Prepare to be a more effective physical or occupational therapy professional by learning skills in healthcare leadership, management, and policy! Health System Management and Leadership for Physical and Occupational Therapists provides a guide to essential topics such as health legislation, current issues in health care, professionalism, proposal and grant writing, business administration, quality assurance, insurance and billing, and managing a therapy practice in a variety of care settings. Written by a team of expert contributors led by physical and occupational therapy educators, William R. VanWye and Dianna Lunsford, this resource helps readers become well-informed and knowledgeable physical and occupational therapy professionals.
Part I: Healthcare Systems and Policy
1 United States Healthcare Service Systems
2 Health Legislation, Laws, Policy, and Advocacy
3 Proposal and Grant Writing
4 Current Issues in Healthcare:Barriers and Strategies
Part II: Professional Conduct
5 Core Values and Ethical Implications
6 Professionalism, Professional Development, and Mentorship
7 Interprofessionalism
8 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
9 Communication With Clients and Providers
10 Leadership
Part III: Healthcare Management and Entrepreneurship
11 Healthcare Management and Administration
12 Quality Assurance Performance Improvement
13 Fundamentals of Insurance and Billing
14 Starting a Business and Entrepreneurship
Part IV: Healthcare Settings
15 Outpatient Setting
16 Acute Care Settings
17 Post–Acute Care Settings
18 School and Special Education
19 Mental Health Settings
20 Integration of Health and Wellness Into Physical and Occupational Therapy Practice
21 Care Coordination and Case Management
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