This comprehensive 2nd edition will build on the highly successful first edition, providing an updated global perspective of the fundamentals of multifocal intraocular lenses. The varying outcomes, limitations, and the neuroadaptation process necessary for an adequate clinical success are thoroughly discussed, along with an overview of the different types of multifocal lenses, including the recently developed extended depth of focus lenses.
Multifocal Intraocular Lenses: The Art and the Practice, 2nd edition opens with an introduction that will delve into current technological offerings for the correction of pseudophakic presbyopia, as well as the opportunity for refractive lens exchange in advanced presbyopic ages and the opportunity to use these lenses. The first section will include the historical background and clinical indications, while section two addresses the varying types and models of lenses currently available, including important clinical and technological highlights. Section three and four will follow, and provide an extended look at the Zeiss and Alcon Family Multifocal IOL’s. Section five will delve into extended depth of field lenses, and will contain an introduction about the concept, different models and the evidence available about their outcomes. Section six concludes the book, closely examining accommodative intraocular lenses, and a full update will be provided on these lenses, the failures of the past and the hopes for the future.
Multifocal Intraocular Lenses: The Art and the Practice, 2nd edition is a thorough, resource for the practical ophthalmologist and ophthalmic surgeon interested in learning more about intraocular lenses, identifying the best technologies and lenses for the benefit of their patients.
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