Handbook of Diabetes, 5/e
Rudy Bilous
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312 Pages
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The Handbook of Diabetes provides concise and efficient coverage of the diagnosis, epidemiology, and management of diabetes and its complications. Containing hundreds of attractive colour diagrams, illustrations, and clinical photographs, this popular quick-reference guide focuses on the management and measurement of diabetes mellitus with highly visual references.  

Now in its fifth edition, this market-leading book aligns with the most recent guidelines from the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Diabetes UK, and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), presenting authoritative clinical coverage of diabetes in an accessible format with rich pedagogical features. 

  • Five new chapters provide detailed coverage of liver disease, diabetes education, bariatric surgery, diabetes and cancer, and the use of incretin-based therapies and SGLT2 Inhibitors in the management of Type II diabetes 
  • Updated and expanded topics include the relation between hypoglycaemia and dementia, anxiety and depression, the NICE Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), and the impacts of diabetes to self-care, mental health, and decision-making 
  • Provides a wealth of pedagogical features such as vignettes and case histories, important learning points, summaries of key clinical trials, and links to further readings  

Handbook of Diabetes, remains the essential practical companion for all health professionals involved in managing patients with diabetes, and an up-to-date reference for diabetes and endocrinology researchers, scientists, and academics.  

Key to the boxes



Part 1 Introduction to diabetes

Chapter 1 Introduction to diabetes

Chapter 2 History of diabetes

Chapter 3 Diagnosis and classification of diabetes

Chapter 4 Public health aspects of diabetes

Chapter 5 Normal physiology of insulin secretion and action, and the incretin effect

Chapter 6 Epidemiology and aetiology of type 1 diabetes

Chapter 7 Epidemiology and aetiology of type 2 diabetes

Chapter 8 Other types of diabetes

Part 2 Metabolic control and complications

Chapter 9 Diabetes control and its measurement

Chapter 10 Management of type 1 diabetes

Chapter 11 Management of type 2 diabetes

Chapter 12 Diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state and lactic acidosis

Chapter 13 Hypoglycaemia

Chapter 14 Causes of complications

Chapter 15 Diabetic eye disease

Chapter 16 Diabetic nephropathy

Chapter 17 Diabetic neuropathy

Chapter 18 Blood lipid abnormalities

Chapter 19 Hypertension in diabetes

Chapter 20 Macrovascular disease in diabetes:

Chapter 21 Foot problems in diabetes

Chapter 22 Sexual problems in diabetes

Chapter 23 Gastrointestinal problems in diabetes

Chapter 24 Non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD)

Chapter 25 Diabetes and cancer

Chapter 26 Skin and connective tissue disorders in diabetes

Chapter 27 Psychological and psychiatric problems in diabetes

Part 3 The spectrum and organisation of diabetes care

Chapter 28 Intercurrent situations that affect diabetes control

Chapter 29 Pregnancy and diabetes

Chapter 30 Diabetes in childhood and adolescence

Chapter 31 Diabetes in old age

Chapter 32 Diabetes and lifestyle

Chapter 33 Organization of diabetes care: integrating diabetes service

Chapter 34 Transplantation and stem cell therapy



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