he definitive resource on surgical flaps from renowned MD Anderson plastic surgeons
Handbook of Reconstructive Flaps by Matthew Hanasono and Charles Butler reflects contributions from clinicians associated with the prestigious MD Anderson Cancer Center. The institution is internationally recognized as one of the world`s premier reconstructive centers and renowned for its Reconstructive Microsurgery fellowship program. This unique resource provides a comprehensive review of microvascular surgery techniques using the most common reconstructive pedicle flaps, free flaps, perforator flaps, and workhorse flaps.
Seven parts organized anatomically detail flaps used for the head/neck, chest, back, abdomen, pelvis, upper extremity, and lower extremity, followed by an eighth part on lymphedema. Each flap or procedure includes pertinent anatomy, indications for usage, preoperative considerations, a concise step-by-step dex_x_scription of the operative setup, the actual procedure, and donor site closure.
Key Features
This is an essential, user-friendly backpack reference for plastic surgery residents to use during rounds and as a board prep. It is also an excellent resource for plastic surgeons new to clinical practice and veteran practitioners as a refresher on unfamiliar flaps.
This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https://medone.thieme.com.
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