Learn how to navigate the complicated and challenging world of health care with Health Professional and Patient Interaction, 10th Edition. Covering strategies for effective communication and collaboration, this time-tested guide offers the tools needed to establish positive patient and interprofessional relationships that are built on respect. It not only covers respectful actions, communication standards, and good decision-making, but also demonstrates how those decisions directly shape successful patient outcomes. Practical examples and authentic scenarios highlight how to apply respect and professionalism to coworkers and patients of various ages and backgrounds across a wide spectrum of healthcare environments. It’s the strong foundation you need to communicate effectively for positive, collaborative, and compassionate patient-centered care.
UNIQUE! Integration of respect throughout the text underscores its necessity across the many different types of interactions between the health professional and patient and establishes the foundation for positive relationships with patients and interprofessional care teams.
UNIQUE!Focus on interprofessional and intraprofessional collaboration addresses issues that apply to many different healthcare disciplines to help you identify with your specific field, as well as recognize themes that apply across a variety of healthcare delivery settings.
UNIQUE! Information on developmental and lifespan changes offers insight on the challengesexperienced by patients, families, and caregivers and strategies for effective age-appropriate interactions.
UPDATED! Comprehensive, evidence-based content provides the most current information and strategies for being an effective and compassionate health professional.
Authentic patient cases and scenarios drawn from contemporary practice demonstratestrategies and tools for effective communication and collaboration with patients and colleagues in a wide range of healthcare settings.
Reflections Questions throughout the text challenge you to apply critical thinking skills and personal experience to different scenarios.
Questions for Thought and Discussion at the end of the book help you apply your knowledge to a variety of situations.
Extensive, updated references ensure content is current and applicable to today’s clinical practice.
NEW! Revised content explores the importance of self-care, coping with moral distress, building resiliency, and workplace wellness.
NEW! Expanded coverage ofjustice, diversity, equity and inclusion emphasizes culturally-informed care and essential values and skill sets to minimize the impact of social and racial inequities on health outcomes.
NEW! Updated coverage oftelehealth and virtual care delivery explores the evolution of communication with patients and colleagues.
NEW! Updatedtools and strategies for managing difficult conversations to promote patient respect and optimize health outcomes in challenging situations.
NEW! An enhanced ebook, included only with print purchase,provides access to all the text, figures, and references, plus the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
SECTION 1 Creating a Context of Respect 1 Respect in the Professional Role 2 Professional Relationships Built on Respect 3 Respect for Self in the Professional Role SECTION 2 Respectful Interactions in the Delivery of Care 4 Respect in a Diverse Society 5 Respect in Care Delivery Systems SECTION 3 Respect for the Patient’s Situation 6 Respecting the Patient’s Story 7 Respect for the Patient’s Family and Significant Relationships SECTION 4 Respect Through Collaboration and Communication 8 Respectful Interprofessional and Intraprofessional Communication and Collaboration 9 Respectful Communication in a Technology-Driven Age SECTION 5 Respectful Interactions Across the Life Span 10 Respectful Interaction: Working With Newborns, Infants, and Children in the Early Years 11 Respectful Interaction: Working With School-Age Children and Adolescents 12 Respectful Interaction: Working With Adults 13 Respectful Interaction: Working With Older Adults SECTION 6 Some Special Challenges: Creating a Context of Respect 14 Respectful Interaction: When the Patient Is Dying 15 Respectful Interaction in Complex Situations APPENDIX Questions for Thought and Discussion Index
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