Egan`s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 10e 해외주문가능
Robert M. Kacmarek PhD RRT FAARC (Author), James K. Stoller MD MS (Author), A H Heuer (Author)
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1424 pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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A leader in respiratory care education for more than 40 years, Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 10th Edition delivers a comprehensive introduction to the field of respiratory care and keeps you up-to-date on the latest advances and trends in professional practice today. With this new edition, you'll gain a thorough understanding of the role of respiratory therapists (RTs), scientific bases for treatment, and clinical applications. In-depth discussions progress from the principles of respiratory care to applied anatomy and physiology, assessment, discussion of specific respiratory illnesses, basic therapy, acute and critical care, and preventive and long-term care. Egan's is the most recommended and trusted text for NBRC examination preparation. 

  • UNIQUE! Egan's trusted reputation as the preeminent fundamental respiratory care textbook delivers comprehensive coverage while keeping you up to date with this ever-changing profession.

  • UNIQUE! Expert authorship from the leading figures in respiratory care ensures critical content is covered thoroughly and accurately.

  • UNIQUE! Mini Clinis give you an opportunity to apply text content to actual patient care through short, critical-thinking vignettes.

  • UNIQUE! Rules of Thumb highlight rules, formulas, and key points that are important to clinical practice.

  • Excerpts of all 49 published Clinical Practice Guidelines provide you with important information regarding indications/contraindications, hazards and complications, assessment of need, and assessment of outcome and monitoring.

  • Therapist Driven Protocols (TDPs) used by RTs in hospitals to assess patients, initiate care, and evaluate outcomes, are incorporated throughout the text to demonstrate the value of following an established protocol.
  • Learning Objectives highlight key content at the beginning and at the end of each chapter in a bulleted section and parallel the three areas tested on the NBRC exam: recall, analysis, and application.
  • Updated content aligned with the 2009 NBRC CRT Summary Content Outline ensures the text is both current and clinically accurate.
  • Expanded use of the NBRC Exam Matrix Correlation Chart throughout all Evolve online resources makes test preparation easier.
Table of Contents
I. Foundations of Respiratory Care
1. History of Respiratory Care
2. Quality and Evidence-Based Respiratory Care
3. Patient Safety, Communication, and Recordkeeping
4. Principles of Infection Control
5. Ethical and Legal Implications of Practice
6. Physical Principles of Respiratory Care
7. Computer Applications in Respiratory Care
II. Applied Anatomy and Physiology
1. The Respiratory System
2. The Cardiovascular System
3. Ventilation
4. Gas Exchange and Transport
5. Solutions, Body Fluids, and Electrolytes
6. Acid-Base Balance
7. Regulation of Breathing
III. Assessment of the Respiratory Care Patient
1. Bedside Assessment of the Patient
2. Interpretation of Clinical Laboratory Data
3. Interpreting the Electrocardiogram
4. Analysis and Monitoring of Gas Exchange
5. Pulmonary Function Testing
6. A Synopsis of Thoracic Imaging
7. Nutrition Assessment
IV. Review of Cardiopulmonary Disease
1. Pulmonary Infections
2. Obstructive Lung Disease: COPD, Asthma, and Related Diseases
3. Interstitial Lung Disease
4. Pleural Diseases
5. Pulmonary Vascular Disease
6. Acute Lung Injury, Pulmonary Edema, and Multiple System Organ Failure
7. Lung Cancer
8. Neuromuscular and Other Diseases of the Chest Wall
9. Disorders of Sleep
10. Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Disorders
V. Basic Therapeutics
1. Airway Pharmacology
2. Airway Management
3. Emergency Cardiovascular Life Support
4. Humidity and Bland Aerosol Therapy
5. Aerosol Drug Therapy
6. Storage and Delivery of Medical Gases
7. Medical Gas Therapy
8. Lung Expansion Therapy
9. Bronchial Hygiene Therapy
VI. Acute and Critical Care
1. Respiratory Failure and the Need for Ventilatory Support
2. Mechanical Ventilators
3. Physiology of Ventilatory Support
4. Initiating and Adjusting Ventilatory Support
5. Noninvasive Ventilation
6. Monitoring and Management of the Patient in the Intensive Care Unit
7. Discontinuing Ventilatory Support
8. Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care
VII. Patient Education and Long-Term Care
1. Patient Education and Health Promotion
2. Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
3. Respiratory Care in Alternative Settings
Appendix: NBRC Exam Matrix Correlation Guide


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