Gray`s Basic Anatomy, 3/e
Richard L. Drake
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620 Pages
3 Edition
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Developed in response to student and faculty feedback worldwide, Gray`s Basic Anatomy is a concise, easy-to-read text known for its utility and clarity, relevant and accurate content, strong clinical focus, and interactive online features. Perfect for readers who need an efficient, high-yield anatomy text, the fully updated 3rd Edition covers the key anatomical concepts that students need to know, all superbly illustrated with full-color artwork. Using a progressive and accessible approach, it provides a practical foundation of anatomical knowledge in a time-saving, highly understandable manner.

Key Features
  • Offers readable, concise and complete anatomy coverage with true-to-life illustrations and useful clinical examples
  • Features fully revised and updated content throughout, including new non-binary information, equal coverage of male and female anatomy, and surface anatomy illustrations that reflect people of color.
  • Integrates anatomy with current modes of imaging, clinical material, and surface anatomy.
  • Includes a Conceptual Overview in each chapter that introduces readers to basic concepts of that region-now supplemented by additional simplified schematic diagrams for key structures.
  • Incorporates superb artwork that includes select views from the wider Gray`s family of texts.
  • Contains updated classification of cranial nerves and new references to lymphatics associated with the central nervous system.
  • Features outstanding electronic ancillaries, including a new bonus e-chapter on neuroanatomy essentials, an interactive surface anatomy tool, self-assessment questions, additional clinical and PT cases, and more.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.


