Handbook of Dialysis is now completely revised in its Fifth Edition. It continues to provides practical, accessible information on all aspects of dialysis with emphasis on day-to-day patient management. Authored by international experts, chapters provide complete coverage of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, special problems in dialysis patients, and problems pertaining to various organ systems. This resource is designed for nephrologists, nephrology/renal nurses, family physicians and dialysis centers.
New for this edition:
Expanded coverage of vascular access placement and management
Drugs in end stage renal disorder
Full discussion on importance of dietary control of sodium and phosphate
New regulatory issues (CMS, Medical Director responsibilities)
Update on US reimbursement/financial issues, the effects of bundling
Contributing Authors xi Preface xix Chronic Kidney Disease Management Approach to Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, Stages 1-4 Shona Pendse Ajay Singh 3 Initiation of Dialysis Shona Pendse Ajay Singh Edward Zawada, Jr. 14 Blood-Based Therapies Physiologic Principles and Urea Kinetic Modeling John T. Daugirdas 25 Hemodialysis Apparatus Suhail Ahmad Madhukar Misra Nicholas Hoenich John T. Daugirdas 59 Product Water and Hemodialysis Solution Preparation Richard A. Ward Todd S. Ing 79 Venous Catheter Access for Hemodialysis Michael Allon Jack Work 87 Arteriovenous Access for Hemodialysis Victoria Kumar Thomas Depner Anatole Besarab Shubha Ananthakrishnan 105 Acute Hemodialysis Prex_scription John T. Daugirdas Edward A. Ross Allen R. Nissenson 127 Chronic Hemodialysis Prex_scription: A Urea Kinetic Approach John T. Daugirdas 146 Complications During Hemodialysis Richard A. Sherman John T. Daugirdas Todd S. Ing 170 Dialyzer Reuse Allen M. Kaufman Robert Levin Ravi Jayakaran Nathan W. Levin 192 Anticoagulation Andrew Davenport Kar Neng Lai Joachim Hertel Ralph J. Caruana 204 Slow Continuous Therapies Boon Wee Teo Jennifer S. Messer Emil P. Paganini John T. Daugirdas Todd S. Ing 219 Frequent Hemodialysis Gihad E. Nesrallah Rita S. Suri Robert M. Lindsay Andreas Pierratos 252 Hemodiafiltration and Hemofiltration Bernard Canaud Detlef Krieter 265 Plasmapheresis Nuhad Ismail Dobri D. Kiprov Raymond M. Hakim 275 Use of Dialysis and Hemoperfusion in Treatment of Poisoning James F. Winchester Adin Boldur Chima Oleru Chagriya Kitiyakara 299 Peritoneal Dialysis Physiology of Peritoneal Dialysis Peter G. Blake John T. Daugirdas 323 Apparatus for Peritoneal Dialysis Olof Heimburger Peter G. Blake 339 Peritoneal Access Devices Stephen R. Ash John T. Daugirdas 356 Acute Peritoneal Dialysis Prex_scription Stephen M. Korbet 377 Adequacy of Peritoneal Dialysis and Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis Prex_scription Peter G. Blake 387 Volume Status and Fluid Overload in Peritoneal Dialysis Neil Boudville Peter G. Blake 410 Peritonitis and Exit Site Infection David J. Leehey Cheuk-Chun Szeto Philip K-T Li 417 Mechanical Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis Joanne M. Bargman 440 Metabolic Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis Sarah S. Prichard 446 Clinical Problem Areas Psychosocial Issues in End-stage Renal Disease Patients Scott D. Cohen Vicenzio Holder-Perkins Paul L. Kimmel 455 Nutrition Michael V. Rocco T. Alp Ikizler 462 Serum Enzyme Levels N. D. Vaziri D. Kayichian 482 Diabetes Antonios H. Tzamaloukas David J. Leehey Eli A. Friedman 490 Hypertension Carmine Zoccali 508 Hematologic Abnormalities Steven Fishbane 522 Infections David J. Leehey Joan P. Cannon Joseph R. Lentino 542 Endocrine Disturbances Michael J. Flanigan Victoria S. Lim 575 Bone Disease Daniel W. Coyne Steven C. Cheng James A. Delmez 583 Dialysis in Infants and Children Susan R. Mendley 606 Cardiovascular Disease Daniel E. Weiner Anthony J. Nicholls Mark J. Sarnak 626 The Digestive Tract Susie Q. Lew Juan P. Bosch 647 Genitourinary Tract and Male Reproductive Organs Kar Neng Lai Petras V. Kisielius Biff F. Palmer 656 Obstetric and Gynecologic Issues Susan Hou Susan Grossman 672 Musculoskeletal and Rheumatic Diseases Jonathan Kay 685 Nervous System and Sleep Disorders Anthony J. Nicholls Robert L. Benz Mark R. Pressman 700 Aluminum, Lanthanum, and Strontium Patrick C. D'Haese Marc E. De Broe 714 Urea Kinetic Modeling: Tables and Figures 727 Molecular Weights and Conversion Tables 742 Subject Index 745
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