Used by generations of physicians who encounter patients with dermatological diseases, Lever’s Dermatopathology: Histopathology of the Skin comprehensively covers skin disease in which histopathology plays an important role in diagnosis. The updated 12th Edition, edited by Drs. David E. Elder, Rosalie Elenitsas, George F. Murphy, Misha Rosenbach, Adam I. Rubin, John T. Seykora, and Xiaowei Xu, maintains the proven, clinicopathologic classification of cutaneous disease while incorporating a “primer” on pattern-algorithm diagnosis. It features larger images throughout, as well as thoroughly revised content with new diseases and new information on pathophysiology and molecular pathogenesis—all in an easy-to-navigate, highly readable format.
More than 2,000 larger, full-color illustrations, including photomicrographs and clinical photographs, help you visualize and make the most of the clinical diagnostic process
Clinical Summaries provide a concise clinical review before presenting histologic features, and Principles of Management sections summarize today’s complex treatment modalities in one convenient place
Ultrastructural, immunohistochemical, and molecular techniques are discussed where they have value in identifying particular diseases
Numerous tables summarize or compare and contrast similar groups of diseases
A chapter dedicated to algorithmic classification of skin diseases according to histologic pattern features helps you develop a differential diagnosis for unknown cases
An outstanding resource for dermatopathologists, pathologists, and dermatologists in training, practice, and teaching
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