1  The Body

     What is anatomy? XXX

     How can gross anatomy be studied? XXX

     Important anatomical terms XXX

     Imaging XXX

     Diagnostic imaging techniques XXX

     Image interpretation XXX

     Plain radiography XXX

     Ultrasound XXX

     Computed tomography XXX

     Magnetic resonance imaging XXX

     Nuclear medicine imaging XXX

     Positron emission tomography XXX

     Image interpretation XXX

     Safety in imaging XXX

     Body systems XXX

     Skeletal system XXX

     Cartilage XXX

     Bone XXX

     Joints XXX

     Skin and fascias XXX

     Skin XXX

     Fascia XXX

     Muscular system XXX

     Cardiovascular system XXX

     Lymphatic system XXX

     Lymphatic vessels XXX

     Lymph nodes XXX

     Lymphatic trunks and ducts XXX

     Nervous system XXX

     Central nervous system XXX

     Functional subdivisions of the CNS XXX

     Other systems XXX

2  Back

     Regional anatomy XXX

     Skeletal framework XXX

     Vertebrae XXX

     Intervertebral foramina XXX

     Posterior spaces between vertebral arches XXX

     Curvatures of vertebral column XXX

     Joints XXX

     Joints between vertebrae in the back XXX

     Ligaments XXX

     Anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments XXX

     Ligamenta flava XXX

     Supraspinous ligament and ligamentum nuchae XXX

     Interspinous ligaments XXX

     Back musculature XXX

     Superficial group of back muscles XXX

     Intermediate group of back muscles XXX

     Deep group of back muscles XXX

     Thoracolumbar fascia XXX

     Spinal cord XXX

     Vasculature XXX

     Meninges XXX

     Arrangement of structures in the vertebral canal XXX

     Spinal nerves XXX

3   Thorax

     Regional anatomy XXX

     Pectoral region XXX

     Breast XXX

     Muscles of the pectoral region XXX

     Thoracic wall XXX

     Superior thoracic aperture XXX

     Inferior thoracic aperture XXX

     Skeletal framework XXX

     Intercostal spaces XXX

     Diaphragm XXX

     Venous drainage XXX

     Innervation XXX

     Movements of the thoracic wall and diaphragm during breathing XXX

     Pleural cavities XXX

     Pleura XXX

     Lungs XXX

     Mediastinum XXX

     Middle mediastinum XXX

     Superior mediastinum XXX

     Posterior mediastinum XXX

     Anterior mediastinum XXX

4  Abdomen

     Regional anatomy XXX

     Surface topography XXX

     Four-quadrant pattern XXX

     Nine-region pattern XXX

     Abdominal wall XXX

     Superficial fascia XXX

     Anterolateral muscles XXX

     Extraperitoneal fascia XXX

     Peritoneum XXX

     Innervation XXX

     Arterial supply and venous drainage XXX

     Lymphatic drainage XXX

     Groin XXX

     Inguinal canal XXX

     Abdominal viscera XXX

     Peritoneum XXX

     Peritoneal cavity XXX

     Organs XXX

     Arterial supply to the gastrointestinal tract XXX

     Venous drainage XXX

     Lymphatics XXX

     Innervation XXX

     Posterior abdominal region XXX

     Posterior abdominal wall XXX

     Viscera XXX

     Vasculature XXX

     Lymphatic system XXX

     Nervous system in the posterior abdominal region XXX

     Sympathetic trunks and splanchnic nerves XXX

5   Pelvis and Perineum

     Regional anatomy XXX

     Pelvis XXX

     Bones XXX

     Joints XXX

     Orientation XXX

     Gender differences XXX

     True pelvis XXX

     Viscera XXX

     Fascia XXX

     Peritoneum XXX

     Nerves XXX

     Blood vessels XXX

     Lymphatics XXX

     Perineum XXX

     Borders and ceiling XXX

     Ischio-anal fossae and their anterior recesses XXX

     Anal triangle XXX

     Urogenital triangle XXX

     Somatic nerves XXX

     Visceral nerves XXX

     Blood vessels XXX

     Veins XXX

      Lymphatics XXX

6   Lower Limb

     Regional anatomy XXX

     The Hip XXX

     Bony pelvis XXX

     Proximal femur XXX

     Hip joint XXX

     Gateways to the lower limb XXX

     Nerves XXX

     Arteries XXX

     Veins XXX

     Lymphatics XXX

     Deep fascia and the saphenous opening XXX

     Femoral triangle XXX

     Gluteal region XXX

     Muscles XXX

     Nerves XXX

     Arteries XXX

     Veins XXX

     Lymphatics XXX

     Thigh XXX

     Bones XXX

     Muscles XXX

     Arteries XXX

     Veins XXX

     Nerves XXX

     Knee joint XXX

     Tibiofibular joint XXX

     Popliteal fossa XXX

     Leg XXX

     Bones XXX

     Joints XXX

     Posterior compartment of leg XXX

     Lateral compartment of leg XXX

