Acute Care for Nurses
A practical handbook to boost your confidence with assessment techniques and key clinical skills when administering effective acute care
This helpful revision tool was developed to assist healthcare workers in the field of acute care, at a time when healthcare professionals have been under more pressure than ever before. In Acute Care for Nurses, readers will find:
Acute Care for Nurses is a must-have resource for nursing students, including nursing associates, registered nurses and midwives, assistant practitioners and senior healthcare assistants, return to practice nurses, overseas nurses and anyone else requiring acute clinical skills and assessment techniques.
Part 1
Chapter 1 Diagnostic tests and advanced formulae
Chapter 2 Sepsis
Chapter 3 Conflict Resolution
Chapter 4 Patient Assessment
Chapter 5 SBAR Communication
Part 2
Chapter 6 Airway
Chapter 7 Breathing
Chapter 8 Circulation
Chapter 9 Disability
Chapter 10 Exposure
Part 3
Chapter 11 Emergency fluid management in adults
Chapter 12 Treating Paediatric Dehydration
Chapter 13 Hypodermoclysis
Chapter 14 Central Lines
Chapter 15 Invasive and Non-Invasive Ventilation (CPAP/BIPAP)
Part 4
Chapter 16 Critical care simulation
Chapter 17 Medical Abbreviations
Chapter 18 Answers to activities questions
Appendix 1 NEWS II Observation Chart
Appendix 2 Sepsis tool kit
Appendix 3 Fluid prex_scription chart
구분 | 13시 이전 | 13시 이후 |
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타사도서 | 1일 ~ 2일 추가 | 2일 ~ 3일 추가 |
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