The most comprehensive and current full-color cardiac surgery resource – updated by leading surgeons
Presented in full color, Cardiac Surgery in the Adult takes readers through the optimal treatment of congenital, acquired, infectious, and traumatic diseases of the heart and great vessels. The book opens with a history of cardiac surgery and basic cardiac science, then moves into all types of cardiac surgery, providing both practicing surgeons and residents with insight into the very latest surgical protocols.
Cardiac Surgery in the Adult is logically divided into ten sections:
• Basics (includes history, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, computed tomography, risk assessment, simulation, and the fully integrated cardiovascular center)
• Perioperative/Intraoperative Care
• Ischemic Heart Disease
• Aortic Valve Disease
• Mitral Valve Disease
• Surgery of the Great Vessels
• Rhythm Surgery
• Other Cardiac Operations (including congenital heart disease, pericardial disease, and cardiac neoplasms)
• Transplant and Mechanical Circulatory Support
The Fifth Edition has been updated throughout, and includes the latest advances in minimally invasive surgery and simulation.
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