Foundations of Health Professions Education Research: Principles, Perspectives and Practices
Charlotte E. Rees
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320 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Foundations of Health Professions Education Research

Understand the principles, perspectives, and practices for researching health professions education with this accessible introduction

Educating healthcare students and professionals is critical to the long-term improvement of human health. Health professions education research (HPER) is a growing field with enormous potential to enrich the education of medical, nursing, and allied health students and professionals. There is still, however, an urgent need for a textbook focusing on the foundations of HPER that will help new and existing HPE researchers ground their work in research philosophies, evidence-based methodologies, and proven best practices.

Foundations of Health Professions Education Research meets this need with a broad-based and accessible introduction to the foundations of HPER. Rooted in the latest theoretical and methodological advances, this book takes a global and interdisciplinary approach, designed to provide the widest possible range of backgrounds with a working knowledge of HPER. It promises to become an indispensable contribution to this growing field of increasingly rigorous research.

Foundations of Health Professions Education Research readers will also find:

  • An authorial team with decades of combined HPER experience on multiple continents
  • Educational features such as learning outcomes, illustrative case studies, discussion points, and exercises to facilitate understanding and retention
  • Detailed discussion of different approaches to HPER including scientific, realist, interpretivist, critical, and pragmatic approaches alongside a range of topics taking you through your entire research journey

Foundations of Health Professions Education Research is a useful reference for both new and experienced HPE researchers, including postgraduate students studying HPER.

Foreword: Foundations? ix

About the Editors xii

Author Contributions xiv

Acknowledgements xix

Chapter 1 Introducing Foundations of Health Professions Education Research 1
Charlotte E. Rees, and Lynn V. Monrouxe

Part I Principles 11

Chapter 2 Theory in Health Professions Education Research 13
Charlotte E. Rees, Lulu Alwazzan, and Lisi J. Gordon

Chapter 3 Ethics in Health Professions Education Research 36
Lynn V. Monrouxe, Ghufran Jassim, and Bridget C. O’Brien

Chapter 4 Quality in Health Professions Education Research 58
Bridget C. O’Brien, Eliot L. Rees, and Claire Palermo

Part II Perspectives 83

Chapter 5 Introducing Scientific Approaches in Health Professions Education Research 85
Charlotte E. Rees, Jeffrey J.H. Cheung, Jonathan Foo, and Claire Palermo

Chapter 6 Introducing Realist Approaches in Health Professions Education Research 102
Charlotte E. Rees, Paul E.S. Crampton, Van N.B. Nguyen, and Lynn V. Monrouxe

Chapter 7 Introducing Interpretivist Approaches in Health Professions Education Research 122
Lynn V. Monrouxe, Megan E.L. Brown, Ella Ottrey, and Lisi J. Gordon

Chapter 8 Introducing Critical Approaches in Health Professions Education Research 145
Claire Palermo, Nicole Redvers, Gabrielle Brand, and Lisi J. Gordon

Chapter 9 Introducing Pragmatic Approaches in Health Professions Education Research 164
Bridget C. O’Brien, Louise Allen, Ahsan Sethi, Marieke van der Schaaf, and Claire Palermo

Part III Practices 189

Chapter 10 Proposals in Health Professions Education Research 191
Maria A. Blanco, Mahbub Sarkar, and Claire Palermo

Chapter 11 Publishing in Health Professions Education Research 211
Lisi J. Gordon, Anique Atherley, Anna T. Cianciolo, and Bridget C. O’Brien

Chapter 12 Impact in Health Professions Education Research 233
Charlotte E. Rees, Olivia A. King, and Lynn V. Monrouxe

Chapter 13 Concluding Foundations of Health Professions Education Research 254
Lynn V. Monrouxe and Charlotte E. Rees

Afterword: Inspiring Early Career Researcher-led Developments in Health Professions Education Research into the Future 268

Book Glossary 271

Index 288


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