Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes (Essentials), 7/e
Richard I. G. Holt
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336 Pages
7 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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The Essentials are an international, best-selling series of textbooks, all of which are designed to support lecture series or themes on core topics within the health sciences. See for further details.

Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes provides the accurate and up-to-date knowledge required for treating all areas of endocrinology and diabetes, covering the latest research, clinical guidelines, investigational methods, and therapies. This classic text explains the vital aspects of endocrine physiology in a succinct and easy-to-use format, with full-colour illustrations, clinical images, and case studies to assist readers in applying theory to practice.

The text covers the principles of endocrinology, clinical endocrinology, and clinical diabetes and obesity, and has been revised throughout to present the most recent developments in the field. The seventh edition includes new and updated material on the latest molecular techniques, approaches to clinical investigation and diagnostics, next generation sequencing technology, and positron emission tomography (PET). The treatment of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes has been updated with clinical algorithms and reflects significant advances such as incretin-based therapies, SGLT2 inhibitors, the development of better insulins, and technologies that support self-management.

  • Provides students and practitioners with comprehensive and authoritative information on all major aspects of endocrine physiology
  • Covers diagnosis, management, and complications of clinical disorders such as endocrine neoplasia, and type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes
  • Explains the core principle of feedback regulation, which is vital for the correct interpretation of many clinical tests
  • Features case histories, learning objectives, ‘recap’ links to chapter content, cross-referencing guides, key information boxes, and chapter summaries
  • Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes, Seventh Edition is the ideal textbook for medical and biomedical students, junior doctors, and clinicians looking to refresh their knowledge of endocrine science.

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    Preface vii

    List of abbreviations ix

    Part 1: Foundations of Endocrinology 1

    1 Overview of endocrinology 3

    2 Basic cell biology and hormone synthesis 12

    3 Molecular basis of hormone action 22

    4 Investigations in endocrinology and diabetes 39

    Part 2: Endocrinology – Biology to Clinical Practice 51

    5 The hypothalamus and pituitary gland 53

    6 The adrenal gland 80

    7 Reproductive endocrinology 103

    8 The thyroid gland 134

    9 Calcium and metabolic bone disorders 155

    10 Pancreatic and gastrointestinal endocrinology and endocrine neoplasia 175

    Part 3: Diabetes and Obesity 193

    11 Overview of diabetes 195

    12 Type 1 diabetes 213

    13 Type 2 diabetes 239

    14 Complications of diabetes 265

    15 Obesity 293

    Index 311


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