Introduction to Health Promotion 2nd Edition
Anastasia M. Snelling
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368 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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An in-depth look at the theoretical foundations and practical applications of health promotion

Introduction to Health Promotion gives students a working knowledge of health promotion concepts and their applications, with a special emphasis on the philosophical and theoretical foundations of health promotion. This new edition underscores the growing need―highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic―for activities, programs, and policies to improve the quality of health for all. Spearheaded by leading public health professor and registered dietitian Dr. Anastasia Snelling, this respected textbook addresses health disparities in disadvantaged communities and describes the features of the community-driven programs that will be necessary to address them. Unlike other books in the field, Introduction to Health Promotion delves into the complex, interwoven factors that influence health, including social and physical environments, medical advances, personal lifestyle choices, and legislation. This in-depth examination prepares and inspires health promotion students as they prepare for their careers.

  • Provides a clear introduction to the essential topics and theories in health promotion
  • Reviews the cultural and political landscape surrounding key health behaviors, including tobacco use, physical activity, and eating
  • Explores current trends in health promotion, including telehealth, health disparities, new technologies, and the aging population
  • Describes contemporary health promotion initiatives and provides an overview of health promotion settings and career opportunities

Ideal for students in health promotion, health education, and public health fields, Introduction to Health Promotion prepares learners with a comprehensive overview of the foundations, history, and current perspectives of health promotion, as well as its key methods and applications. Instructors will appreciate the online supplementary materials, facilitating course design.

Tables and Figures xv

Foreword xix

Preface to First Edition xxi

Preface to Second Edition xxvii

The Editor xxix

The Contributors xxxi

About The Companion Website xxxv

Part One: The Foundation of Health Promotion 1

Chapter 1 Health Promotion: An Expanding Field 3
Anastasia Snelling

Brief Overview of Health from 1900–2020 3

1900–1950s 3

1960s–2020s 5

COVID-19 Pandemic 8

Health Promotion: An Expanding Field 9

Health Education 10

Public Health 10

Social Determinants of Health 11

Important Health Promotion Concepts 13

Risk Factors, Chronic Diseases, and Empowerment 13

Prevention Activities: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary 14

Health Promotion Meets the Health Care System 15

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 16

Discussion 17

Positions in the Health Promotion Field 17

Summary 18

Key Terms 18

Review Questions 19

Student Activities 20

References 20

Chapter 2 Health Behavior Change Theories and Models: Understanding the Process of Behavior Change 23
Maura Stevenson

Health Behavior Theories 24

Social Cognitive Theory 24

Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change 28

Health Belief Model 32

Theory of Planned Behavior 34

Historical Perspective 38

Summary 38

Key Terms 40

Review Questions 41

Student Activities 41

References 41

Chapter 3 Program Planning Models 43
Anastasia Snelling

Effective Health Promotion Planning 43

Social-ecological Model 44


Multilevel Approach to Community Health (MATCH) 49

Consumer-based Planning Models for Health Communication 49

CDCynergy 51

Making Health Communication Programs Work 53

Health Promotion Planning Model for Community-Level Programs 53

Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) 55


Connecting Health Behavior Theories to Program Planning Models 56

Summary 57

Key Terms 57

Review Questions 58

Student Activities 58

References 58

Part Two: Health Behaviors 61

Chapter 4 Tobacco Use: Trends, Health Consequences, Cessation, and Policies 63
Laurie DiRosa

Tobacco Use 64

Tobacco Use Statistics 64

Cancer 67

Cardiovascular Disease 69

Pulmonary Disease 69

Reproductive and Developmental Effects 70

Smokeless Tobacco and Chronic Disease 71

Harm Reduction 73

Cancer 73

Cardiovascular Disease 73

Pregnancy 74

Oral Complications 74

Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Chronic Disease 74

Political and Cultural History of Tobacco Use 76

Warning Labels 76

Purchasing Restrictions 77

Taxation 77

1998 Master Settlement Agreement 78

Recent Efforts to Reduce Tobacco Use 78

National Policy 79

State Policy 82

Local Policy 83

Effective Programs That Discourage Tobacco Use 83

Healthy People 2030 83

Population-based Strategies 85

Effective Examples of Population-based Strategies 85

Practical Examples of Worksite Initiatives 87

School Initiatives 88

Practical Examples of School Initiatives 89

Challenges to Reducing Smoking 91

Access to Treatment 91

Addictive Property of Nicotine 92

Tobacco Industry Practices 93

Summary 93

Key Terms 93

Review Questions 95

Student Activities 95

References 96

Chapter 5 Eating Behaviors: Food Choices, Trends, Programs, and Policies 101
Maya Maroto

