monitoring
9 Bronchoscopy and Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Pediatric Patients
10 Diagnostic Imaging of the Respiratory Tract
11 Pulmonary Function Tests in Infants and Preschool Children
12 Exercise, Physical Activity, and Respiratory Health and Disease in Pediatrics
13 Integrating Patient-Reported Outcomes Into Research and Clinical Practice
14 Aerosol Therapy in Children
15 Physical Therapies in Pediatric Respiratory Disease
16 Children Dependent on Respiratory Support
17 Microbiological Diagnosis of Respiratory Illness
18 Transition From Pediatric to Adult Care
19 Long-Term Consequences of Childhood Respiratory Disease
20 Pediatric Lung Transplantation
21 Congenital Lung Disease
22 Respiratory Disorders in the Newborn
23 Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
24 Acute Infections That Produce Upper Airway Obstruction
25 Bronchiolitis
26 Pneumonia in Children
27 New and Emerging Viral Infections of the Lung; Focus on SARS-CoV-2
28 Tuberculosis
29 Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Disease
30 The Mycoses
31 Pertussis and Other Bordetella Infections of the Respiratory Tract
32 Toxocariasis, Hydatid Disease of the Lung, Strongyloidiasis, and Pulmonary Paragonimiasis
33 Epidemiology of Childhood Asthma
34 The Immunopathogenesis of Asthma
35 Asthma in the Preschool-Age Child
36 Wheezing in Older Children: Asthma
37 Severe Asthma
38 Genetics and Pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis
39 Diagnosis and Presentation of Cystic Fibrosis
40 Pulmonary Disease in Cystic Fibrosis
41 Nonpulmonary Manifestations of Cystic Fibrosis
42 Modern Molecular Therapies for Cystic Fibrosis
43 Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Other Ciliopathies
44 Bronchiectasis and Chronic Suppurative Lung Disease
45 New Concepts in Children’s Interstitial and Diffuse Lung Disease
46 Rare and Newly Recognized Childhood Lung Disorders
47 Childhood Interstitial Lung Disease More Prevalent in Infancy
48 Lung Diseases Associated With Disruption of Pulmonary Surfactant Homeostasis
49 Pulmonary Involvement in the Systemic Inflammatory Diseases of Childhood
50 Lung Injury Caused by Pharmacologic Agents
51 Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage in Children
52 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis and Eosinophilic Lung Diseases
53 Primary Immunodeficiency and Other Diseases With Immune Dysregulation
54 Pulmonary Disease in the Immunosuppressed Pediatric Patient
55 Respiratory Disorders in Children and Adolescents Living With HIV
56 Pulmonary Embolism and Thromboembolic Diseases
57 Childhood Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
58 Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations
59 Pulmonary Lymphatic Disease
60 The Aerodigestive Model: Improving Health Care for Complex Patients
61 Aspiration, Feeding, and Swallowing Disorders
62 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Children With Complex Airway Disease
63 Laryngeal and Tracheal Airway Disorders
64 Basic Physiological Principles of Sleep and Respiratory Control in Infants and Children
65 Testing for Sleep-Disordered Breathing
66 Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children
67 Complex Sleep and Hypoventilation Disorders in Children
68 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Brief Resolved Unexplained Events and Apparent Life-Threatening Events, and Apnea of Prematurity
69 Principles of Mechanical Ventilation
70 Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
71 Pulmonary Edema
72 Lung Injury From Hydrocarbon Aspiration and Smoke Inhalation
73 Drowning
74 Trauma of the Thorax
75 Respiratory Complications of Intensive Care
76 Pulmonary Disease Associated With Congenital Heart Disease
77 The Lung in Sickle Cell Disease
78 Respiratory Complications of Down Syndrome and Other Genetic Syndromes
79 Tumors of the Chest
80 Respiratory Aspects of Neuromuscular Disorders
81 Air and Fluid in the Pleural Space, and Atelectasis
82 Environmental Contributions to Respiratory Disease in Children
83 Combustible and Electronic Cigarettes


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