Physical Management for Neurological Conditions comprehensively covers the essentials of neurorehabilitation starting with thirteen guiding principles, and a new chapter on clinical reasoning and assessment. It discusses the physical management of common neurological conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s followed by less common conditions such as inherited neurological conditions, motor neuron disease, polyneuropathies and muscle disorders.
Produced by a team of international editors and experts, this fifth edition is the most up-to-date evidence-based textbook available for undergraduate students and qualified health professionals alike, focusing on selecting appropriate evidence-based tools rather than subscribing to any specific treatment approaches. It is a core physiotherapy textbook designed to provide students with everything they need to pass the neurological component of their degree.
Section 1 Background Knowledge
1 Guiding Principles in Neurological Rehabilitation
2 Clinical Reasoning in Neurological Physiotherapy: Assessment and Treatment Principles
3 Common Impairments and the Impact on Activity
4 Observation and Analysis of Movement
5 Measurement Tools
6 Goal Setting in Rehabilitation
Section 2 Management of Specific Conditions
7 Stroke
8 Traumatic Brain Injury
9 Spinal Cord Injury
10 Multiple Sclerosis
11 Parkinson’s
12 Inherited Neurological Conditions
13 Motor Neurone Disease
14 Polyneuropathies
15 Neuromuscular Disorders
16 Functional Motor Disorders
17 Vestibular Rehabilitation
Section 3 Specific Management
18 Respiratory Management
19 Self-Management
20 Neurorehabilitation Technologies
21 Falls and Their Management
22 Physical Activity and Exercise in Neurological Rehabilitation
23 Pain Management
24 Clinical Neuropsychology in Rehabilitation
25 Selected Topics in Physical Management for Neurological Conditions
Appendix: Answers to Self-Assessment
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