Eating Behaviors 102

Taste 102

Emotions 103

Price 103

Convenience 103

Health and Nutrition 104

Culture and Familiarity 105

Environment 105

Marketing 105

Nutrition, Eating Habits, and Health 106

Heart Disease 107

Cancer 107

Stroke 108

Type 2 Diabetes 108

Obesity 109

Selected Healthy Eating Patterns 109

Recommended Nutrition and Dietary Intake 110

History of Nutrition and Dietary Patterns 111

Pattern 1: Paleolithic and Hunter-gatherers 112

Pattern 2: Advent of Agriculture 113

Pattern 3: Industrialization and Receding Famine 113

Pattern 4: Noncommunicable Disease 113

Pattern 5: Desired Societal and Behavior Change 114

Changes to the American Food Environment 114

Food Supply and Consumption 114

Where Americans Eat 117

The Food Industry: Friend, Foe, or Both? 118

Farm Subsidies: The Culprit? 119

Portion Sizes: Bigger but Not Better 119

Recent Efforts to Promote Healthy Eating 119

National Policy Actions 120

State Policy Actions 121

Local Policy Actions 121

Community Nutrition Efforts 122

Worksite Wellness 122

School Food Environments 123

Programs for the Individual 123

Summary 124

Key Terms 124

Review Questions 126

Student Activities 126

References 127

Chapter 6 Physical Activity Behaviors: Benefits, Trends, Programs, and Policies 135
Jennifer Childress

Physical Activity 136

Recommended Physical Activity Levels 136

Benefits of Physical Activity 137

Sedentary Behavior 140

What is Your Level of Activity? 141

Physical Activity Patterns 142

Historical Patterns 142

Physical Activity Behaviors and Barriers 143

Individual 143

Recreation 143

Built Environment 144

Occupation 144

Commuting and Transportation Choices 145

Neighborhoods 145

Social Environment 145

Efforts and Initiatives to Increase Physical Activity 146

Technology 146

Tracking Activity 146

Virtual Social Support 146

Education Programs in Worksites, Schools, and Communities 147

Workplace Health 147

Schools 150


Organizations 152

Other Settings 152

Policies That Promote Increasing Physical Activity 153

National Policy 153

State Policy 155

North Carolina’s Eat Smart, Move More Initiative 155

Local Policy 158

Community Policy 158

Community Partner Initiatives and Multisectoral Strategies 158

Walk Friendly Communities 159

Rails-to-Trails 161

Bike Shares 161

YMCA Initiatives 161

Blue Zones Project 162

Summary 163

Key Terms 163

Review Questions 164

Student Activities 165

References 165

Chapter 7 Stress, Emotional Well-Being, and Mental Health 169
Marty Loy

The Origins of the Term Stress 170

The Fight-or-flight Response 170

Stress Physiology 172

Eustress and Distress 174

Life Stress and Illness 175

Coping: Stress Management Techniques 177

Four Coping Opportunities 178

Stress at Work 182

Demand and Control 182

Worksite Stress Management 184

Mental Health in Communities 185

Meeting Community Mental Health Needs 186

COVID-19 187

Social Determinants of Mental Health 188

Stress Management with Children 189

Effects of Stress on Children 190

Stress Types Among Children 191

Stress Among College Students 191

Stress in a Digital World 192

Summary 193

Key Terms 194

Review Questions 194

Student Activities 195

Acknowledgment 195

References 195

Chapter 8 Clinical Preventive Services: Trends, Access, Promotion, and Guidelines 201
Casey Korba

