New in the Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology series, this abundantly illustrated title helps you systematically solve tough diagnostic challenges in pancreatic and biliary pathology. It uses select images of clinical and pathological findings, together with succinct, expert instructions and diagnostic pearls, to guide you through the decision-making process. By presenting material according to the way pathologists actually work, this user-friendly volume helps you quickly differentiate commonly confused entities that have overlapping morphologic features.
Presents nearly 100 differential diagnoses in pancreatic and biliary pathology, including the most common entities as well as selected rare diseases.
Provides concise, bulleted summaries of clinical and pathological findings and relevant pictorial examples on the corresponding pages.
Features 1,000 high-quality, full-color images of similar-looking lesions side by side for easy comparison with respect to clinicopathologic features and ancillary tests.
Includes more than 30 detailed chapters on the pancreas, as well as coverage of the ampulla, extrahepatic bile duct, and gallbladder.
Ideal for practicing pathologists, pathologists in training, residents, and medical students.
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