Perfect for board review or quick reference in clinical practice, Comprehensive Review of Infectious Diseases is a balanced, high-yield resource covering the full range of infectious disease topics. Whether you’re preparing for examinations or are looking for a concise resource to support your practice, this unique review contains precisely the information you need – from common infectious diseases concepts and conditions to hundreds of up-to-date review questions and answers for self-assessment and exam preparation.
Covers the most frequently encountered concepts and conditions in infectious diseases.
Covers challenging areas frequently covered on the boards: clinically-relevant microbiology and ID pharmacology, HIV and antiretroviral therapy, infections in immunocompromised hosts, dermatologic manifestations of ID, infection mimics, infection control and prevention, and more.
Includes new and emerging topics such as neglected tropical diseases, bioterrorism, and emerging and re-emerging infections.
Provides 450 case-based, board-style multiple-choice questions and answers for test prep and self-assessment.
Facilitates quick review and maximum retention of information by including hundreds of high-quality illustrations, tables, high-yield boxes, and bulleted lists.
Contains practical tips for taking the boards, buzzwords and memory aids for board questions, and clinical and board pearls.
Edited and written by rising stars in the field of infectious diseases – authors who have recently taken the boards and excelled, and who understand the challenges posed by this complex field of study and practice.
Includes an Expert Consult™ eBook version with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
1. Bacteriology 2. Mycology 3. Virology 4. Parasitology 5. Antibacterials 6. Antimycobacterial Agents 7. Antifungal Agents 8. Antivirals 9. Antiparasitic Agents 10. Fever and Sepsis 11. Head & Neck Infections 12. Central Nervous System Infections 13. Respiratory Infections 14. Bacteremia and Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections 15. Cardiac and Cardiac Device Infections 16. Gastrointestinal Infections 17. Peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscess, hepato-biliary infections 18. Obstetric and Gynecologic Infections 19. Genitourinary Tract Infection 20. Infections of Pregnancy 21. Sexually Transmitted Infections 22. Hepatitis Viruses 23. Viral Exanthems and Vaccine-Preventable Illnesses 24. Disease due to Spirochetes 25. Skin and Soft Tissue Infections and Toxin-mediated Diseases 26. Bone and Joint Infections 27. Yeasts 28. The Dimorphic Mycoses 29. Monomorphic Mold Infections 30. Arthropod-borne Diseases 31. Infections Associated With Animal Exposure 32. Tuberculosis 33. Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections 34. Protozoa 35. Helminths 36. Natural History of HIV 37. Non-infectious complications of HIV 38. Antiretroviral Therapy 39. Opportunistic Infections in HIV 40. Infections in Patients with Cancer and Immunosuppressive Therapy 41. Infections in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients 42. Infections in Bone Marrow Transplant Recipients 43. Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders 44. Infection Control and Prevention 45. Adult Immunization 46. General Principles of Travel Medicine 47. Bioterrorism 48. Syndromes that Mimic Infectious Diseases 49. High Yield Biostatistics 50. Commonly Encountered Skin Manifestations in ID 51. ID Memory Aids
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