     Anterior compartment of leg XXX

     Foot XXX

     Bones XXX

     Joints XXX

     Tarsal tunnel, retinacula, and arrangement of major structures at the ankle XXX

     Arches of the foot XXX

     Plantar aponeurosis XXX

     Fibrous sheaths of toes XXX

      Extensor hoods XXX

     Intrinsic muscles XXX

     Arteries XXX

     Veins XXX

     Nerves XXX

7   Upper Limb

     Regional anatomy XXX

     Shoulder XXX

     Bones XXX

     Joints XXX

     Muscles XXX

     Posterior scapular region XXX

     Gateways to the posterior scapular region XXX

     Nerves XXX

     Arteries and veins XXX

     Axilla XXX

     Axillary inlet XXX

     Anterior wall XXX

     Medial wall XXX

     Lateral wall XXX

     Posterior wall XXX

     Gateways in the posterior wall XXX

     Floor XXX

     Contents of the axilla XXX

     Arm XXX

     Bones XXX

     Muscles XXX

     Nerves XXX

     Arteries and veins XXX

     Elbow joint XXX

     Cubital fossa XXX

     Forearm XXX

     Bones XXX

     Joints XXX

     Anterior compartment of the forearm XXX

     Muscles XXX

     Arteries and veins XXX

     Nerves XXX

     Posterior compartment of forearm XXX

     Muscles XXX

     Arteries and veins XXX

     Nerves XXX

     Hand XXX

     Bones XXX

      Joints XXX

     Carpal tunnel and structures at the wrist XXX

     Palmar aponeurosis XXX

     Anatomical snuffbox XXX

     Fibrous digital sheaths XXX

     Extensor hoods XXX

     Muscles XXX

     Arteries and veins XXX

     Nerves XXX

8   Head and Neck

     Regional anatomy XXX

    Head XXX

    Neck XXX

    Skull XXX

    Anterior view XXX

    Lateral view XXX

    Posterior view XXX

    Superior view XXX

    Inferior view XXX

    Cranial cavity XXX

    Roof XXX

    Floor XXX

    Meninges XXX

    Cranial dura mater XXX

    Arachnoid mater XXX

    Pia mater XXX

    Meningeal spaces XXX

    Brain and its blood supply XXX

    Brain XXX

    Blood supply XXX

    Venous drainage XXX

    Cranial nerves XXX

    Olfactory nerve [I] XXX

    Optic nerve [II] XXX

    Oculomotor nerve [III] XXX

     Trochlear nerve [IV] XXX

    Trigeminal nerve [V] XXX

    Ophthalmic nerve [V1] XXX

    Maxillary nerve [V2] XXX

    Mandibular nerve [V3] XXX

    Abducent nerve [VI] XXX

    Facial nerve [VII] XXX

    Vestibulocochlear nerve [VIII] XXX

    Glossopharyngeal nerve [IX] XXX

    Vagus nerve [X] XXX

    Accessory nerve [XI] XXX

    Hypoglossal nerve [XII] XXX

    Face XXX

    Muscles XXX

    Parotid gland XXX

    Innervation XXX

    Vessels XXX

    Scalp XXX

    Layers XXX

    Innervation XXX

    Vessels XXX

    Lymphatic drainage XXX

    Orbit XXX

    Bony orbit XXX

    Eyelids XXX

    Lacrimal apparatus XXX

    Sensory innervation XXX

    Fissures and foramina XXX

    Fascial specializations XXX

    Muscles XXX

    Vessels XXX

    Innervation XXX

    Eyeball XXX

    Ear XXX

    External ear XXX

    Middle ear XXX

    Internal ear XXX

   Temporal and infratemporal fossae XXX

    Bony framework XXX

    Temporomandibular joints XXX

    Masseter muscle XXX

    Temporal fossa XXX

    Infratemporal fossa XXX

    Pterygopalatine fossa XXX

    Skeletal framework XXX

    Gateways XXX

    Contents XXX

    Neck XXX

    Fascia XXX

    Superficial venous drainage XXX

    Anterior triangle of the neck XXX

    Posterior triangle of the neck XXX

    Root of the neck XXX

    Pharynx XXX

    Skeletal framework XXX

    Pharyngeal wall XXX

    Fascia XXX

    Gaps in the pharyngeal wall and structures passing through them XXX

    Nasopharynx XXX

    Oropharynx XXX

    Laryngopharynx XXX

    Tonsils XXX

    Vessels XXX

    Nerves XXX

    Larynx XXX

    Laryngeal cartilages XXX

    Extrinsic ligaments XXX

    Intrinsic ligaments XXX

    Laryngeal joints XXX

    Cavity of the larynx XXX

    Intrinsic muscles XXX

    Function of the larynx XXX

    Vessels XXX

    Nerves XXX

    Nasal cavities XXX

    Lateral wall XXX

    Regions XXX

    Skeletal framework XXX

    External nose XXX

    Paranasal sinuses XXX

    Walls, floor, and roof XXX

    Choanae XXX

    Gateways XXX

    Vessels XXX

    Innervation XXX

    Oral cavity XXX

    Skeletal framework XXX

    Walls: the cheeks XXX

    Floor XXX

    Salivary glands XXX

    Roof-palate XXX

    Oral fissure and lips XXX

    Oropharyngeal isthmus XXX

    Teeth and gingivae XXX


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