Selecting diagnosis codes is faster and easier with Buck`s 2020 ICD-10-CM Hospital Edition. Designed by coders for coders, this full-color manual includes all the ICD-10 codes that you need for today`s inpatient coding. As coders need extensive knowledge to code with ICD-10-CM - and to choose from the thousands of possible codes - this edition makes it easier with colorful Netter`s Anatomy illustrations to help you understand anatomy and how it can affect your code choices. In addition, it comes with durable spiral binding, and includes a companion website with the latest coding news and updates.
ICD-10-CM Part I: Introduction Part II: Alphabetic Index Part III: Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries Appendix A: CC and MCC Exclusions PDX Collections |
구분 | 13시 이전 | 13시 이후 |
군자도서 | 당일출고 | 1일 추가 |
타사도서 | 1일 ~ 2일 추가 | 2일 ~ 3일 추가 |
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