A new edition of the proven guide to providing emergency care for mothers-to-be in acute medical distress
Now in its sixth edition, Critical Care Obstetrics offers an authoritative guide to what might go seriously wrong with a pregnancy and delivery and explains how to manage grave complications. Written by an international panel of experts, this updated and revised edition contains the most recent advances in the field as well as recommendations for treating common complications such as bleeding, thrombosis, trauma, acute infection, airway problems and drug reactions in a pregnant patient.
This important guide offers the information needed to enable the early-on recognition of life-threatening conditions and the use of immediate life-saving treatments in emergency situations. The techniques and procedures outlined help to maximise the survival prospects of both the mother and fetus. The authors offer an accessible text for any healthcare professional responsible for the care and management of pregnant women and their unborn children. Critical Care Obstetrics is a vital resource that:
Designed for use by obstetricians and obstetrician and gynecology trainees, Critical Care Obstetrics is the updated guide to the management of serious conditions in pregnancy and delivery.
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