Essentials of Polysomnography Value Bundle: Textbook, Pocket Guide, and Flashcards, 2e 베스트 해외주문가능
William H. Spriggs
Jones & Bartlett Learning
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This bundle includes the text Essentials of Polysomnography, Second Edition as well as the Sleep Technician`s Pocket Guide and The Sleep Technician`s Flashcards.

The Textbook
Essentials of Polysomnography, Second Edition is a 386-page, full color text designed specifically for sleep technicians and professionals. The new compact design and layout includes the same amount of content from the First Edition, with updated content and images. This textbook is written by William H. Spriggs, a certified sleep technician, and is used in hospitals, sleep labs, physician offices, and colleges and universities around the world. The Second Edition is ideal for training new sleep technicians, and students interested in studying polysomnography, as well as physicians, sleep lab managers, DME reps, and sleep lab front office staff members. The Second Edition is also a great reference and study tool to help prepare for the RPSGT and CPSGT certification exams.

The new edition`s content and questions reflect the new ICSD-3 classifications, AASM Rules and address the BRPT new exam blueprints as well as the revised AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events released in July 2013, content includes:

An overview of normal sleep and the history of sleep disorders
Patient education and the patient flow process
Life as a Sleep Technician
Patient Hookup Procedures
Polysomnography overview and interpretation
Pediatric sleep medicine
Hundreds of sample epochs depicting sleep stages, artifacts, and events
New chapters/topics in the Second Edition include:

Medical and Neurological effects on sleep
Effects of Medicine on Sleep
Additional coverage and review questions on Data Storage and Archiving
More in-depth coverage of Pediatrics, including pediatric scoring information
Updated, as well as more, coverage on ECG
All content is updated to reflect the ICSD-3, AASM, and BRPT changes

The Pocket Guide

The Sleep Technician’s Pocket Guide, Second Edition contains all the information sleep technicians need at their fingertips while in the sleep lab―patient hookup, artifacts/troubleshooting, scoring, EKG rhythms, procedures and protocol, drugs and medications, and other basic information for quick reference. Each section is color-coded for fast reference. This handy pocket-sized reference guide, created specifically for Sleep Technicians, offers just the right amount of information to help guide actions in the lab. The Pocket Guide is also a great reference and study tool to help prepare for the RPSGT and CPSGT certification exams. Pages are waterproof and stain-proof! All content is updated to reflect the ICSD-3, AASM, and BRPT changes.?

The Flashcards
The Sleep Technician’s Flashcards, Second Edition are designed to test and reinforce students` knowledge base to prepare for the CPSGT and RPSGT board exams. This convenient study aid allows students to quiz themselves throughout their busy day. With 275 cards, these flashcards will help students maximize their comprehension of polysomnography and prepare them for their Certified Polysomnographic Technologist (CPSGT) and Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) Examinations. All content is updated to reflect the ICSD-3, AASM, and BRPT changes.


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