Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices, 5e 해외주문가능
Joseph Webster MD
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480 pages
Hard Cover
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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인기 이벤트
Advances in the material sciences, 3D printing technology, functional electrical stimulation, smart devices and apps, FES technology, sensors and microprocessor technologies, and more have lately transformed the field of orthotics, making the prex_scription of these devices more complex than ever before. Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices, 5th Edition, brings you completely up to date with these changes, helping physiatrists, orthopaedic surgeons, prosthetists, orthotists, and other rehabilitative specialists work together to select the appropriate orthotic device for optimal results in every patient.

Provides an introduction to Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems relating to Assistive Technology (AT) systems and orthotics.
Includes  Key Points in every chapter so you can quickly access expert guidance.
Maintains a valuable balance of content that is essential for both physiatrists and orthopaedic surgeons.
Covers state-of-the-art topics in the areas of biomechanics, fabrication techniques, and construction of orthoses with advanced technologies.
Incorporates an all-new, vibrant full-color design to enhance illustrations and make navigation fast and easy.
Places greater emphasis on carbon fiber materials and lightweight thermoplastics.
Includes content on 3D printing technology and how it has revolutionized fabrication strategies.
Features a more in-depth discussion of sensors and microprocessor technologies, advances in FES technology with respect to orthotics, smart devices and relevant apps, and the use of scanner technology in orthotic fabrication.
Explains new orthotic devices and their indications from acute traumatic situations through chronic rehabilitation needs.
Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.


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