Buck`s Step-by-Step Medical Coding, 2020e 신간 해외주문가능
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810 pages
3만원 미만 3,000원, 이상 무료배송
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  • Theory and practical review questions (located at the end of each chapter) focus on recalling important chapter information and application of codes.
  • A step-by-step approach makes it easier to build your coding skills and remember the material.
  • 30-day trial to TruCode® Encoder Essentials gives you experience with using an encoder (plus access to additional encoder practice exercises on the Evolve website).
  • UNIQUE! "Real-life" coding reports simulate the reports you will encounter as a coder and help you apply coding principles to actual cases.
  • Online activities on Evolve provide extra practice with assignments, including coding reports.
  • More than 450 illustrations help you understand the types of medical conditions and procedures being coded, and include examples taken directly from Elsevier`s professional ICD-10 and HCPCS manuals.
  • Learning objective and glossary review questions reinforce your understanding of key chapter concepts and terms
  • UNIQUE! Four coding-question variations - covering both single-code questions and multiple-code questions and scenarios - develop your coding ability and critical thinking skills.
  • UNIQUE! Coders` Index in the back of the book makes it easy to quickly locate specific codes.
  • Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting boxes show the official guidelines wording for inpatient and outpatient coding alongside in-text explanations.
  • Exercises, Quick Checks, and Toolbox features reinforce coding rules and concepts, and emphasize key information.
  • Valuable tips and advice are offered in features such as From the Trenches, Coding Shots, Stop!, Caution!, Check This Out, and CMS Rules.
  • Sample EHR screenshots (in Appendix D) show examples similar to the electronic health records you will encounter in the workplace.

Take your first step toward a successful career in medical coding with guidance from the most trusted name in coding education! The bestselling Buck`s Step-by-Step Medical Coding is a practical, easy-to-use resource that shows you exactly how to code using all current coding sets. To reinforce your understanding, practice exercises follow the explanations of each coding concept. In addition to coverage of reimbursement, ICD-10-CM, CPT, HCPCS, and inpatient coding, an Evolve website includes 30-day access to TruCode® Encoder Essentials. No other book so thoroughly covers all coding sets!

Key Features
  • Theory and practical review questions (located at the end of each chapter) focus on recalling important chapter information and application of codes.
  • A step-by-step approach makes it easier to build your coding skills and remember the material.
  • 30-day trial to TruCode® Encoder Essentials gives you experience with using an encoder (plus access to additional encoder practice exercises on the Evolve website).
  • UNIQUE! "Real-life" coding reports simulate the reports you will encounter as a coder and help you apply coding principles to actual cases.
  • Online activities on Evolve provide extra practice with assignments, including coding reports.
  • More than 450 illustrations help you understand the types of medical conditions and procedures being coded, and include examples taken directly from Elsevier`s professional ICD-10 and HCPCS manuals.
  • Learning objective and glossary review questions reinforce your understanding of key chapter concepts and terms
  • UNIQUE! Four coding-question variations - covering both single-code questions and multiple-code questions and scenarios - develop your coding ability and critical thinking skills.
  • UNIQUE! Coders` Index in the back of the book makes it easy to quickly locate specific codes.
  • Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting boxes show the official guidelines wording for inpatient and outpatient coding alongside in-text explanations.
  • Exercises, Quick Checks, and Toolbox features reinforce coding rules and concepts, and emphasize key information.
  • Valuable tips and advice are offered in features such as From the Trenches, Coding Shots, Stop!, Caution!, Check This Out, and CMS Rules.
  • Sample EHR screenshots (in Appendix D) show examples similar to the electronic health records you will encounter in the workplace.

Unit 1: Reimbursement
1.Reimbursement, HIPAA, and Compliance
Unit 2: ICD-10-CM
2.An Overview of ICD-10-CM
3.ICD-10-CM Outpatient Coding and Reporting Guidelines
4.Using ICD-10-CM
5.Chapter-Specific Guidelines (ICD-10-CM Chapters 1-10)
6.Chapter-Specific Guidelines (ICD-10-CM Chapters 11-14)
7.Chapter-Specific Guidelines (ICD-10-CM Chapters 15-21)
Unit 3: CPT and HCPCS
8.Introduction to CPT
9.Introduction to the Level II National Codes (HCPCS)
11.Evaluation and Management (E/M) Services
13.Surgery Guidelines and General Surgery
14.Integumentary System
15.Musculoskeletal System
16.Respiratory System
17.Cardiovascular System
18.Hemic, Lymphatic, Mediastinum, and Diaphragm
19.Digestive System
20.Urinary and Male Genital Systems
21.Reproductive, Intersex Surgery, Female Genital System, Maternity Care and Delivery
22.Endocrine and Nervous Systems
23.Eye, Ocular Adnexa, Auditory, and Operating Microscope
Unit 4: Inpatient Coding
27.Inpatient Coding
Appendix A: Online Resources
Appendix B: Exercise, Quick Check, and Toolbox Answers
Appendix C: Learning Objective and Glossary Review Answers
Appendix D: EHR Screens
Coders` Index


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