Imaging of Lung Cancer
Korean Society of Thoracic Radiology
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224 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송

Lung cancer is a major health problem and the leading cause of cancer-induced death in both men and women worldwide. Radiologic imaging, particularly chest radiographs and CT, is widely used and essential during the diagnosis and management of lung cancer.


The Korean Society of Thoracic Radiology (KSTR) plans to make a book focusing on lung cancer, and our plan is very meaningful under circumstances where considerable and recent international changes are emerging regarding lung cancer. This new book “Imaging of Lung Cancer” contains all knowledge about radiologic imaging of lung cancer and this book will be a beloved reference book for all medical doctors who are dealing with lung cancer.


I would like to appreciate all authors and publishing committee of KSTR, and particularly Dr. Jeong Geun Yi, an Editor-in-chief of publishing committee.




Kang, Eun-Young

resident of KSTR






“Imaging of Lung Cancer” is here for the people who have sincere concern about the health of lung cancer patients. This book will provide radiologists, pulmonologists, medical oncologists, thoracic surgeons, radiation oncologists and pathologists with one volume reference of imaging of thoracic tumors. As the name of the book implies, this work focuses on the imaging findings of lung cancer, such as, of radiography, CT, PET-CT and MRI.

Radiology residents-in-training would benefit more than any other people from this book about thoracic malignant diseases. Residents acquire their knowledge and acumen about lung cancer through reading the concise, succinct paragraphs and observing the figures, typical and various, of high quality.

From the new WHO classifications of lung cancers, this book informs you the 7th ed. TNM staging with clear-cut CT images, and the general imaging characteristics of lung cancer, various thoracic metastases and, finally the pleural diseases. In addition, we also have added benign thoracic tumors as a supplement to help you further understand the malignant lesions.

Our effort was particularly focused on your easy, simple and clear understanding of the paragraphs about lung cancer and the imaging figures of thoracic neoplasms. We know the importance of up-to-date references in your works, so we referred almost every new articles from the journals. But, we also recognize how fast the time flies and how soon the new references are becoming old ones.

We welcome your satisfactory or advisory comments, telling that how this “Imaging of Lung Cancer” has been helpful to you.




Yi, Jeong Geun


1. WHO Classification of Lung Cancer
2. Lung Cancer Staging
3. Controversies over New TNM staging
4. Rold of PET-CT in Lung Cancer
5. RECIST Criteria (version 1.1)
6. Lung Cancer Screening
7. Adenocarcinoma
8. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
9. Large Cell Carcinoma
10. Small Cell Lung Cancer
11. Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
12. Ground-Glass Opacity Nodule
13. Consolidation
14. Atelectasis
15. Postobstructive Pneumonia
16. CT Bronchus Sign
17. Superior Sulcus Tumor
18. Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
19. Missed Lung Cancer
20. Hematogenous Pulmonary Metastasis
21. Solitary Pulmonary Metastasis
22. Cavitary Metastasis
23. Calcified Metastasis
24. Bone-Forming Metastasis
25. Endobronchial Metastasis
26. Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis
27. Intravascular Metastasis
28. Extrathoracic Metastasis
29. Benign Metastasizing Leiomyoma
30. Tracheal Malignancy
31. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
32. Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
33. Carcinoid Tumor
34. Glomus Tumor
35. Pleomorphic Carcinoma
36. Askin Tumor
37. Synovial Sarcoma
38. Pulmonary Leiomyosarcoma
39. Pulmonary Hemangiopericytoma
40. Kaposi Sarcoma
41. Pulmonary Artery Sarcoma
42. Giant Cell Carcinoma
43. Pulmonary Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma
44. Pneumocytic Adenomyoepithelioma
45. Hamartoma
46. Leiomyoma
47. Sclerosing Hemangioma
48. Tracheobronchial Papilloma/Papillomatosis
49. Post-Chemotherapy Imaging of Lung Cancer
50. Post-Surgical Imaging of Lung Cancer
51. Radiation-Induced injury in Lung Cancer
52. Locoregional Recurrence of Treated Lung Cancer
53. Lung Cancer in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
54. Lung Cancer in Emphysema
55. Cystic Lung Cancer
56. Pleural Lipoma
57. Localized Fibrous Tumor of Pleura
58. Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
59. Pleural Metastasis




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