Benefits of Evidence-based Clinical Preventive Services 202

Recommended Levels of Preventive Services 203

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 203

History of Preventive Services 203

The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) 204

USPSTF Recommendations for Asymptomatic People 205

Member Composition 206

Identifying Evidence-based

Preventive Services 206

Benefits and Harms 207

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) 207

Vaccines: Myths and Misinformation 207

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) 209

Promoting the Use of Preventive Services 209

Healthcare Coverage of Evidence-based Preventive Services 209

Other Preventive Services Provisions 211

Million Hearts Initiative 212

Nontraditional Sites of Care 212

Genetic Testing 212

Advances in Behavioral Science 213

Barriers to Increase the Use of Evidence-based Preventive Services 213

Educating the Public About Preventive Services 214

Research Limitations 214

Healthcare Service Barriers 215

Summary 216

Key Terms 216

Review Questions 217

Student Activities 217

References 217

Part Three Health Promotion In Action 221

Chapter 9 National and State Initiatives to Promote Health and Well-Being 223
Jennifer Childress and Jill Dombrowski

Healthy People: 1979–2030 223

Healthy People 2030 224

US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 226

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 228

National Institutes of Health (NIH) 230

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 231

Monitoring the Nation’s Health 233

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) 234

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) 237

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 240

State Initiatives 241

Arizona 241

Cherokee Nation Health Services (Tahlequah, Oklahoma) 243

Utah 243

National Nonprofit Organizations 243

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) 245

Trust for America’s Health 246

Local Programs 248

Summary 249

Key Terms 249

Review Questions 250

Student Activities 250

References 250

Chapter 10 Settings for Health Promotion 253
David Stevenson

The Home 253

Family 254

Physical Space 254

Personal Training 255

Physical Safety 255

Communities 255

Health Fairs 256

Targeted Community Initiatives 256

Farmers’ Markets and Community Gardens 257

Volunteer Opportunities 257

Early Childhood Centers 257

Hygiene and Safety Habits 257

Physical Activity 258

Nutrition and Healthy Eating Habits 258

Health Assessments 258

Schools 259

Academics and Health 259

School Policy Supporting Health 260

Teacher’s Roles 260

Healthy Food Choices 261

School Healthcare Services 261

Health Promotion Initiatives 261

School After-hours 262

Coordinated School Health 262

Professional Opportunities 262

Colleges and Universities 262

Safe and Healthy Environment 263

Coordinated Health Promotion 263

Physical Environment 263

Professional Opportunities 264

The Worksite 264

Leadership 265

Worksite Safety 266

Health Promotion 267

Health Coaches 267

Employee Assistance Programs 267

Technology and Social Media 268

Measuring and Celebrating Success 268

Professional Opportunities 268

Healthcare Providers 269

Physicians 269

Other Healthcare Providers 269

Faith-based Centers 270

The Internet 270

Access to Information and Data 270

Tracking Personal Health Data 271

Social Media 271

Summary 272

Key Terms 272

Review Questions 273

Student Activities 274

References 274

Chapter 11 Health Promotion-Related Organizations, Associations, and Certifications 277
Anastasia Snelling and Michelle Kalicki

Nonprofit Health Associations 278

American Heart Association (AHA) 278

Other Nonprofit Health Organizations 279

Professional Health Associations 279

Nutrition 279

Physical Activity 281

Health, Wellness, and Education 283

Scholarly and Professional Health Journals 285

Certifications 287

Health Promotion Certifications 287

Health Education Certifications 288

Fitness-based Certifications 289

Nutrition Certifications 290

Health Coaching 290

Academic Institute Certifications 290

Summary 291

Key Terms 292

Review Questions 292

Student Activities 293

References 293

Chapter 12 Trends in Health Promotion 295
David Hunnicutt

Trend #1: The Population Will Get Much Older in the Next Three Decades 296

Trend #2: As Americans Age, Our Collective Physical Health Status Will Steadily Decline If We Don’t Do Things Differently 297

Trend #3: Physical Health Problems Won’t Be Our Only Concern 298

Trend #4: Healthcare Costs Will Remain an Issue of Significant Concern Far into the Future 299

Trend #5: Because of Its Potential, Prevention Will Become a National Priority 300

Trend #6: Telehealth Will Gain Rapid Popularity 301

Trend #7: Physical Activity Will Become the Most Commonly Prescribed Medicine 303

Trend #8: Efforts to Curb Obesity Will Intensify Greatly 304

Trend #9: Wearables, Apps, Big Data, and AI Will Dominate the Wellness Arena 305

Trend #10: The Need for Talented Health Promotion Professionals Will Skyrocket 307

Summary 307

References 308

Weblinks 311

Index 321


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