The Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) course, developed by the Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG), is taught to healthcare professionals worldwide. Integrated into both civilian and military medical practice, MIMMS is the only international standard in major incident medical management – focused on delivering the medical support needed to many casualties through triage, treatment and transport. The Fourth Edition of Major Incident Medical Management and Support: The Practical Approach at the Scene is the most current coursebook for the MIMMS curriculum.
This new edition has been fully revised to ensure doctors, nurses and paramedics are able to prepare for, and implement, a structured response to major incidents such as those involving hazardous materials, natural disasters, mass gatherings, multiple burn casualties and large numbers of children. The wide range of topics covered include communications, personal and medical equipment, command and control, planning, assessment and the psychological aspects of major incidents. This new edition also includes:
Major Incident Medical Management and Support is required reading for all those undertaking the MIMMS education programme.
The Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) improves outcomes for people in life-threatening situations, anywhere along the healthcare pathway, anywhere in the world. ALSG is a leading medical education charity and have delivered advanced life support training to over 225 000 clinicians in 44 countries, across 5 continents, for over 25 years.
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This new edition is also available as an e-book. For more details, please see
Major Incident Medical Management and Support: The Practical Approach in the Hospital,
2nd Edition
Advanced Life Support Group
December 2018
Pre-Obstetric Emergency Training:
A Practical Approach
2nd Edition
Advanced Life Support Group
August 2018
Pre-Hospital Paediatric Life Support:
A Practical Approach to Emergencies
3rd Edition
Advanced Life Support Group
October 2017
UK working group vii
International reference group viii
Contributors to fourth edition ix
Contributors to previous editions x
Foreword to fourth edition xii
Preface to fourth edition xiii
Preface to first edition xiv
Acknowledgements xv
Contact details and further information xvi
How to use your textbook xvii
Part I: Introduction 1
1 Introduction 3
2 The structured approach to major incidents 13
Part II: Organisation 19
3 Health service structure and roles 21
4 Emergency service organisation and roles 35
5 Support service organisation and roles 39
Part III: Preparation 41
6 Planning 43
7 Personal equipment 47
8 Medical equipment 53
9 Training 61
Part IV: Management 63
10 Command and control 65
11 Health service scene layout 75
12 Safety at the scene 79
13 Communications 83
14 Assessment 89
Part V: Medical support 93
15 Triage 95
16 Treatment 109
17 Transport 115
18 Responsibility for the dead 121
Part VI: Special incidents 125
19 Hazardous materials and CBRNe incidents 127
20 Incidents involving large numbers of children 133
21 Incidents involving multiple casualties with burns 139
22 Mass gatherings 141
23 Natural disasters 145
24 Uncompensated major incidents 149
25 Marauding terrorist attacks 155
Part VII: Appendices 157
A Psychological aspects of major incidents 159
B The media 161
C Logs 165
D Radio use and voice procedures 169
E The hospital response 179
F Human factors 185
Template annexe of local highlights 193
Glossary 207
Index 209
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