This book focusing on the immunopathology of cancers is published as part of the three-volume Springer series Cancer Immunology, which aims to provide an up-to-date, clinically relevant review of cancer immunology and immunotherapy. Readers will find detailed dex_scriptions of the interactions between cancerous cells and various components of the innate and adaptive immune system. The principal focus, however, is very much on clinical aspects, the aim being to educate clinicians in the clinical implications of the latest research and novel developments in the field.
In the new edition of this very well received book, first published in 2015, the original chapters have been significantly updated and additional chapters included on, for example, current knowledge on the roles of T-helper cells and NK cells in tumor immunity, the part played by oncoviruses in the development of various cancers, and the applications of fluorescent in situ hybridization, bioluminescence, and cancer molecular and functional imaging. Cancer Immunology: A Translational Medicine Context will be of special value to clinical immunologists, hematologists, and oncologists.
구분 | 13시 이전 | 13시 이후 |
군자도서 | 당일출고 | 1일 추가 |
타사도서 | 1일 ~ 2일 추가 | 2일 ~ 3일 추가 |
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