Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing: An Evidence-based Approach to Musculoskeletal Care, 2/e
Sonya Clarke
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416 Pages
2 Edition
3만원 미만 3,000원, 이상 무료배송
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Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing

A comprehensive and evidence-based manual for orthopaedic and trauma nurses and students

In the newly revised second edition of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing: An Evidence-based Approach to Musculoskeletal Care, a team of accomplished practitioners and educators deliver a straightforward and practical textbook for the practice of neonate, infant, child, young person, adult and older person orthopaedic and trauma nursing. The book explores topics of critical importance to those working in acute wards, clinics, community hospitals, nursing homes, and patients’ homes.

Divided into 5 intuitive sections, this book examines central issues in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal trauma care, specialist practice issues, the care and management of common conditions, and the care of infants, children and young people. Each chapter is based on the latest research and offers practical guidance to practitioners around the world. The book also offers:

  • Practical explorations of topics in specialist practice, including assessment, common musculoskeletal interventions, and complications of musculoskeletal conditions and trauma
  • In-depth discussions of common orthopaedic conditions and their management and care, including elective orthopaedic surgery
  • Holistic musculoskeletal trauma care, including the principles of trauma and fracture management

Perfect for pre-registration and qualified adult and children’s orthopaedic nurses working in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal trauma units in hospitals and community settings, Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing will also be of use to students seeking post-qualification education in orthopaedic nursing.





Part I: Key issues in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal trauma nursing,


1 An introduction to orthopaedic and trauma care,

Julie Santy-Tomlinson, Sonya Clarke and Mary Drozd

2 The knowledge and evidence base for practice,

Paul McLeish

3 Professional development, competence and education,

Mary Drozd and Sinead Hahessy

4 The musculoskeletal system and human movement,

Lynne Newton-Triggs and Jean Rogers

5 The team approach and nursing roles in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal trauma care,

Sandra Flynn

6 Rehabilitation and the orthopaedic and musculoskeletal trauma patient,

Rebecca Jester


Part II: Specialist and advanced practice,


7 Clinical assessment of the orthopaedic and trauma patient,

Rebecca Jester

8 Key musculoskeletal interventions,

Lynne Newton-Triggs, Jean Rogers and Anna Timms

9 The complications of musculoskeletal conditions and trauma,

Julie Santy-Tomlinson, Sonya Clarke and Peter Davis

10 Nutrition and hydration,

Rosemary Masterson

11 Pain assessment and management in orthopaedic and trauma care,

Carolyn Mackintosh-Franklin

12 Wound management, tissue viability and infection,

Jeannie Donnelly and Alison Collins


Part III: Common orthopaedic conditions and their care and management,


13 Key conditions and principles of orthopaedic management,

Elaine Wylie and Sonya Clarke

14 Elective orthopaedic surgery,

 Rebecca Jester, Sandra Flynn and Mary Drozd

15 Musculoskeletal oncology over the lifespan,

Helen Stradling


Part IV: Musculoskeletal trauma care,


16 Principles of trauma care,

Fiona Heaney, Yvonne Conway and Stefanie Cormack

17 Principles of fracture management,

Julie Craig, Sonya Clarke and Pamela Moore

18 Fragility fractures,

Julie Santy-Tomlinson and Karen Hertz

19 Fragility Hip Fracture,

Karen Hertz and Julie Santy-Tomlinson

20 Spinal cord injury,

Sian Rodger

21 Soft tissue, peripheral nerve and brachial plexus injury,

Julie Craig, Beverley Gray Linnecor and Martyn Neil


Part V: Children and young people,


22 Key issues in caring for the child and young person with an orthopaedic or musculoskeletal trauma condition,

Sonya Clarke

23 Common childhood orthopaedic conditions, their care and management,

Julia Judd

24 Fracture management in the infant, child and young person,

Elizabeth Wright

25 Key fractures relating to infant, child and young person,

Thelma Begley and Sonya Clarke



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