Essential Techniques of Alveolar Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry: A Surgical Manual, 2/e
Len Tolstunov
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608 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Essential Techniques of Alveolar Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry

A clinically focused manual of the most important surgical techniques in alveolar bone augmentation, providing key information for managing cases in implant dentistry

The second edition of Essential Techniques of Alveolar Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry: A Surgical Manual, Second Edition presents a variety of key surgical bone augmentation techniques for ensuring proper bone width and height for dental implant placement. Enabling clinicians and dental students to rapidly locate information for cases requiring bone augmentation, this highly practical reference covers ridge preservation, horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation, soft tissue grafting for implant site development, tissue engineering techniques, and surgical alternatives to bone grafting in implant dentistry.

Succinct chapters written by a panel of more than 40 international leading clinicians, scientists, and teachers include step-by-step dex_x_scriptions of each surgical procedure―supported by information on diagnosis and treatment planning and more than 1,000 high-quality clinical images and illustrations. This fully up to date second edition includes new coverage of 3D alveolar ridge defect reconstruction, procedures for vertical bone augmentation in the posterior maxilla, complete arch dental implant treatment using photogrammetry, metal-ceramic transitional maxillary implant rehabilitation, ridge-split expansion using piezoelectric surgery, and more.

  • Presents the main techniques for horizontal and vertical alveolar ridge augmentation
  • Contains essential clinical knowledge on bone biology, radiographic and prosthetic evaluation, incision designs, and wound closure
  • Introduces alternative techniques such as zygomatic implants, pterygoid implants, and All-on-4 procedure for placement of dental implants that circumvent bone grafting
  • Combines the most practical and efficient techniques from the First Edition of Horizontal Augmentation of the Alveolar Ridge in Implant Dentistry and Vertical Augmentation of the Alveolar Ridge in Implant Dentistry in a single and concise book

Essential Techniques of Alveolar Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry: A Surgical Manual, Second Edition is a must-have for both novice and experienced dental clinicians, implant dentists, oral surgeons, prosthodontists, and periodontists, and an invaluable resource for dental students and trainees.

Preface xxiii

Acknowledgments xxvii

About the Author and the Editor xxix

Contributors xxxi

About the Companion Website xxxv

Section I Introduction: Essential Clinical Knowledge 1

1 Bone Biology and Wound Healing 3

1.1 Bone Biology 4
Claudia Dellavia, Gaia Pellegrini, and Luiz Guilherme Fiorin

1.2 Wound Healing 18
Andrea Pilloni

2 Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Jaws 24
Mohamed Sharawy

3 Radiographic Evaluation of the Alveolar Ridge in Implant Dentistry: CBCT Technology 40
Shikha Rathi and David Hatcher

4 Prosthetic Comprehensive Oral Evaluation in Implant Dentistry 62
Gary A. Morris

5 Alveolar Ridge Defects and Bone Augmentation Techniques: Surgical Algorithm 92
Len Tolstunov

6 Incision Design, Soft Tissue Flaps, and Wound Closure in Alveolar Bone Augmentation Surgeries in Implant Dentistry 106
Tetsu Takahashi and Kensuke Yamauchi

7 Biological Rationale of the Surgical Procedure: Bone Augmentation 116
Len Tolstunov

Section II Ridge Preservation 127

8 Bone Grafting Materials for Bone Preservation and Augmentation in Implant Dentistry: Surgical Algorithm 130
Hanieh Nokhbatolfoghahaei and Arash Khojasteh

9 Guided Bone Regeneration for Extraction Sockets: Ridge Preservation 142
Waldemar D. Polido

10 Platelet-Rich Fibrin for Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 154
Richard J. Miron and Michael A. Pikos

Section III Ridge Augmentation: Horizontal 175

11 Guided Bone Regeneration with Resorbable and Non-Resorbable Membranes for (Mainly) Horizontal Alveolar Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 178
John F. Hamrick and Trenton F. Jensen

