Professional Reasoning in Healthcare
A guide to decision-making and critical thinking in diverse healthcare practice contexts.
Professional reasoning is an essential component of health practice. To thrive in a world that demands constant change where there is not necessarily a right or wrong answer, strong frameworks are needed to support effective decision making. Critical to safe, ethical and culturally responsive practice decisions is the ability to integrate information from research evidence, the client, and the context/environment. Practitioners draw from these elements, along with the expertise of others, and through integration of the information with who they are, what they know, and how they operate. This creates a way forward that is right for the client, applicable to the context, and a good fit with themselves. This book provides such a framework.
Professional Reasoning in Healthcare: Navigating Uncertainty Using the Five Finger Framework aims to drive a revolution in professional decision-making and critical analysis among healthcare professionals. Built around an innovative framework for fostering thinking, this book illustrates the situated nature of learning and the uniqueness of practice decisions to individual practitioners and clients. The simplicity of the Five Finger framework belies the complexity of reasoning it stimulates. Written using narratives, the reader is able to imagine the situation as the thinking is made visible. It provides simple yet effective tools and techniques for promoting reflective and reflexive thinking and for integrating the evidence into effective decisions. It promises to help readers develop habits of critical thinking that lead to healthier, more effective decision-making processes.
Readers will find:
Professional Reasoning in Healthcare is ideal for healthcare professionals, managers, students, and educators who are charged with developing skills in making critical decisions in diverse practice contexts.
List of Contributors vii
Foreword ix
Preface x
Acknowledgments xii
Chapter 1 Synthesizing Knowledge for Situated Practice: The Five Finger Framework 1
Historical Influences on Professional Reasoning
Helen Jeffery and Susan Ryan
Chapter 2 The Five Finger Framework: Development and Rationale 16
Fostering Thinking Skills
Jan Hendrik Roodt and Linda Robertson
Chapter 3 Grasping the Whole: The Practitioner Perspective 42
Practitioner Influences on Professional Decisions
Sian E. Griffiths, Kim Reay, and Helen Jeffery
Chapter 4 Using the Expertise of Others: Many Hands Make Light Work 57
Accessing Knowledge from Others to Inform Professional Decisions
Elizabeth Martin
Chapter 5 Walking Hand in Hand: Collaborative Practice 68
Eliciting and Incorporating Client Perspectives
Helen Jeffery
Chapter 6 Knowing the Context like the Back of Your Hand 83
Contextual Influences on Professional Reasoning
Helen Jeffery
Chapter 7 Letting the Research Lend a Hand 99
Evaluating, Synthesizing, and Implementing Knowledges
Luciana Blaga and Linda Robertson
Chapter 8 Synthesizing World Views 116
Transdisciplinarity and the Five Finger Framework
Jan Hendrik Roodt
Chapter 9 Tools for Implementing the Five Finger Framework 126
Ideas, Activities, and Tips for Practice and Education Settings
Helen Jeffery and Jan Hendrik Roodt
Index 143
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