Yoga For Dummies, 4/e
Larry Payne
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치의학 > 기타
432 Pages
4 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

Stretch, strengthen, and start your yoga journey with this approachable guide

Yoga For Dummies teaches beginners the fundamentals of Yoga―correct posture, breathing techniques, meditation practices, and beyond. It’s also a helpful resource for established yogis who want to focus on foundations. Whoever you are, you’ll enjoy the proven mental and physical health benefits of this ancient practice. Improve cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, increase your flexibility and balance, reduce stress, and more! Let Dummies help you get the most out of your yoga routine. This edition includes updated photos, new mindfulness meditations, new routines, and easy-to-follow instructions for mastering core yoga poses and building a regular practice.

  • Discover the ideas and philosophy behind the ancient practice of Yoga
  • Learn correct techniques and alignment for basic and more advanced poses
  • Practice sequences of yoga poses for a full-body workout that builds strength and flexibility
  • Reap the benefits of mindfulness meditation and yogic breathing exercises

Yoga For Dummies provides beginner-friendly instruction and expert guidance so you can enjoy the health and peace of mind that yoga brings.

Introduction 1

Part 1: Getting Started with Yoga 5

Chapter 1: Yoga 101: Building a Foundation 7

Chapter 2: Ready, Set, Yoga! 23

Chapter 3: Preparing for a Fruitful Yoga Practice 35

Chapter 4: The Fine Art of Letting Go of Stress 43

Chapter 5: Breath and Movement Simplified 59

Part 2: Moving into Position: Basic Yoga Postures 83

Chapter 6: Please Be Seated 85

Chapter 7: Standing Tall 97

Chapter 8: Steady as a Tree: Mastering Balance 113

Chapter 9: Absolutely Abs 123

Chapter 10: Looking at the World Upside Down: Safe Inversion Postures 131

Chapter 11: Easy ‘round the Bends: Classic Bending Floor Postures 141

Chapter 12: Several Twists on the Yoga Twist 159

Chapter 13: Dynamic Posture: The Rejuvenation Sequence and Sun Salutation 167

Chapter 14: A Beginner’s Routine for Everyone 177

Part 3: Creating and Customizing Your Yoga Routine 189

Chapter 15: Designing Your Own Yoga Program 191

Chapter 16: Partnering Up for Yoga 229

Chapter 17: It’s Never Too Soon: Pre- and Postnatal Yoga 245

Chapter 18: Yoga for Kids and Teens 257

Chapter 19: It’s Never Too Late: Yoga for Aging Adults 281

Chapter 20: Prop Art: The Why and How of Simple Props 305

Chapter 21: Yoga Against the Wall 313

Part 4: Living Life the Yoga Way 327

Chapter 22: Yoga throughout the Day 329

Chapter 23: Meditation and the Higher Reaches of Yoga 343

Chapter 24: Yoga Therapy: Customizing Your Back and Body Treatments 359

Chapter 25: Using Restorative Postures to Relieve Stress and Chronic Pain 381

Part 5: The Part of Tens 397

Chapter 26: Ten Tips for a Safe Yoga Practice 399

Chapter 27: Ten Ways to Get the Most out of Your Yoga Practice 403

Index 407


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