12 Autogenous Block Bone Graft for Horizontal Ridge Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 196
Arash Khojasteh and Farshid Bastami

13 Allogenic Block Graft as an Alternative To Autogenous Block Graft for Augmentation of Horizontal Alveolar Bone Defects in Implant Dentistry 210
Shankar Iyer

14 Ridge-Split Expansion Procedure for Horizontal Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 239

14.1 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 240
Len Tolstunov

14.2 Surgical Principles of the Ridge- Split Expansion Procedure 249
Len Tolstunov

14.3 Mandibular Two- Stage Alveolar Ridge- Split Expansion Procedure 254
Len Tolstunov

14.4 Maxillary Single- Stage Alveolar Ridge- Split Expansion Procedure 261
Len Tolstunov

14.5 Advanced Ridge- Split Expansion Techniques for an Experienced Practitioner 266
Len Tolstunov

14.6 Complications of the Ridge- Split Expansion Procedure and Conclusion 272
Len Tolstunov

15 Ridge-Split Expansion Procedure Utilizing Piezoelectric Surgery for Horizontal Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 278
Dong-Seok Sohn and Jeong-Uk Heo

16 Minimally Invasive Combined Technique for Vertical and Horizontal Bone Augmentation in the Posterior Maxilla: Alveolar Split with Crestal Sinus Lift 294
Len Tolstunov

Section IV Ridge Augmentation: Vertical 305

17 Protected Bone Regeneration with Titanium Mesh for (Mainly) Vertical Alveolar Ridge Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 308
Matteo Chiapasco and Grazia Tommasato

18 Autogenous Block Bone Graft for (Mainly) Vertical Ridge Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 326
Arash Khojasteh and Vishtasb Broumand

19 Pedicled Vascularized Segmental Osteotomy with Interpositional Bone Grafting for Vertical Ridge Augmentation: Posterior Sandwich Osteotomy 344
Ole T. Jensen

20 Khoury Split Bone Block Grafting Technique: Biological Alveolar Bone Augmentation with Autogenous Bone 356
Fouad Khoury and Charles Khoury

21 Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis for Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 368
Dekel Shilo and Adi Rachmiel

22 Orthodontic Therapy: Orthodontic Extrusion for Vertical Ridge Enhancement 382
Ugo Macca, Agatino Davide Mirabella, and Francesco Amato

23 Reconstruction of Three- Dimensional Alveolar Ridge Defects Utilizing Screws and Implant Abutments for the Tent-Pole Grafting Technique 404
Dong-Seok Sohn

24 Lateral Sinus Lift/Bone Graft for Vertical Bone Augmentation in the Posterior Maxilla 420
Tiziano Testori, Riccardo Scaini, and Terry Zaniol

25 Crestal Sinus Lift/Bone Graft for Vertical Bone Augmentation in the Posterior Maxilla 438
Hom-Lay Wang, Ann Decker, and Tiziano Testori

Section V Soft Tissue Grafting for Implant Site Development 457

26 Soft Tissue Assessment and Grafting for Alveolar Ridge Enhancement in Implant Dentistry 460
Edgard El Chaar

Section VI Alternative (to Bone Grafting) Surgical Techniques 477

27 Short Implants As An Alternative To Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 480
Rolf Ewers and Boyd Tomasetti

28 Zygomatic and Pterygoid Implants As An Alternative To Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 496
Vishtasb Broumand

29 Complete-Arch Dental Implant Treatment as an Alternative (to Bone Grafting) Surgical Technique 513

29.1 Complete-Arch Dental Implant Treatment Using Photogrammetry and Delayed Immediate Loading 514
Ole T. Jensen and M. Donald Ross

29.2 Maxillary Full- Arch Staged Ceramo-Metal Implant Rehabilitation 525
Len Tolstunov

Section VII Tissue Bioengineering 537

30 Tissue Bioengineering and Regeneration in Implant Dentistry 540
Tara Aghaloo and Jacob Taylor

Index 551


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