Newly updated to reflect the latest research and medical guidance, the 2020-21 Guide to Medications for the Treatment of Diabetes offers a bridge between drug handbooks and pharmacology texts.
Focusing entirely on diabetes drugs, this reference is divided into two sections:
The first section includes:
Pharmacologic Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes
Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 1 DM– info from practical use of insulin, pathophysiology, treatment strategy
Insulins: RAIAs, Short-acting insulins, intermediate-acting insulins, LAIAs, Concentrated Insulins, Insulin pumps and patches, inhaled insulins, mixed and mixing insulin, use in Type 1, use in Type 2
Pharmacologic Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2- brief overview, pathophysiology, treatment strategy, overview of medications
SGLT-2 Inhibitors
DPP-IV inhibitors
Amylin mimetics
DA-2 agonists
Each chapter in Section 1 includes:
Drug class overview and role in diabetes treatment
Pharmacology: a. Mechanism of action, b. Pharmacokinetics
Treatment Advantages/Disadvantages: General for the class, b. When applicable, a discussion of evidence that supports the benefits of using a particular drug in a class over another in the same class (eg, Avandia vs Actos)
Therapeutic Considerations: a. Significant Warnings/Precautions, b. Special Populations, c. Pharmacogenomics, d. Adverse effects and monitoring, e. Drug Interactions, f. Dosage and administration
Table with Doses and Dose Adjustments
List of important combination products
The second section includes:
Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management
Microvascular Complications and Foot Care
Medications for the Management of Hypertension
Medications for the Management of Hyperlipidemia
Antiplatelet Therapy
Medications for Smoking Cessation
Medications for the Management of Neuropathy (peripheral and autonomic)
Medications for the Management of Nephropathy
Medications for the Management of Retinopathy
Medications for the Management of Depression
Medications for the Management of Hypoglycemia
Medications for the Management of Obesity
Immunizations in Patients with Diabetes
Each chapter in Section 2 includes:
An overview of the condition or problem
Goals of treatment
Overview of the medications and rationale for the medications used for the problem
Overview of each class of medication
Overview of combination therapy: a. first combination, b. second combination
Doses and Dose Adjustments for the more salient medications
List of important combination products
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