The #1 Drug Guide for nurses and other clinicians...always dependable, always up to-date!
Now in its 44th edition, Nursing2024 Drug Handbook delivers the most current nursing-focused information on more than 3,800 generic, brand-name, and combination drugs in an easy-to-use A-Z format.NEW! Includes 21 brand-new FDA-approved drugs—tabbed and conveniently grouped in a handy “NEW DRUGS” section for easy retrieval
NEW! Thousands of clinical updates—new dosages and indications, FDA boxed warnings, genetic-related information, adverse reactions, nursing considerations, clinical x_alerts, and patient teaching information.Special focus on U.S. and Canadian drug safety issues and concerns
Photoguide insert with images of 415 commonly prescribed tablets and capsules
Plus FREE access to additional resources available on Lippincott NursingCenter® at
➤Monthly FDA updates and news
Newly approved drugs
New indications and dosages
Drug warnings
Drug news abstracts
➤Medication safety information
Types of medication errors, including causes and common errors
Preventing and reducing medication errors
Reporting medication errors
Real-life stories of medication errors
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